The changes Craigslist made turned off the untrained, weak, lazy marketers, But My Secrets Can Produce a 'Money Miracle' In Your Practice.
My associates and I have uncovered a startling system, tested and refined, that gives you a superior return on a tiny investment. Imagine, even when I didn't know a fraction of what I know now, making plenty of mistakes...
I still generated 58 client leads in my first 26 days!
Frankly, if Craigslist went back to its old ways I'd be disappointed...their changes have opened a floodgate of leads and sales, while most competitors have run for the hills.
I'll tell anyone who will listen...
I Just Love Craigslist!
You're about to discover how you can claim YOUR share of a BILLION dollar market selling services... soon growing to $4 billion! One that Forbes calls "among the fastest growing business services in the world."
In fact, according to CNN, more than HALF of all U.S. businesses are in need of the help this service provides.
They're Insatiable For More
Even though it's already booming, the market for this service is poised for even MORE unprecedented growth.
And it's wide open for YOU to profit, too.
In fact, almost anyone with a little ambition and the right guidance can claim their share of the fortunes being made in this market.
I'll tell you all about it in just a minute.
But first, a quick introduction...
I'm Mike Paul. A local marketer, father, researcher, and serial entrepreneur.
For the last 7 years I've been using those skills to create in a number of successful niche markets.
I started a successful real estate career and later moved into banking and most recently Local Internet Agency Consulting.
My motto has been, "Make Things Happen" and I've succeeded even when the odds were against me (which was most of the time).
I'm An Average Guy
Believe me, I didn't have any advantages getting started as a local consultant. I'm an average guy with no 'special connections'. And lest you think I'm mistake-free, think again. I've screwed up and 'stepped in it' as much as anyone I know.
I consider myself a work in progress. You're getting to know someone who is as much a student as he is a teacher. If you share a better way to do something with me, I'm all ears.
But I have managed to do one thing...
I worked around the clock testing local marketing methods. Its my passion...and my specialty is...
Why? Because every consultant rises or falls on their ability to generate a steady stream of leads.
Now, I'm on a mission to share with my fellow consultants these tactics, strategies and never-revealed secrets for building a 'Lead Machine' with the best Media Platform Yet.
The HUGELY lucrative, misunderstood media I'm talking about today is...
It's such an insanely profitable opportunity, yet your local competition is usually asleep at the wheel... leaving you more running room than an NFL star in a game with high school kids.
Before you let any erroneous notions about Craigslist cloud your thinking, note the following...
According to Internet Intelligence Reports, Craigslist is...
- #1 in Local classifieds and forums for 450 cities worldwide - community moderated and cheap as hell.
- More than 9 billion page views per month!
- Used by more than 30 million each month, 25 million in the US alone.
- Self-publishes more than 30 million new classified ads each month

Craigslist Media Will Never Die.
Their power basically destroyed local newspaper classifieds and now they rein supreme. Now when people think of selling almost anything, they immediately head over the Craigslist.
This should come as extremely good news for you...
IF you have the vision to start or re-start your lead business using CL, you'll be rewarded almost...
Like A Mega Lotto Prize Winner
After more than 9 years doing Lead Generation I'm finally spilling the beans about all my hard-won secrets to success...
... with something I call 'Take-Over' marketing... with this approach, even a new-born marketer can 'take-over' their chosen section of Craigslist... creating an image of ... the ONE major player in town...

A Sample Of What You'll Discover:
[Easiest Road To Online Ads I've Seen]
- The most profitable discovery about Craigslist that nobody talks about. This will transform your thinking and expectations about running ANY ads.
- How To Get a predictable and reliable auto-pilot cash-generating machine...in just weeks.
- How To spin $5 into thousands with the new Craigslist
- The biggest DOWNSIDE to CL can also be a major upside.
- What sections should you target? What Cities? What sells best? Get this right and you're on Easy Street.
- How To Leverage Your 'Old Ads' For More Profit
- How to write your ads like a Pro Copywriter. Most rookies get screwed by this as they think little tweaks in the their ad won't matter. And they have no idea what gets replies and what gets ignored...hint: its not what you think.
- The surprisingly simple way to stay compliant with CL's rules and Terms Of Service. This is very inside information based on our testing.
I Reveal Even More
I decided to reveal my unique method for posting ads on Craigslist and getting my own clients AND customers for my Local Clients.
Why should you pass up the best media online today, just because you're not sure how to approach it. I don't want YOU to waste time and effort (and Money) like I first did.
But that's not all I'm revealing, you'll also discover...
- A dirt-cheap way to do your testing and continually tweak your ads until they 'crush it'.
- All the templates and systems you need to get a jump start with Craigslist ads. I've personally made ALL of these and used them myself.
- My Secret to keeping my ads on Page 1 Longer.
- "How To Get The Most Calls & Replies" revealed! Do what I show you and you'll beat most of the competitors consistently.
- The 10 Best Craigslist Hacks
- How To Beat CL's No URL rule* (Super Important)... Get this wrong and you'll waste tons of time and never understand why your ads aren't working.
I Don't Stop, There's more
- The fastest and BEST way to get 100+ leads per month spending WAY less than any Facebook or Google Ads account.
- Why Craigslist would still be a bargain at TEN times the cost!
- Want the BEST chance of success? Build a CL advertising division right inside your own consultancy and Take Half the Month OFF if you do this...
- My big early mistakes that still embarrass me.
Following the crowd to Facebook and ADwords advertising is a recipe for disaster. Let your uninformed competitors try to squeeze a measly profit out of Facebook & ADwords...
While you use CL media ads to give yourself an unfair advantage over your competitors...and save huge dollars.
When it comes to clients, they don't care where the leads come from as long as they convert and...
$5 CL Ads; SAVE Over Adwords And Facebook
When I say Craigslist $5 paid ads are a bargain, I'm not kidding.
Just look at these recent Cost-Per-Click rates for the biggest PPC competitors.
Google Adwords:
The average cost per click in Google Ads is between $1 and $2 on the search network. This has been rising every year. In many popular niches keywords are $3 to $5 a click!
The most expensive keywords in Google Ads and Bing Ads cost $50 or more per click as of Nov, 2019
Facebook Ads:
FB ads are measured differently but the placement ads median CPM was $11.20 in the USA. Cost Per Click was 27 cents. It should be noted, the Facebook audience is NOT there to buy or be sold. They visit to be entertained and communicate with friends and family.
100% of Craigslist traffic has one objective; BUY SOMETHING. Buy a Service. Spend Money. That's why it's my choice.
Craigslist Ads Convert
As soon as I figured THAT out, I experienced happier clients and bigger sales... Practically Overnight! And I haven't looked back since.
Just look at some recent leads from my Local Funding business.
Btw, Craigslist ads work with Real Estate, Autos, Services, Legal, Medical, Landscaping, Home Repair, Computer services, Web Services almost ANY legal and ethical business... even business loan services like this one.

... or even direct calls from eager prospects like these...

...I even generate subscriptions to my email list like these...

Not 'just and idea'... It works
Yes, I've learned a lot about how Craigslist can bring you clients.. and bring your clients customers, too.
I learned by being in the trenches and DOING it for real. Doing it currently, not in my long ago memories! And making mistakes, and correcting those mistakes and sharpening this system like a fine Swiss Knife.
So I've got a complete Training Manual (PDF) and Videos filled with tips and secrets so you skip the drudgery hell you may be used to and get to the pearly gates of consistent leads.
A Sample Of What You'll Discover:
Craig's Lead Map
- How to generate an almost PASSIVE INCOME with your Craigslist advertising schedule.
- My unique method to build your ads and then reshuffle them to use again, while keeping them fresh.
- The most powerful phrasing that MUST be included in your ads.
- There are several sections you may want to post in. Here's how to decide which ones are best for you.
- How to leverage Craig's own rules in your favor - do this... and you'll take over CL real estate in 2 weeks!
- Want to not jeopardize your Craigslist account? Heed these warnings or.. perish.

Craig's Lead Map: FAQ's
Q: Is this a 'rehash' of any of your previous course?
A: No, absolutely not. CL has changed many of its rules over the last couple of years and this is a way for new consultants and experience marketers to stay ahead of the crowd.
Q: Is there a lot of competition?
A: All media have some competition. But the good news is, CL has LESS competition today, imo. Particularly in the paid sections.
The audience of qualified prospects on CL is huge so even a tiny share will yield you regular lead and sales.
Q: Don't other marketers already know about Craigslist ads?
A: Yes, probably most do. But ‘knowing ‘ about something is not ‘succeeding” with something.
Many still think it's overcrowded and have no clue how much exposure can be gained for just a few minutes a day.
Q: Won't all my ads get flagged anyway?
A: No. First, that's not as common today, but there are other reasons. As long as you follow my lead, 'Flagging' will be be almost nonexistent because CL reviews flagged ads to see if it's justified. So a couple of competitors can't just harm your campaigns.
Q: Will businesses pay me to manage their campaigns?
A: Yes, happens all the time. Not all will, of course, but that’s to be expected. The results (more calls, visits and sales ) are what keep you in the loop and keep you getting paid. And although this goes against TOS, I show you a way to do this ethically with no problem.
Q: Does this take a lot of time?
A: No. There is an initial 'setup' phase... but once this is complete, only a few minutes 4 days a week is all that's needed for you to start marking yourself as a major player in your niche.
Q: Will I need a large budget?
A: No. You can do this with little to no money, just your own time and effort. Remember, the advertising cost compared to Google & Facebook is dirt cheap.
Q: How will I find good prospects?
A: The question is... how will they find you? Once you overtake your choice section of CL, it's only a matter of time for hungry and motivated prospects to start seeking YOU out.
Q: What If I Have More Questions For You?
A: Then get in touch with us! We’d love to hear from you. Just reply to our support address. Please allow up to 24 hrs for an answer.
Q:This doesn't seem expensive. Why don't you charge more?
A: I think I’m a teacher at heart! I do enjoy helping local consultants and don’t need to charge high prices. At this point, I’m more concerned with growing my online customer base, so I don’t want a high price to be an obstacle to you trying this.
Q: What If Craigslist doesn't work for me?
A: OK, I’ll be completely blunt here: It may not. But I’d be very surprised…as long as you follow what I’m teaching. At this point I really have this nailed.
If you are unmotivated and expect to be successful without having to lift a finger, no, it wont work…but what would, with that attitude?
IMPLEMENT what you have learned, then this will likely prove to be one of the best investments you’ve ever made.
B-Level Consultants vs A-Level Consultants
There's actually 2 Levels of Local Consultants...
Those who are satisfied to know the basics of different media, content to make a good living working with fewer clients while enjoying the freedom this life gives you!
And there's those who want it all: bigger volume of clients...the fat checks, the steadier income..and all the advantages of that.
Those A-Level consultants pick certain media platforms and dig in DEEP. They learn more of the tweaks and nuances that pull them ahead of the crowd.
Just to be clear, there's nothing wrong being a "B-level" Consultant. Most consultants in the industry fit into that category and are pretty happy.
But if you want to step up to the "A-level", you must learn the "A-level" secrets of media. And the media I recommend is Craigslist. I can shorten your learning curve by 80+%. That's right.
See Below and Click the Button.
Here's what some of my student say about my training programs:
"Gets 3 New Clients!"
Hello Mike! Your... pdf scored me 3 new clients! Retained each for over 3 months and going. Each of those three have referred other businesses to me. Just wanted to say thanks! -Archie S.
"Loves The Program!"
Just got the... program and so far I'm loving it, I've been looking into a great service I can use to start my local business consulting agency and this is definitely going to be a winner! -Matthew K.
"...Makes Me A Rock Star!"
I've been using the PM with the Voice Drops, excellent program. You've made me a Rock Star! -James C.
"Products are Life-Changing..."
..Wanted to say a huge thank you for (somehow) getting on my radar and creating the programs/systems that you do. They are fast becoming my go-to info for the latest in marketing and consulting services, and I can see that they are very likely going to be life-changing for me! -Jamie H.
Craigslist (Finally) Done Right
So you see, I've got a lot I want to share with you about advertising on Craigslist the RIGHT WAY. Because I want to get you through the learning curve as quickly as possible and landing clients one after another.
This is information I've invested months of time to uncover, test and profit from.
Having 'Craig's Lead Map' is like having me right at your side, feeding you all the crucial secrets that can take your advertising business, and your career, to the very highest level.
This is "High Value"... and I'm sharing it with consultants who aren't 'playing around' but are serious. People who know when opportunity is knocking...and are ready to take action NOW.
You're getting an opportunity to add more income in a few months than many make in a whole year. If that isn't exciting, better check your pulse my friend!
This is your one invitation to make a jump to steady leads. I'll be bold and say, "This is your chance, don't let this go by, since it won't be coming around again...Once it closes, it's gone... Order Below and Get Instant Delivery. Thanks, Mike.

To Get Started, Click Below Now.
You'll be taken to an order page where you'll see the product name and the current price.
Then, once your payment has been processed, we'll send you a link with INSTANT ACCESS to everything so you can get started immediately. Do this now while its fresh in your mind.
If You're Still Undecided
Routinely I am asked what makes a great earning consultant?
Is it Intelligence?
Long Hours?
Academic Degrees?
Its actually none of those.
Its ONE thing that often goes unnoticed.
Its hardly ever discussed.
..and its definitely misunderstood.
Its 'Specialized Knowledge'.
And that applies to ALL aspects of the career,
but especially to the marketing aspect.
You must find a marketing media and learn it so
well, its like a second skin to you.
If someone were to ask you about it, you could
literally drown them in information.
You need to know every nook and cranny of it,
all the potholes and all the tricks.
That's hard to do with Adwords, Facebook and LinkedIn
ads. They're much more complex, demanding and expensive.
I've found a perfect media to specialize in;
Craigslist...its there right under your nose.
It's not going away, its bigger than ever, its upgrading
its standards and thats all good.
Listen, if you were my own brother or sister I'd say this to
you, "Specialize in Craigslist. Become a true expert.
It will be the best decision you've made.