Here are some Frequently Asked Questions and Answers.
During this launch we've come across some questions from customers that continually popped up. Because of that we are addressing them here. Be sure to read the entire ebook before launching a campaign.
Q.Do I have the agent purchase a new list every month?
A.No. The real estate agent will purchase one list of 2000+- homeowner phone numbers. The idea of geographic farming is to continually plant seeds with the same homeowners because most will not have to sell right away. If you continue to replenish the leads, the ones who have to sell later will not remember the agent. But if the group of homeowners gets a ‘market update’ every month, they will remember the agent when it is time to sell. You can, however, add to the list as time goes on.
Q.Is this compliant with FTC and DNC rules and regs?
A.Since their phone is not ringing this is a loophole around all ftc rules for now. I’ve been told we still have 3-5 years before this may change.
Q.On the OTO, what is the client intake form for?
A.he client research/intake form does two things. It make you look professional and it sets you up for future services you can provide. The main thing though, is that client wants to feel special. And they feel special by talking about themselves. It is very important, as you know, to be informed of their whole picture. Business relationships fail mainly because to little was know about the client. What their true needs are, what makes them, tick, what they already have in place, etc.
Q.Would you suggest to hold clients to a contract involving a certain length of time?
A.I have not used a contract / agreement, but I have recorded the conversations as a way to defend myself if the need ever arises. You can certainly use a contract if you’d like.
Q.Can this method be used in other niches?
A.You hit the nail on the head!! I have yet to hear from someone who has thought outside the box on this. You’re the first. I have had success using this system with contractors, restaurant owner, and loan brokers. It’s my program but I don’t have a monopoly on ideas… go for it!
Q.Is there a particular day and/or time that works best when dropping the voice calls?
A.Weekdays mornings are best for agents- between 8 and 9am. Because the person will check their message whenever they want the specific weekday does not really matter. For homeowners, weekends are just as good(maybe better) because they too love the info that is provided and they can check whenever they desire.
Q.How many voice drops would you recommend doing just starting out to try to get your first real estate client?
A.It’s hard to tell because results will vary based on area and other factors. I would recommend 500-1000 vdrops as a minimum though. You’ll see results if done right. Just don’t get discourage from the rude messages you’ll get in return.
Q.How many leads should I expect for my client every month?
A.The most important thing to remember throughout this
program is the value provided proposition. Yes, we are talking about
lead generation, but the broad scope of the project is what you are
actually doing for the agent. Let me explain… With the traditional method of farming an agent’s area we have discussed the prolonged time period involved before seeing results. Also, we’ve discussed the actions that the agent is used to performing before seeing the results… With this in mind, how long would it take a real estate agent to call thousands of
homeowners by themself? How much would it cost them to
outsource this to a professional telemarketer?? And if they chose to
go the email route… how many emails will ever get opened? What
about mass mailing… how many mailers will end up in the trash? Do
you follow me? So, more than the leads themselves, it’s the value added that you are mainly selling. If you can get your head around this concept you will have much better results. Think VALUE not Leads. And remember, agents are already doing open houses, paying for print ad space, and many other tactics that do not bring in consistent leads.With that said, you should see most of the activity within months 1,2,and 3. After that, the leads will plateau somewhat – but if the agent is consistent, they should see more continuous results over time that will not only include direct leads from the calls, but referrals as well.
Q.When a Real Estate agent contacts me, how should I start the conversation so not to say the wrong thing. Also how or when can I use the presentation video(OTO)?
A.I would try to build rapport by just asking about their business, how long they’ve been selling real estate, where they are from etc. – Believe it or not this is very important. Then I would say something like this:
Well, I want to thank you, _______. And My thank you is for taking the time to explore a powerful method of getting your name out to the community on a faster and larger scale. Since we’re both busy, I’d like to set up a time to go over a short explanation our method with you. I have ____ or ____… which is better for you?
I do this because I do not like to go right into the presentation. I want them to expect a presentation when I call. This way, when you call back, they will be ready and open. If you purchased the upsell, you can just say you’d like to send them a video explanation instead of setting up a phone appointment.
Q.How long have you been selling real estate and are you still licensed?
A.I sold residential real estate for over 13 years. This ebook came into creation in April of 2017. In June of 2017 I decided not to renew my License in an effort to put all of my concentration on offline and online marketing. I still help real estate agents become more efficient and profitable today.
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