If you want to start the world’s simplest, sustainable, high profit business & launch it on a shoestring budget - THIS is for YOU…
Forget SELLING MLM... Start Selling Them LEADS Instead - The SIMPLEST Business You Will Ever See.
Read on to be shocked, delighted, then relieved at the sheer simplicity of this profitable business, where marketing Newbies are getting paid $800 to $10,344 every month up front for doing very little - Follow Their Same Simple Steps …
Hi Fellow Entrepreneur… when Dutch traders offered the Lenape Indians a handful of red jewels in exchange for what would become one of the world’s most expensive slices of real estate – Manhattan – the Native Americans eagerly seized the offer.
That’s because they had never seen anything like these perfect red jewels before.
In fact, they were simply glass beads.
But, because they knew nothing of glass and glassmaking...
...they perceived them as magical objects worth far more to them that than the bare, infertile granite island that would become Manhattan Island.
So imagine you offering your clients a completely ethical service that - because they know nothing of your secret source...
...will be to them as elusive, desirable and magical as those red jewels, making them eager and itching to talk to you... and pay you handsomely for what you’re offering.

Because my Secrets Will Be YOUR Secrets...
All you do is fill in a few fields online, use part of what they pay you (that’s the OPM - ‘Other People’s Money’ part) to pay for this service, pocketing the rest for yourself.
Does that sound too good to be true?
I would have agreed with you - had I not thoroughly checked it out and been blown away with the sheer simplicity and practically unlimited profit potential of this virtually unknown technique.
Howdy… my name is Mike Paul and I have been involved in generating leads for a wide range of businesses from business pros to consulting leads for my own biz.
But in all my years in the lead generation trenches I have never seen any method so utterly effort-free and brain-dead simple...
...as the one I’m about to reveal to you which will easily transform you into a highly regarded and well rewarded sales leads broker.
Brokering - A Better Concept for The 21st Century?
In fact, it is the exact method Calouste Gulbenkian, an Armenian entrepreneur, used to become one of the world’s wealthiest men in the early 20th century...
...by supplying eager buyers with what they wanted...
...in his case gasoline and oil for the new motor car industry – pocketing 5% of the revenue for himself.
I can’t promise you 5% of million dollar oil sales – but you will be making ten times more from every more modest transaction...
... 50% of what your clients pay you for doing very little other than filling in a simple online form.
As there are up to 100,000 email leads every month, do that often enough and you could soon be in the happy position of being able to tell your fickle boss what to do with their job.
What’s more, you can offer two distinct types of leads...
... for email or direct mail, each as fresh and highly targeted as it is possible to be. So whichever your clients prefer, you’ll have the sale in the bag almost before you begin.
You might possibly wondering this...
Who do you sell this service to?
That’s almost easier than fulfilling the orders.
Because you will be offering leads of biz opp seekers to people who are selling business opportunities. At any time, this is one of the most buoyant and eager markets as folks look to make a little extra income on the side.
And, right now, that wise saying: “It’s an ill wind that blows nobody any good”...
... is very suited, because of the many thousands who have been downsized - and even forced into unemployment - because of the recession caused by the current pandemic, your potential market is currently exploding.

Keep this in mind, but also know this.
Many fields are still in high demand - they'll never lose their jobs. But do you think business opportunities are passed the foul line for them?
Think again...
It’s no secret, the professional world is a grind. And this world is packed wall-to-wall with unsettled and unhappy business owners, physicians, public speakers, engineers...
... just about every field in which the person is at the mercy of a boss, time-clock, or even their own customers. Yes - these are your future clients!
The Richest people in the world look for and Build Networks. Everyone else looks for work.
Robert Kiyosaki
So thousand of these unfortunate folks are gazing with wonder at the amazing leverage that multi-level and network marketing offers to help them quickly replace income for some and lost time and freedom for others...
... and are eagerly rushing to join MLM and network marketing companies like never before.
... Then they are plunged from the dizzy heights of ecstasy to the deepest depths of despair...
Because - having found what they feel is the perfect ethical MLM business offering the very real possibility of quickly solving their problem of losing control of their time and freedom...
... they are quickly brought down to earth with a heart breaking bump.
You see, most networking marketers have zero knowledge of proper marketing and lead generation...
... because the only qualification they need as a recruiter is to manage to recruit a few people to their OWN downline.

In many plights, It’s the classic case of the blind leading the blind.
So the finest (and only) pearl of marketing wisdom they have to impart to their downline is to tell them to approach all their friends and relatives and try and sign them up to their downline!
Well – even though I’ve enjoyed a career in face to face selling - I'm the type that wouldn’t want to embarrass myself and my friends and relatives by putting them on the spot in that way – and if you really search deep down inside... I bet you wouldn’t either.
So just imagine the reaction of a newly recruited network marketer who has just had their dreams of rapid and easy riches to pull them out of their nightmare lost job situation turned to dust in a heartbeat.

Do you think they may be interested in your offer of Embarrassment-Free Hot Leads in far larger quantities than their limited circle of friends & Family?
You can now probably understand why I said finding eager customers, happy to pay you in advance for your white hot leads...
...is even more effort-free than the few simple steps you have to take to actually supply their leads and bank your profits.
What’s more, because you can be confident of delivering top quality leads to your new client that will bring home the bacon for them...
... you can look forward to much repeat business from them as they begin to reap the exponential rewards of their constantly growing downline.
This method is so straightforward I’ve laid it all out in short, simple, easy to follow baby steps in my ‘Biz Opp Leads Broker Blueprint’ PDF Training Guide ...

It’s a very easy 39 page read you can devour in an afternoon and be putting into action the very same day.
Here's a tiny peek at some of the amazingly simple secrets waiting for you inside...
Why this is such a powerful opportunity for you – bar none!
If you carefully consider the current state of our economy… our world… Now’s The Right Time!
Why your target demographic will be the easiest possible group you’ve ever tried to sell to.
Compared to those stiff niches like lawyers, restaurant owners, dentists, and Realtors… the Biz-Opp space is a complete 180!
Your secret source of fresh, red hot email leads
(so underground that you’ll never find these advertised , even if you ‘Google’ all night long!).
Getting set up to supply your clients with up to 100,000 leads a month.
This is the beating heart of the whole operation – and yet you’ll be amazed how simple it is to accomplish.
Direct mail leads...
… and why they are some of the highest quality leads you can get – and so more in demand than ever, right now.
The underground source of fresh direct mail leads.
The profit margin on these will make anyone smile 🙂
A third source of hot leads hiding in plain sight –
… and yet you’d probably never think of it as a powerful source of good leads.
How to find all the hungry prospects you can handle.
These two easy to use sources with massive reach will be more than enough.
My battle-tested texts you can copy and paste to offer prospects your lead broking service –
absolutely no daunting face to face selling required!
How to price your leads for maximum sales and maximum profits.
Possibly creating an amazing vehicle that leads you to quite your 9-5 Grind!
... And Much More!
Right now you might be thinking this...
You can clearly see how easy this plan is to execute and you can readily understand the huge potential it has to change your finances and therefore your life for the better, but you’re concerned if the entry fee is beyond your budget.
You’re right!
Such a powerful business model as this that has been instrumental in propelling an ordinary businessman to super-rich status should certainly require a hefty investment.
But, before I reveal the very special deal I have for you today (if you’re poised to take swift action), I need to make this crystal clear.
The risk is all mine.
You see, I know how powerful - yet brain-dead simple - this plan is, but you only have my word for it.
And, even though you can see the enthusiasm for the plan that shines through what Angela, Michael Jen and Semaj report, NOTHING beats you being able to prove to your own personal satisfaction this plan will ALSO work for you in the stellar way it does for others.
So I’m going to allow you to take the whole plan away for a thorough test drive for a full 30 days.

Your 30-Day Guarantee...
My intention is to make the learning and implementation process as simple as possible while maximizing your net return. So you’ll have a full 30-day test drive period… on me!
30 days will be ample time for you to begin to experience the sheer power of this straightforward cinch of a blueprint and pleasantly surprising new niche as you quickly win one successful order after another.
You will marvel at the ease of deploying your service and enjoy being paid up front and delight in the fact that you’re actually using part of your client’s money to pay for the service and bask in your new-found financial freedom where you’re finally no longer trading your precious, limited, time for limited dollars.
Instead, be amazed at how quickly you can build your wealth when you’ve broken the connection between the hours you spend working and the amount you make.
And if- after your simple test-drive, you feel my program simply is not for you, just let me know for a lightening-fast refund. After all, it’s all digital, so it’s not like you have to pack everything up, take it to your UPS depot and pay to return it is it?
Ah, yes: your investment.
I guess you’re probably wondering about that and today’s very special deal I mentioned earlier.
You could hop on a plane and come to my office in North Carolina to be personally trained by me. But that would involve you in a ton of hassle and expense, such as getting time off work, air fares, hotels – quite apart from my eye-watering coaching fee.
But, quite frankly, the method is so simple face to face coaching is unnecessary.
So I’ve put everything you need to make a stunning success of this into one easy to follow 39 page Training Guide which, because I only had to do it once, you can now grab today for a rock-bottom investment of just $37 measly bucks!
What's more - if you act now - I have something extra special for you...
My fast action bonus that can more or less double your income with one peculiar step...
FAST-ACTION BONUS: 'Goldmine MLM Roundup' - A $47 Value, but FREE for You because you're getting on board TODAY.

Because you have at your command the very best possible quality leads it puts you in the powerful position of being able to open up second steam of income with very little extra effort.
That’s because some of the more switched on MLM and network marketing companies now realize simply relying on recruiting from friends and relatives as the only source of leads is the fast route to a downward spiral of disillusioned recruits leading to fewer and fewer sales.
As a result, they now pay for leads.
But, there is a very high probability that the quality of those leads are not as good as the leads you will have at your command, making this another golden opportunity for you.
So this very revealing bonus PDF pinpoints the whereabouts' of these more enlightened companies (in one surprising industry) with full details of how to contact the team leaders and how many leads they typically buy.
What’s more, because these companies normally have to rely on poor quality burnt out leads off the internet that everyone else is using...
... getting them to test even small sample of your greatly superior leads that are only used for a carefully controlled limited number of mailings will invariably mean you will have yet another big spending repeat customer for life!
And, because this will undoubtedly give a massive effort-free boost to your overall sales, I really should sell it as a stand alone high-ticket product.
But it’s yours, completely FREE of charge – provided you get on board before the timer below hits zero.
So... What would be a smart choice for you Right Now?
A. Choose to carry on as before, looking for that magic bullet software or training program that will flood your bank account with effort-free riches simply because you have it on your hard drive and which, deep down, you know doesn’t really exist?
B. Will you realize my blueprint is a close as you will ever get to that fantasy solution, because:
No working capital needed, because you simply use some of the money your client gives you upfront to pay for the leads.
Hardly any effort required to get the orders or fulfill them.
No more trading your time for dollars (perhaps for the very first time in your life) it means the sky really IS the limit when it comes to deciding how much you make.
I’m sure you’re smart enough to see the wisdom of going ahead right now – and qualifying for that awesome ‘double your income’ bonus. So I’m really looking forward to welcoming you aboard and sharing my life-changing secrets with you.
Here’s to your well-deserved success!
Mike Paul, Biz Opp Leads Broker Blueprint
P.S. You don’t have any big decision to make today. Because - thanks to my ‘love it or your money back’ guarantee - all you need to decide is to try it before you buy it for a full 30 days. So the only risk you run is NOT taking up my offer of a risk-free test drive.
P.P.S. Of course I could be full of hot air and this method isn’t quite as easy, foolproof and profitable as I claim.
But what if I’m right?
There’s an easy, risk-free way to find out: simply claim your 30 day fully protected test drive.
FAIR WARNING: When the clock hits zero, that awesome Fast-Action 'MLM Goldmine Roundup' BONUS will be instantly and forever withdrawn - no exceptions.
Yes, Mike! I want to become a wealthy leads broker, deploying your secret sources of red hot leads for email and direct mail marketing.

Mike Paul, Local Marketer
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