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Offline Niche Launches Designed to put Easy Commissions in Your Pocket
Launch Schedule: Nov. 7th @ 11am Est through Nov. 10 midnight
Check Out My New Product Launch, Guaranteed to Put Money in Your Pocket and Make Your Customers Happy!
Facebook's at it again with a new twist in Paid ads. And this TWIST is the perfect angle for your list.
We searched and tested this new angle and found the perfect niche your list can target to deliver a conversion boosting service like an expert...
(Even if they are brand spankin' new to local consulting).

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The Mortgage Consultant Niche: A Hungry & Eager Audience for Quality Leads like this...
The reason this approach works so well within the mortgage profession is because it is already working in another niche that directly parallels the mortgage industry.
For years real estate agents have dangled property search and single properties in front of their prospects in exchange for their much coveted contact info. And has it worked?
You bet it has! Today, real estate agents are generating RE leads with this approach, but there's one problem.
TOO MANY RE AGENTS are shuffling around the same leads! Even though the lead count is impressive, the same prospects are being called by a multitude of agents. The competition is more than stiff! (8,000 in my small market!).
You see the leads are good. They'll eventually buy a home - but there are 10 agents calling on 1 lead!
But what if consultants used this same approach with mortgage consultants? Because mortgage consultants are generally NOT using online lead gen to get business. Instead, they are BEGGING Realtors for referrals...
(Meaning your list will have much less competition)
But as I've stated, these agents are all sharing "recycled" leads - It's a vicious cycle.
The Answer to this Dilemma the mortgage professional has been facing for years is right in front of them!
9 Out of 10 home buyers will need a mortgage. So I show the consultant how to get mortgage leads using a similar approach that Realtors are using because these leads almost always need mortgages.
And... it doesn't matter that tons of agents are calling these home buyers because none of them are being called by Mortgage brokers!
The "Secret Sauce" to Blast Conversions - Facebook's Booking Tool!
This year Facebook changed almost all of their targeting rules. So we were forced to test and test... until we found another 'way' that brought consistent results.
The outcome?... An even better approach than the past methods for mortgage lead generation!
This approach not only captures precious information from prospective home-buyers who need mortgages, but it also identifies the cream-of-the-crop leads who are ready to go NOW...
... by generating APPOINTMENTS for the consultant's mortgage broker client. And it's all done within Facebook! (No Landing pages, no outside websites, and no complicated funnels to create...)
Your list can:
- Create Leads On Autopilot for themselves and their clients even if they have no Tech-Background.
- Use Facebook's machine to optimize the ads to get the best result for the lowest price
- Offer a service that delivers BOOKED-CALLS straight to the client's calendar!
It's really that simple... and I'd be less than honest if I told you there was more to it. But because of this one simple addition to the method... your list can command, in some cases, 25%-40% higher conversion rates that a traditional real estate ad!
Thanks so much for your support, and lets ROCK this launch!
[FE & OTO- Products]
Front End: $27 @ 50% Commission (Early Bird first day, then going on dimesale)
OTO (upsell) commission = 50%
OTO (downsell) commission = 50%
[OTO 1 - Upsell]
- The first OTO includes an impressive collection of 2 Ultra-Potent Mortgage Consultant Video Commercials...
- 6 Attention Grabbing FB Post Images
- 4 Eye Catching Mortgage Flyers
Priced at $47
[OTO 1 - Downsell]
If your customers opts not to take the upsell, they are then directed to a downsell page with a lite version of the first OTO - Priced at $27
[OTO 2 - Upsell]
This second OTO will include a Proposal Presentation (Google Slides), Video Presentation, and Audio Presentation.
This powerful package or marketing material will get your list started fast. In fact, this is the fastest route to their first client! - Priced at $57
[OTO 2 - Downsell]
If your customers opts not to take the upsell, they are then directed to a downsell page with a lite version of OTO 2 - Priced at $27
Affiliate Contest!
$300 first prize, $150 second place, and $75 third place.
You must optin to our email list to be eligible for the leaderboard.
*** Must Have at least a Minumum of 30 Total Sales to Qualify for the Contest
Here's the Rundown:
- Launch Period - 4 day launch with a price bump
- Commission - 50% front, 50% OTO1, 50% OTO2
- Launch Date - Nov. 7th @ 11am Est through Nov. 10th midnight
Here's Exactly What To Do...
Your Email Swipes
Your list will love this product, but you might want to prep them the day before and let them know you have a bonus for them...
Considering Sending Multiple emails and hit those unopens at the end of day number one
I suggest you write your own emails. The swipes below will give you a good foundation, but your list wants to hear from you PERSONALLY.

Subject: ($750-$1000 Recurring) Clever "Mess..." angle makes you a hero to Mortgage brokers?
It never fails to surprise me...
A method that works in one niche can work even better in another.
And although finding these angles can seem impossible at times...
Once the angle is found - it opens the door to happier clients, consistent paychks, and a brighter future for you.
Mike Paul has been helping real estate agents generate leads for many years.
Quite by accident he stumble upon a new niche that directly parallels the Realtor niche. And this sub-niche of real estate hasn't tapped online lead gen to it's full potential like realtors have.
I'm talking about the Mortgage industry. Mike uses the same concept he uses for Realtors (with a few KEY adjustments) to suck in high-quality NOW homebuyer leads for mortgage consultants and brokers.
The best part is now, with your help, mortgage professionals no longer have to beg real estate agents for referrals...
Will all of them bite? Of course not. But the smart ones who hire you will no longer have to only rely on RE Agents to throw them "recycled" leads that are burnt out on all the sales-vulture calls they are getting from these agents.
You'll be saving them a ton of time, giving them real leads that need mortgages, and you'll look like a hero in their eyes.
In addition, you will be able to run a high-profile business while delivering a service that can help your client take over their local market!
See his page here to find out what his Killer Angle is.. LINK

Subject: You deserve an explanation about yesterday.
I was a little vague yesterday...
I realize this so let me fill you in a little more about...
Mike's Mortgage Consulting program.
It's really very simple. Mike makes you the lead generating, time saving, tech expert for mortgage professionals... but he shows you how to do it fast & simple.
The "Angle" statement I dangled in front of you yesterday is this:
*Mortgage Brokers need leads, yes, but they want more...
*You'll help them also capture "Booked Apointments" in addition to leads.
*This save's your client's loads of time because your systems does the 'dirty work.'
So here it is...
You swoop in like the clever consultant you are with a service that gives your salivating mortgage consultant's prospect two calls-to-action (1 being the initial lead-capture and 2 - the appointment) making it stupid easy to convert them into a hungry and eager client...
... After a bit of tweaking, you just monitor their ads a couple of times each week and collect handsome fees of $1000 each and every month...
Check it out here. LINK

Subject: Sub-Niches is Where The Easier Greenbacks Are...
Riddle: What industry deals directly with home buyers but are not real estate agents?
Years ago Mike started consulting in the phenomenal niche of Real Estate. Was it easy?...
Sort of. Compared to today, it was simple to get leads and the competition was feasible.
Today, real estate agents are being inundated with in-your-face offers everywhere they turn.
And the leads?... they’re 10-1 meaning, 1 lead will get 10 calls from competing agents!
So he burned the candle at both ends to find other niches that could use the same exact techniques to generate leads with the same smooth method.
After much trial and error (more error)... Mike finally found a perfect niche to fit the technique…
… and it was right under my nose!
Drum roll, please… MORTGAGE BROKERS!
Line for line, he found that the same leads he was generating for the real estate niche… worked just as well (like clockwork) for the Mortgage industry!
These leads were NOT being called on by every mortgage broker in the consultant’s local market!... (Making mortgage brokers an easier target… for steadier income and happier clients.)
But he's taken it one step further. Some of these leads will identify themselves (with FB’s booking tool) as being Super-Motivated for a mortgage NOW!...
… all done by setting the system up once… sitting back… and letting it go (On Autopilot!)
Want to grab your piece of the pie? Follow this direct LINK>
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Contact Mike Paul with Any Questions
Please contact me via Skype or Email
Skype ID: Mikepaul
Email: Mike@mikepaulonline.com