An Open Letter
To Every Local Consultant
Who Wants Better Clients
And Higher Income NOW.

Real Estate Agents are


They Want Something Better...

Leads That Are PRE-SOLD On Them...

Leads That Take The First Step...

Leads That Turn Into Clients...

And Now that is EXACTLY
What You'll Help Them Get.

PLUS Earn Handsomely For Doing It.

"... taking his advise to stop all useless methods..."

Sergio S.

Mike’s approach is a phenominal market advantage! Mike showed me his way of producing good leads and I was quickly impressed with the results.  Taking his advise to stop all the useless methods and use what works has allowed me to thrive!

Sergio S. Real Estate Agent

"...Mike's approach helped me double my business year-to-year..."

Holly W.

Once Mike took over, my business did a complete 180!  Overall, Mike’s different approach helped me to double my business year-to-year!

Holly W. Real Estate Agent

Dear Local Marketers,

After Years Of Trying So Many Dumb Systems, Flawed Loopholes, Impossibly Difficult Techniques, Illegal Hacks And Useless Social Media Shortcuts, Don't You Finally Deserve A Strategy That Actually Works?

If you have a just few minutes and are willing to do
something different, then this may be just what you
need...and for some it may the opportunity of a lifetime.

A Quick Introduction:

I'm Mike Paul.  A local marketer, father, researcher, and serial entrepreneur. For the last 9 years I've been using those skills to create in a number of successful niche markets.

I started a successful real estate career and later moved into commercial banking and most recently Local Internet Agency Consulting.

My motto has been, "Make Things Happen" and I've succeeded even when the odds were against me (which was most of the time).

NOW, I want to show you how my students are literally 'taking over' the local real estate market while in the middle of a major IMPLOSION in real estate sales almost everywhere.

Im sure you've read that in many areas... homes sales are down by as much as 25%!...
while mortgage interest rates
are the highest in 20 years.

You'd think that would mean curtains for everybody in the market AND everybody connected to it.

BUT NO, that only affects the uninformed and those hoping and praying for a recovery.(Good Luck with that).

My new strategies don't depend on luck OR hope...they are so under-the-radar I honestly debated as to whether to make them available, since nobody likes competition.

One strategy I flat out STOLE
from a massively successful RE agent, I dont think he'll care since
he already earns a million dollars.

Using the 'secrets' I've uncovered, virtually ANYBODY who wants good-paying Real Estate Agent clients can have them. In this market. Right now.

...and thanks to a few more recent tweaks, some of my students are hauling in amounts they never dreamed of.

You'll be equipped to turn around agents fortunes and help them win in this new environment.

PLUS You'll get a powerful deep dive on how to reach out to the best RE agent prospects so they're (almost) begging to work with you...

The BEST Part Is There's..

  • NO cold calling
  • NO cold visits
  • NO expensive ads
  • NO Direct Mail
  • NO Face-to-Face Selling
  • NO Previous Skills Required
  • NO employees needed
  • NO Office space
  • NO Big Budgets

I've actually figured out a way for consultants to use what I've researched and developed without any of the really hard work. Instead they can get the whole thing set up and operating with only 5 or 6 mouse clicks.

But before you think I personally have some built-in edge or advantage in this current RE market, here's the facts...

I'm probably the last guy you'd expect to figure out the solution when it comes to helping RE agents get back on their feet.

I guess you could call me
a "Marketing Troubleshooter"

A small town family guy who just pays attention to what's going on... and tries to fix the problems.

I watch the news and talk to RE agents in my area routinely. THEY see how bad its getting and are open to ANY suggestions, at this point.

Listen, you may not be aware of how big the RE agent population is:

Last years stats show there are more than 3 million people holding active real estate licenses in the United States... of which 1.6 million are Realtors...yet the number of transactions, even then, was far less...

NOW, with the market cratering,
the agent numbers are starting
to collapse as well.

Average annual Realtor income hit a high of $84,000 in 2021, but fell to $56,000 in 2023.

Simply put there are way too many agents fighting over way too few transactions!

So you're probably asking, "Mike why are you targeting this market, when it seems its going to hell in a handbasket?"

I'll tell you exactly why....


I know, I know I just painted a pretty bleak picture, BUT, where there's trouble, theres also HUGE opportunity.

Remember I said theres at least a million and a half agents AND amongst those there are hundreds of thousands who will stay in the business and will make money. Many will make VERY good money...

You could say they will
scoop up all the business left
by those leaving the industry!

PLUS, these conditions will force most agents to listen, with an open mind, to ANY proposal that can bring them new listings and new buyers.

AND when this current drought finally ends, there will still be OVER A MILLION RE AGENTS.

Frankly, there is no larger market to prospect than Realtors.  Nothing comes close.

Every decent size metro area has many hundreds and even thousands of agents!...and the really big metros (think New York, Chicago, LA) may have close to 100,000 agents!

BUT, none of this massive opportunity matters if you dont' have hot, new strategies to bring to RE agents. Which is why Im so excited for you...

Because with my help, you are going to hand realtors the keys to almost unlimited listings and this volatile market, RIGHT NOW.

...and be assured, they are ready to hear some good news.
But be careful...there are things they DONT want to hear today, like...

  • Buying Overworked Leads - The excess of consultants with cookie-cutter lead-gen methods is not working for RE agents.
  • Mindless Motivation - Most agents are tired of going to motivation rallys and being told the problem is all in their mind.
  • Slick 'Gimmicks' - Everything from for sale signs that talk to fancy video tricks that cost plenty but dont move the needle.
  • Hearing About OTHER agents doing well is not inspiring, but usually depressing.

Today, more than ever, local consultants need something DIFFERENT to catch RE agents' attention.

These agents are being bombarded with enticing schemes right and left, but they don’t solve their real problems.

These schemes and gimmicks turn agents into mere commodities, regardless of the techniques they buy into.

And for sure, there is competition. (thats one thing about the RE business, rain or shine, its always competitive.)

BUT when you have a powerful approach that truly helps them SHOW UP as the 'preferred choice' in their market…

... the competition won’t matter
because you’re helping them
play at a higher level than the rest.

AND RE Agents are nothing if not eternal optimists.

In Real Estate even if an agent's back is against the wall, even if the bill collectors are at their front door - ONE GOOD MONTH could change everything. And that’s what they’re banking on.

This is exactly why they’re willing to pay handsome fees for legitimate marketing services.

Want To Get Paid EVERY MONTH?

The answer is to be someone who is important to their income and someone they can't do without. Thats the secret.

And that is EXACTLY what most consultants are NOT doing...The vast majority are working overtime to sell RE agents leads. (even though that market has changed).

Which would be fine if most agemnts were not fed up with lead sellers.  Most agents now see lead sellers as less than honest, maybe some are even regarded as crooks, but it all adds up to an exhausted and burned out market for Marketing Consultants.

One of the biggest reasons why Lead selling is hitting the skids is how its offered to RE agents..

Basically an entire market
is sharing the same pool of leads!

Thats right, most agents buy leads that are SHARED with many other when they contact a lead, its likely the prospect has already had multiple calls from other agents...

Agents May Have Called!

And while leads ARE crucial in the real estate niche, going about it the ‘paid lead-gen’ route has only brought RE agents back to their cold-calling days.

Back in the day, they called cold numbers out of the phone book AND they knocked on cold doors (some still do)... all things they hate.

They rolled the dice in an audience of random people... hoping someone was in the market to buy or sell a home.

Then, online lead-gen came on the scene and it was a lifesaver for those who knew what they were doing. I was one of those people.

Competition online was still miniscule and I found myself one of just two agents marketing on Google!

The Moral of the Story:
Buying Online Leads back then

But as time progressed, more and more agents caught on…

"Fast forward to today… They’re still working online leads! (because they feel there's no alternative) -

But Here’s Where
Things Got Messy.

It’s not uncommon for one homebuyer prospect to have up to 10 agents calling them. BUT, at any given time there is only a set number of home buyers and sellers.

So naturally, if there is an overabundance of Realtors in any given market, the leads being produced will stay the same and then become the constant target of a constantly mushrooming group of RE agents.

So, with paying for online leads being a short-term approach at best, RE agents are FINALLY ready for something more effective for the long-term race they're in.

You'll absorb my strategies without a hitch... You'll walk away knowing...

  • Discover The ONLY Permanent Lead Gen Process
  • Why being the "creative type" could actually hinder your progress with this strategy
  • The Gane Changer: You will be 'cheating' with this approach, I admit it.
  • How to convert content already out there into desirable material...
  • My Guarded Secrets about RE agents (you definitely need this)
  • Dont think for a minute that other marketers are doing what I'm doing to reach RE agents- they're clueless. (Its 2023, not 2019, right?)
  • The tested script that gives you EXACTLY what to say.
  • Why RE agents don’t care about sexy techniques anymore...and what they want instead.
  • Why are agents totally ready to get serious with online LOCAL content?
  • You'll think it was rigged, but we start seeing results fairly fast for RE agents who followed us step-by-step.
  • Do You Know why the content lead is 5 times more valuable than any other? The answer is___________.
  • This special content produces TWO things right from the start.
  • Artificial Intelligence is great...provided you know the exact prompts and more (we teach it all to you)
  • We reveal the AI counter-intuitive way we get the best results.
  • The FIVE key services to offer the RE agents, that sell best and agents really WANT! If you approach agents with the wrong services, you're dead in the water.
  • The 3 books that did more to improve my career in this business than any other. YOU ought to have them in your library.


  • The free application that spices up your writing instantly! (you will definitely want this)
  • The 'Leverage Strategy' I'm using that most dont understand...Its an easy way to multiply your fees many times, yet hardly work any extra.
  • Copying mortgage brokers tactics leads to faster success as a consultant in this case.
  • A cunning way to use the 'SOURCE' and how to work them effectively.
  • Why all the generic, junk content out there actually works in your favor!
  • The budget 'source' you should target right now
  • How the smallest piece of the RIGHT content can lead to $1,000 to $5000 and more in fees.
  • Sneaky Method #1 way to find the BICS. (this is one of the cleverest ways to start a relationship using the side door)
  • If you can talk and write WITHOUT being 'salesy" you success odds with this approach go way up.
  • Sneaky Method #2 gets you in front of the Top Dog RE agents without most resistance.
  • Why literally ANYONE can replicate my success (with zero technical ability or creativity).
  • The Email Outreach Templates That you can edit and use instantly.
  • Your contacts will be super intentional, purposeful, and calculated BECAUSE…(this is the magic, as far as im concerned)
  • Most email campaigns SUCK, but yours will shock you with how many serious responses you get.
  • The Engagement Technique I use that is crushing it with email...not one in a 100 consultants or agencies is doing this
  • The Fee Schedule that doesnt frighten RE Agents...yet makes you a healthy profit.
  • Discover the potential revenue streams you'll tap into with just one small project.
  • With my system and coaching you suddenly realize how close you are to all you need, client-wise.
  • This Premium Content Approach keeps RE clients way longer and leads to all kinds of upsell services.
  • Red Flags' to avoid when you start this simple process and ..(newbees can get stuck without this advice.)
  • How to scale up fast since you're using AI GPT.

I'm just skimming the surface of what you'll discover. Any ONE of these techinques can totally change your business...all you need to do is start.

You're Invited!

This is your personal invitation to this comprehensive 69 Page PDF guide that's meticulously crafted to shift the odds in your favor, along with a complete set of videos where I walk you through the whole system, including new techniques, and business psychology needed to sign and benefit RE agents everywhere. And don't forget my 100% personal support!

Here's just some of what you'll get:

  • 12 EZ Training Videos showing you every step of the way...
  • A 69 Page PDF Guide walking you through each step.
  • Another PDF Guide unveiling a collection of additional prospecting methods, where to find the BEST contacts, and more!
  • BONUS: The TIME-OUT Method... it's an angle I promise none of your competition has thought of. These agents are already preparing their budget for marketing services!
  • And much more...

Whatever the market is going through,landing Realtor clients can seem like a roller coaster ride.

There are all these unpredictable peaks and valleys that leave you wondering if there's a better way.

Well, I'm here to tell you—there IS a better way. And that way is through understanding 3 things:

  • The Realtor Mentality
  • The RE Market in 2023
  • The Better Options Available

...and I teach you all 3 in just an hour.

What I've developed isn't just a tool—it's your secret weapon.

It's your key to unlocking the RE market and winning over RE agents almost effortlessly. I show you the game-changing techniques that you'll exploit for your benefit AND theirs.

And you’re ready to make a REAL change in your business life, then go ahead and click the button below to enroll in this unprecedented new training program and become a part of the newest Real Estate marketing system designed for winners.


My friend, this is one of the rare cases where you can enjoy a Filet Mignon lifestyle, on a Hot Dog budget. NOW is the best time to invest in yourself, especially when its so affordable.

This system, in a very short time, is already changing the lives of the few people who have been lucky enough to see it.

So I urge you to take this entire report very seriously, because it has the power to change your life too…
It's time to stop playing by other peoples rules and start creating your own.

Now, I'm on a mission to share with my fellow consultants this new strategy and my tested-in-the-field secrets for succeeding with this ENORMOUS market: RE Agents!

Your 30-Day Guarantee...

Take a ‘Test-Drive’ knowing you’re covered!  Prove to yourself the methods work… and if you decide the results are not up to par… simply reach out to my support desk and ask for a refund. We’ll send back every penny.  I’m that confident you’ll be blown away!

PRICE REDUCED For Mike Paul's List ONLY...

Q: Is this just a re-hash of previous courses?
A: No, In fact we've never offered a product with this unique angle and proof of such fast success before. I'm thrilled to see the results many of our students are getting. This is one of the most timely products I've ever presented!

Q: Why would I change gears and use this new model?
A: The biggest reason is...IT WORKS!..just compare Tom my results to what you're presently getting by contacting RE agents. Heck, if you're doing better, then don't try it...BUT if your falling behind, you need this.

Q: Does this take a lot of time?
A: At first you'll learn the basics, naturally, and you'll invest some timing getting it all down. Then the fun happens! Realtors are waiting for a BETTER approach, so you have a wide open field!

Q: Will I need a large budget?
A: No. You can do this with just your own time and effort. So, yes its perfect for the cash-starved consultant! A little money for an outsourcer can make it go smoother and faster, but it's not necessary.

Q: Does AI GPT do everything?
A: No, I wish I could say that, but AI GPT does an awful lot and its getting better all the time.

Q: Is it possible this approach could turn potential RE clients off?
A: No, not at all. Of course, its hard to know for certain, but in my experience, RE agents are coming to realize this 'special content" used our way is going to give them the best results.

Q: Will I need Employees?
A: NO (Unless you Want Them) —If you choose to use virtual assistants or outsource thats fine. But its not necessary.

Q: Are any of my competitors using this?
A: In our experience,almost NONE are. While other marketers are busy trying to sell RE agents online leads til the cows come home, you'll be on a completely different path- almost competition free.

Q: If It's so Good… Why don't you charge more?
A: Simple... My goal has been to put my students and consultant friends above everything else. I'm NOT making my full-time living just producing products, so I don't need to gouge my marketing friends.

Q: Can I do this all from my computer? (Or do I need to go door-to-door to find clients)
A: No cold calling necessary. In fact this is one of the best "remote use" systems we've ever seen! This entire business is totally location independent and can be done entirely by email and phone and skype calls.

Q: How long will it take to see results?
A: Probably fairly quickly, maybe two weeks?... But FTC rules dont'allow us to be more specific or to guarantee any results. If you take action now you would be among the fast starters.

Get this FREE BONUS if you act soon!  Learn how to build a business that around a niche that coincides with Real Estate Agents, a niche that also needs you desperately: Real Estate Investors.   In this PDF Guide, you'll learn how easy it can be to Resell potential prospects and buyer lists to these investors for HUGE Fees.  The real estate investor market is once again at a crossroads - That's where YOU come in!

PRICE REDUCED For Mike Paul's List ONLY...