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Step by Step Video Training

VIDEO 1:  The Intro

In this video, we'll go over what's included in the course and what to expect as you go through the training course videos and PDF Guide.

VIDEO 2:  What Happened To CL?

Here, I'll cover the changes with Craigslist and how those changes impact you and your business in a very good way.

VIDEO 3:  The Paid-Post Revolution

In this video training session, I'll cover what's so amazing about the introduction of paid-posts.  Sounds crazy, but paying means better conversions!

VIDEO 4: Why CL Brings The Heat

In this video, you'll learn why craigslist is most likely a perfect fit for your local marketing business.

VIDEO 5: Super-Charged Client Attraction

In this video, I teach a new method for grabbing leads using affiliate offers and other compatible foot-in-the-door offers. This truly does make lead-gen greater!

VIDEO 6: Not-Too-Proud Angle

I will walk you through using a technique that grabs attention... that's what you definitely want to do.

VIDEO 7: Crafting An On-Fire Message

Almost finished!  In this video, I will lay out the crucial parts to creating a successful ad... Plus, some real examples in various niches.

VIDEO 8: The 3 Parts Of Your Ad

Here, I teach how to easily create the 3-parts of your post to grab attention, offer a hook, and take it away with the ultimate close!

VIDEO 9: The Alternate-Advance

You may be surprised, but with one tweak to your calll-to-action... you can appeal to your audience's natural instincts... and reel in more leads!

VIDEO 10: Where To Post (Local)

Before you head for CL, it's important to know the best sections to post your offer in.  In this video, I reveal several sections that are working now for local consulting offers.

VIDEO 11: Where to Post (MMO)

For those who have 'make money online' or network marketing offers... this part of the training will help YOU.

VIDEO 12: Tweaking Your Ads

To keep things fresh and continue the flow of leads, you'll want to switch things up a bit.  This video will show you how easy it is to do.

VIDEO 13: Final Thoughts

Where to go from here.  The psychology behind favorable outcomes for your goals.

BONUS: Your Customizable Proposal Template