Introducing the highest chance of success, yet lowest cost way to launch a Local Lead Business...


The Lead Gen Business Just
Got 1000% Better Since We
Switched To The Best Niche Ever!

NOW, With This Killer Niche, These Red-Hot Leads Get Gobbled Up By Clients Like Filet Steak in a Crowded Kennel...

Dear Consultant,

You’re about to discover how you can claim YOUR share of the Multi BILLION Lead Gen Market...

And a niche The Wall Street Journal calls “among the largest financial industries in the world.”

In fact, according to CNN, more than 30% of all U.S. adults are already customers of this popular financial service. No matter the econony, millions buy this service and depend on it.

Even though it’s already booming, this market is poised for even MORE unprecedented growth.

And It’s Wide Open For YOU to Profit, too!

In fact, almost anyone with a little ambition and the right guidance can claim their share of the massive Lead Gen fortunes being made in this overlooked market niche.

I'll tell you all about it in just a minute.

But first, let me introduce myself...

I'm Mike Paul, but lately I'm better known by my nickname, "Mr. LeadGen".

I’ve been using these Lead Gen skills over the past decade to earn an excellent living... in a wide variety of markets.

I’m also an entrepreneur, direct response marketer, husband and proud dad.

I've started businesses and been a top salesperson in a number of different financial fields including...

  • Banking
  • Mortgages
  • Real Estate
  • Insurance

More recently I've created training courses based on my own successes and provided consulting services to many local businesses.

I guess you could say I've found my niche which is specializing in the financial services field. This field has supported me with a lifestyle that many would envy...

Yet, Whats Crazy Is I Only
Work Part-time Hours!

Several of my biggest business and sales breakthroughs were cranked out under some serious money stress... with nothing but spit, grit and a 'never quit' mentality..

At times I was broke, my back was against the wall, the wolf was at the door and I had to make it, no matter what.

I Had To "Bootstrap" Every
Single Strategy I Started with…

And it was not easy. I was always on a shoestring budget. I promise you what we will discuss is 100% doable, no matter how bad a shape your finances are.

When I reveal a plan, a system, a strategy just know I lived it first before I bring it to you.

One final (but very important) point...
I am NOT a gifted salesperson at all. No way. I am not a 'natural' at marketing or sales. And to be completely honest I am regarded as a shy person.

I am not a born salesman, but I am a trained salesman.
If I can be trained and succeed as I have, then I'm betting you can too!

The Breakthrough

Like many marketers at times I had a roller coaster career... until I discovered some little known secrets the most established pros I knew.

Understand, I was on the right track, for sure, but like a sharpshooter who could not precisely hit the center of the target, my sights were just slightly off.

I studied the pros intensely, like a priest studies the Bible. They were definitely doing some things I was completely blind to. AND, they were getting many multiples of the results I was seeing.

I then carefully adapted and applied these secrets to one of my struggling niches which was definitely on life support.

BOOM! Man Did Things Change!

Almost overnight I turned losses into profits which only grew and grew....and no, it didnt take years, but just a few short months. Its amazing how close you can come to the answer, but still miss it!

It grew my revenues over 700%...and hasnt stopped.
I have to add, since then I've been on a mission;

When I was in one of my darkest hours back then, facing the prospect of having to admit defeat...
...and feared going back to a ‘J.O.B’, punching a time clock, I swore a solemn vow;

"if I was ever able to ’crack the code’ of getting great leads I would reach out and help other people who were struggling to sell financial services."

Yes, the hugely lucrative business I'm talking about today is...

"Life Insurance Lead Generation"

It’s such an insanely profitable opportunity, I’ve never seen anything like it and in just a moment I'll show you exactly why...

After almost 20 years of sales and marketing, why have I invested so much time in the Lead Gen Business, and why the Life Insurance niche?

The Answer Is Simple...

HUGE Profits And

Before you let any pre-conceived (and most likely incorrect) notions about the Life Insurance industry enter your head... Let me point this out:

  • The percentage of Americans with life insurance is about 52%, including individual and workplace life insurance, according to LIMRA.
  • 106 million American adults do not believe they have adequate life insurance coverage, according to the 2022 Insurance Barometer Study.
  • In The US alone there are over 100,000 Life Insurance agents...and every single one needs leads!
  • Of all the businesses you could specicialize in, Life insurance agents crave leads more than a starving man craves water in the Sahara desert.
  • People just don't walk in the door of the "Life Insurance Store" and buy it with any reliablility. It just doesnt happen - Life Insurance needs to be SOLD.

Thats why the typical life insurance agent can easily qualify as the hardest working pro in town.

I'll state the obvious:

It Is Very Tough To Make it
As a Life Insurance Agent.

In fact, it takes more hard work, more consistency, more drive, more discipline than any other solo-preneur niche Ive ever seen!

So how do Life Agents currently prospect for business?

1. Many still cold door-knock in neighborhoods! For many agents its downright embarrassing.(and not very productive).

2. Many purchase leads - but often 8-10 other agents are getting those same leads so the competition is brutal.

3. Some turn to online leads, but they usually turn out to be unqualified or just like before - they’re competing with a boatload of competition.

4. Direct mail can be effective, but the direct mail approach is negated by the fact that EVERYONE is doing it! ...AND they’re all doing it the same way!

5. All types of lead costs are killing them. Would you believe that a $500 - $600 per week standing lead order is ‘typical’ for them?

The truth is: The conventional approaches to securing leads can drive an agent into the poorhouse ...if they can’t get ample sales from it!

And thats why it’s never
been easier for you to
enter this market and make
a FORTUNE with leads!

So not only do we already have an extremely receptive and “in heat” market of hungry agents...but the demand for leads is growing faster than anyone can fill.

That’s why this market will continue to offer substantial growth opportunities for years and years to come.

This should come as extremely good news for you. IF you have the vision to get into this business NOW -- before it starts hitting critical mass.

You don’t want to look back with regret after your marketer buddies already got on board and are cashing checks right and left... because they had the foresight to jump on this opportunity NOW.

With the right guidance you can build a one-person, work-from-anywhere-in-the-world “lifestyle business” that generates 6 and even 7 figures a year relatively hassle-free...

And that’s exactly what I’m revealing in my newest program called...


YES, I’m finally spilling the beans about all my hard-won secrets to leads success for life agents. I'm holding nothing back...I’ve now created a comprehensive multi-media program like nothing else.

It's broken down into easy to follow baby steps, and it doesn’t require any knowledge of life insurance to bring about the most dramatic results for your clients.

That will mean news of your expertise spreads like wild-fire, making it a piece of cake to enjoy all the referrals you can handle without really trying.

Here’s just a small sample of what you'll discover if you're one of the few lucky protégés who jumps on this opportunity...

  • Why Life Agents are "ripe & ready" for your service because they're used to paying for leads!.
  • Why they'd rather just buy your FRESH leads instead of attending networking meetings, buying lunch for their clients, or even begging referrals and hitting up their friends.
  • Since they are already conditioned to your offering, you won't have to hard sell them on price.
  • ... Finally, they WANT what you have to offer. It's a complete 180 reversal from what you are used to, isn't it...
  • What the typical ‘old school’ life insurance agent does all day. (and is failing because of it).
  • The reason why so many insurance agents are stuck in the last century!
  • The Offer You'll make (that others dont) that simplifies the financial aspect of their business…
  • How to spot the critical mistakes in a Lead Gen business structure.
  • Why Life Agents will start calling you 'Mr. LeadGen' too, (making it a slam dunk to sign them up as a client for your consultancy business).
  • The clever lead generating technique that is as accurate as laser-guided missile finding red-hot ‘ready to buy now’ prospects for your life insurance agent clients. ...And they will LOVE you for it.
  • The unique 'hybrid system' resulting in your clients enjoying better lead conversions and a lower cost per lead....nothing really compares today.
  • Setting up your consulting business as fast as humanly possible and on a shoestring budget (I’ll walk you through the simple procedure that’s as easy as A, B, C).
  • The surefire way to find all the prospective life insurance agent clients you can handle (You have to know the 'underground' names for these life insurance communities).
  • The little known secrets of the REAL dollar amounts life insurance agents currently pay for each lead...

And much, MUCH more …

I had ZERO help starting my leads business and these are priceless lessons I had to learn the hard way. (and which cost me a small fortune).

That’s why I decided to reveal my BEST method for launching and growing a Leads Business...I sure don’t want YOU to struggle and suffer like I did.

But that’s not all I’m revealing in
You’ll also discover...

  • All the tools and systems you need to run your Life Lead business. (I've personally vetted ALL of these and used them in my own businesses.)

As you can see, I’ve got a lot I want to share with you about running a profitable Life Lead Business. Because I want to get you through the learning curve as quickly as possible and on the road to the business of your dreams.

It’s invaluable... and I will ONLY share it with a handful of serious marketers who recognize when opportunity is knocking... and are ready to take action NOW.

If YOU are that kind of person, I'll guide you step-by-step to help you start your own Life Leads mini-empire... and grow it as quickly as possible. So you can get YOUR piece of this massive multi-billion dollar pie.

You're going to combine High-Touch with High-Tech and turn your idea of conventional Lead Gen upside down!

The secrets in this new training are going to turn your idea of Lead Gen upside down.

A Preview Of
How It All Works

1 - First, get a client. You don’t need to do anything until you have a client on board - I’ll show you exactly how to get a boatload of clients.. and you won't spend any money until you have a client deposit.

2 - Once you have a client, choose a marketing partner. I’ll give you several choices. Each option will have the special feature to go along with your service.

3 - Once you’ve chosen your partner, use the copy I provide (text that sells) to add to your marketing piece. Paste into your sample mail piece - all done on your computer screen. You’ll take about a minute to customize the mail to your client. Then press a button to send it out!

4 - This part is my favorite because you won’t handle any of the leads.
Simply use your clients’ email address, phone number, and website on each mail piece so that they get all the leads. You'll learn from my experience, MUCH simpler this way.

Oh, this fourth step is only to Get Paid.

Easy, right? Can you rinse and repeat these simple steps? Absolutely!

"Show Me The Money," You Say

Traditionally, Life Agents are used to a “pay-per-lead” model. With this, agents typically pay around $30 to even as high as $60 for “fresh” leads.

As they get more experience, it’s not uncommon for them to spend $1000 EVERY WEEK. ($1000 x 4 Weeks = $4000/mo)

And life insurance agents generally pay for these leads in weekly “batches”. Take a look at these lead orders.

... And that's on the low end of the scale! Now take a look at some more examples.

Keep in mind even the best quality leads usually available to them are probably 'shared' leads that are being fought over by them and their competition.

BUT NOT YOUR LEADS. Because YOUR leads responded since you made YOUR Clients stand out!

And because of the upper-hand you gave them… the leads YOU provide will trust your clients more from the very beginning.

You'll Take Ownership Of:

  • My proven marketing plan -- the exact one I've used to generate super steady growth. (It’s much simpler than you think... and I've proven that ANYBODY can do it.)
  • My proven payment plan -- the exact one I've used to generate steady client payments.
  • The KEY vendors and suppliers you need ... personally used, vetted and approved by me. (Access to my vendors is worth a ton.)
  • And much more!

Everything you need to launch and grow your own supplement business is revealed... with NOTHING held back.

Take advantage of this offer today before this introductory special expires've only got a few days - I'm serious.

Here's What You'll Get In "LIFE SALES STICKY LEADS" Business Blueprint...

MODULE 1: The Challenge (Why The Life Insurance Niche Is The Perfect Target!)

MODULE 2: The Answer (REVEALED: How To Solve Their Deepest Pain...)

MODULE 3: The Rundown (EZ Steps to Set Up An Entire Campaign In 10-Minutes!)

MODULE 4: Finding Your Strategic Partner Without Losing Your Shirt (They'll Do Most Of The Work For You!)

MODULES #,7, #8, #9: Finding Laser-Targeted Leads For Your OWN BIZ (3 Accelerated Overnight Hacks)

MODULE #6: The Money (How To Keep 100% Of The Profit 100% Of The Time by Using OPM)

PLUS, 4 Additional Modules To Get You Set Up Fast, Find Your First Clients Fast, and Deploying Your First Campaign With Ease...

This is the EXACT method I use -- because it requires the least amount of capital... yet gives you the highest possible chance of success.

Lee Cole

Wow! Just wow! You really need to check out Mike Paul's Sticky Leads program. Well, if you're interesting in making real money with offline marketing, that is. If you just want to continue to scrape by with zero, or one or two low paying customers, then go ahead and just skip this.

But...if you want to learn how to freakin' dominate a truly underserved niche and get paid handsomely for it, all while working only a few hours a week, then yeah, you really need Mike's new training today! Wherever you're reading this, go find the buy button and just click on it now! You'll be very glad you did.

Lee Cole
Ray A.

Just a note to let you know you are special among the marketer's lists I'm on. You're one of the few who actually read and respond to your emails from customers... your support when needed has been excellent..

Ray A.
Uncle Bruce

Mike didn't ask for this testimonial - I WANTED to do this...

I've worked with Mike for almost 5 years. Honestly I believe he is one of the best local marketers Ive seen. He is definitely NOT a copycat. He comes up with original ideas that can make you money.

In a field crowded with wanna-bees and pretenders, Thankfully, Mike is the real deal."

Uncle Bruce

First, I think you're putting out some good info.  I'm unsubscribing from most marketers, but you're one of the few that I look forward to getting email from because of the quality content.

Christopher G.

...your stuff does stand out and why I'm so high on you. You do things much different than others and why you are having the success you deserve.

Christopher G.

About Your Investment.

If you were to visit me to receive this training, face to face, you’d have to get time off work and spend a great deal of time and money on traveling plus accommodation – quite apart from the fact I charge $500 an hour for face to face training.

But I wanted to make this affordable for good folks, like you, because you deserve to finally step up to a better, richer life.

So, by creating this multi-media program of an ebook, and training videos, you’ll be able to enjoy the very same high quality training at a fraction of that price.

But theres only one condition, and its an important one; This Launch price is only available for the next 72 hours as it states at the top of the salespage. I'm serious about that...I want to reward consultants who take action and know a great value when they see one.

With such a surefire opportunity as this, where you can model your business on an already successful one PLUS be given a helping hand by the developer, there can only be one question:

What will you do with
your new found income?

Will you visit the most prestigious car showroom in town, walk up to the most expensive, top of the line vehicle on the floor and slip into that luxurious leather driver’s seat?

Then will you annouce to the salesman you’ll drive it away and you’ll be paying CASH?

And I guarantee you'll enjoy enjoy the reaction of your spouse as you hand her a voucher for three days pampering at a luxury beauty spa.

Those are the sort of exciting experiences you can look forward to – once you have my secrets of making cash on demand from your local life insurance agents.


My 30 Day TEST-DRIVE Guarantee

My intention is to make this as simple as possible for you to put these steps into action.  So, use my PDF Guide and Bite-Sized Videos to prove to yourself that it can work for you… But if for some reason, you follow my lead, and you’re not satisfied with your results, ask my support desk and we’ll refund every penny of your investment.

  • Is this just a re-hash of some previous course?

    A: No, it’s a brand new course, top to bottom. MIke has compiled all he knows about selling leads to the hungriest market around; Life Insurance Agents.
    You’re going to see inside his successful business and get a a proven blueprint to copy.

  • Does this take a lot of time?

    A: Nope. Probably less time than what you’re doing now to find good client leads. AND the more you do it, the easier and faster it gets.

  • Will I need a large budget?

    A: Not at all. You will not spend a nickel until you have a client agreement and an agreed deposit. Its the clients money you will use to fund the lead campaign.

  • Will I need to hire employees?

    A: NO (Unless YOU Want Them) —If you choose to use virtual assistants or outsource that’s fine. But it’s not necessary. You could teach my methods to a VA and still spend very little – and then you’d be hands off!

  • Can I do this all from my computer?

    A: This entire business is totally location independent and can be done entirely by email and phone. No cold calling is necessary.

  • If it's so good… Why don't you charge more?

    A: Good Question!… I actually make most of my earnings from local clients, and thats been the case for years. I dont need to try and get rich off my consultant friends.

  • How long does it take to get results?

    A: Ideally you get through the course in just hours and start applying what you learn right away. While we can’t predict results, we’re 100% confident you’ll realize you have a very powerful Lead Process and are targeting the hungriest clients anywhere.

  • Do I get lifetime access?

    A: You get unlimited access to the whole program inside the Members’ Area! So you can review everything and make use of all the resources for as long as you want.

  • Can I Really Do This?

    A: Yes. Other local marketing programs fail because, at their foundation, they assume that the freelancer must be some kind of super sales expert. So if you can follow a simple step-by-step process, you can do this.

  • Why will clients take a chance on me?

    A: Because they NEED you. Everyday they wake up and need leads to make appointments and close sales. They and their family don’t eat unless they make sales. They are accustomed to buying Leads and when you use our strategy, they will give you a trial run…which will usually lead to a long term client.

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