How Consultants Are Booking Clients With A Single Message After Showing This Little Known Feature On Facebook
… imagine YOU being able to take that … super-reliable, powerful psychological trigger – and turbo charge it to deliver leads … to your bubbling over with joy future clients.
Mike Paul
Howdy Fellow Business Consultant… I’m sure you know about the psychological trigger that make upsells so utterly effective.
In fact, so reliable is that trigger, McDonalds – probably the world’s most profitable hamburger chain – actually owes their profitability to the sheer power and reliability of upsells.
You see, when you order a burger, the profit from that only covers their overheads. But, when the clerk asks you if you want fries and a coke as well, and you say “Yes” - that puts them into profit.

So imagine YOU being able to take that same super-reliable, powerful psychological trigger – and turbo charge it to deliver leads like this to your bubbling over with joy future clients.

Do you think that would help you stand head and shoulders above your competitors, whether other business owners or consultants, in the cut-throat world of lead generation?
It certainly has for me.
Hi… my name is Mike Paul and I enjoy a simple life without the usual J.O.B
But it wasn’t always like that, because, when I first started selling as a realtor, I struggled to get any leads at all.
In fact I was on the verge of giving up the business, simply because I saw no future in a business where I could not generate fresh leads on demand.
Then I came across those wise words, usually attributed to mathematical genius, Albert Einstein…
"The definition of insanity is doing the same thing over and over again, but expecting different results."
That was a real ‘Road to Damascus’ moment for me, because - not only was I doing exactly that – all the other realtors were doing exactly the same too.
So, right at that moment, I resolved never again to follow the herd and, instead, take some time out to research new, more ingenious ways of generating leads that were different and far more effective, than anything anyone else was doing.
It worked like gangbusters
So well did my new methods work, I quickly made up for the time I’d taken out to research and devise my newer, smarter methods of lead generation.
What’s more, I quickly attracted the attention of other professionals – all struggling the same way I had struggled before my epiphany - eager to pay me to learn what I was doing differently to amass all these high quality leads.
Long story short, I eventually gave up working for someone else and instead became a consultant, helping an array of business owners from many industries in my local area also desperate to generate new customers and leads for their business.

In addition, to serving the growing demand for my services in a wide range of businesses far beyond just real estate in my own area, I became ‘The Consultant’s Consultant’...
... helping other business coaches and consultants in other areas by revealing my revolutionary techniques which they could then deploy them in their own areas.
But I never forgot Albert Einstein’s eye-opening concept
And so – because generating fresh leads is the lifeblood of every thriving business – my main focus now is on researching newer and better ways to generate leads.
It’s vital for any business to keep looking for fresh ways to generate new customers and leads, because, as soon as a new way of lead generation is created... soon seeps out into the general marketing community and then a feeding frenzy takes place that soon dumps everyone back into that state of insanity Albert Einstein highlighted.
So, I'm exhausted, but proud, to unveil my latest - and what I firmly believe is my most effective lead generation technique yet!
My ‘Birthday Leads’ program…

Like all groundbreaking concepts, from the wheel onwards, this is a laughingly simply principle you’ll grasp in minutes. You can devour the 40 page field manual...
... and watch the short, straight to the point training videos in an afternoon and be ready to start your success wagon rolling the very next day.
My 'Ah-Ha' Moment
For years, I fought and fought against the notion that... "All marketers have to test and test"...
Like a dehydrated vagabond, scaling the Sahara - I dragged myself across the hot sand... with one hope backing me up.
I just knew there had to be a way to escape the 'blood, sweat, and tears' phase of online lead generation for clients.
Eventually, I just accepted it the way it was. The masses won over me. And I quit looking for a better way. I told my clients ... "we MUST test" before we find a sweet-spot for the leads to start flowing." - And boy was that testing phase gonna be expensive for them...
It wasn't until COVID hit in 2020.
I was licking my sores thinking this isn't fair for local business! By this time, I had forgotten about my earlier failure to find a surefire way to get leads for local businesses without the 'trial and error' part.
But in the midst of my pity-party, I got a call from Brandon. Another local consultant, Brandon whispered in the phone (I imagined his eyeballs batted back and forth - as if he was about to engage me in top secret heist of all heists)
This is what he said, "Mike, I put this ad up last night... didn't think much of it... and this morning I woke up with barrel of LEADS!"

A Brief Synopsis...
"Wait, Brandon"... I said. "You mean to tell me you didn't test audiences? You didn't test different ad text?... Did you test at all?!
"No, Man - I literally threw up the ad and today... BAM! Leads."
Brandon went on to explain what he stumbled upon.
See, what he did was so simple, yet so profound - It totally made sense. It clicked. And it will for you too!
Let me explain.
We as humans thrive on something called dopamine.
It's a chemical our body produces to feel pleasure. More often, dopamine is created when we feel good about ourselves. When our EGO has been inflated in a round about way.
What Brandon did was tap into the customer's dopamine levels by appealing to their EGO on their Special Day. And everyone has one... Their Birthday!
He Simply Did This:
- He Found a Way to Know Who's Birthdays Were Coming Up
- With a Simple 'Tweak'... he targeted those people (at precisely the RIGHT time - on their Birthdays) with a Secret Ad Campaign for Local Shops
- He collected $600 to set everything up... and $350 Recurring every month!
NOTE: Brandon had guidance. If he tried this himself, it could have really cost him.
By doing this, Brandon was able to produce MOTIVATED Leads by the push of a button!... and here's why...
When you appeal to the customer when they're expecting it...
I'd even go as far to say - when they feel ENTITLED to something special (A freebie, a discount...)...
You no longer need any slick sales tactics,
you no longer need to be an expert copywriter,
you no longer have to test and test...
Just put up these micro EGO-Boosting Birthday Ads for your clients... and they'll be so happy with you... they'll practically kiss you right on the lips!
And they WILL... in the form of Handsome Fees month after month!
Who is this for?
Anyone in the local consulting community who wants to enjoy the kudo of being ahead of the pack when it comes to generating red hot leads on demand for your business and those of your clients.
What’s more, because this method is SO very simple to understand and execute - if you’ve ever wondered about enjoying the financial and time freedom of a local marketer -
there will probably never be a better opportunity than this astonishingly simple and effective method to get you off the launch pad
...particularly as I will give you a head start with specific instructions to make it as easy as pie to sign up proven highly receptive to this approach small businesses, such as:
- Restaurants
- Tanning Salons
- Bar Owners
- Beauty Shops
- Nail Salons
- Retail Stores
- Coffee Houses
- And More!!
And here’s a quick peek as some of the awesome secrets I reveal inside…
- Why you need this entirely new way to gather white hot leads that will work for you and your clients like gangbusters.
- How your prospects have made it SO easy for you. In fact, they can’t help themselves
- How to target a constant stream of fresh prospects – and get paid handsomely for it.
- The perfect moment to strike - even more powerful than when smart marketers leverage the ‘feel good’ dopamine rush folks experience when they buy something to sell them more products.
- Your battle plan (so simple it takes just three and a half minutes to explain).
- How to precisely locate your target demographic. I’ll show you how to easily find all the restaurant owners, tanning salon owners, beauty and nail bar owners, gym owners and other professionals like fitness trainers just at that magic moment when they are most open to your sales pitch (and I’ll even tell you what to say).
- The simple steps to quickly get your clients ready to roll so you can get paid a nice fat regular monthly fee from every single one thereafter. All clearly explained in my step-by-step ‘over the shoulder’ videos
And much, MUCH more…
Just like Mike said, we started getting new customers come in within days! Your process was painless and your team gave excellent service. This is something we plan to stick with for a very long amount of time!
Simon A. Restaurant Owner
Mike had multiple leads coming in right away! He did a great job of communicating and I recommend his service for a better way to grow your business!!
Brenda H. Business Owner
Holly W.Once Mike took over, my business did a complete 180!... Mike's different approach helped me double my business!
I followed Mike's guide, and set up my first Local Birthday leads campaign last night. As of this morning, I already have a half dozen leads and 2 sales, totaling $210. The cost of the ad so far.... $4.15!
Ray Lane Business Owner & Online Marketer
Right now, you may be wondering...
You can clearly see how this brand new method of getting almost guaranteed leads will be a godsend for you. But, for precisely that reason, you fear it might be way beyond your budget.
You’re right!
Such a brand new method, which is miles ahead of anything anyone else is doing right now, which:
- Will give you all the leads you and your consulting clients can handle.
- Will also result in higher conversions because they are not the same tired leads everyone else is desperately trying sell to (because this new method is unique to us).
SHOULD indeed cost a king’s ransom.
But I’m quite content with the excellent regular repeat income I make from helping all the businesses in my own local area.
So I’m quite happy to make a little bit extra on the side helping smart entrepreneurs, like you located in other areas, which won’t affect my business one little bit.
That way, you benefit way more with what I will give you than the size of your investment
Ah, yes… your investment. You’re probably wondering about that. As you can imagine I charge my local clients eye-watering sums to consult with me on a one on one basis.
So, if you were to hop on a plane to come and get these simple secrets first hand from me...
... you might have to beg for time off work, and bear all the expense of flights and accommodation plus my fat consulting fee – all of which, frankly, would be OVERKILL.
That’s because, as I’ve already explained, this method can be explained and understood in minutes.
So I’ve come up with a better way
I’ve put everything you need to know in this easy to understand 40 page field manual (which even includes my battle-tested scripts to tell you exactly what to say to your prospects to close the sale).
And, because I’m only just releasing this program, I’ve kept the investment down to what most folks charge for just a simple ebook – $27.
But, because I always over deliver, this is far, FAR more than just a simple 27 buck ebook.
Instead, it’s a comprehensive multi-media training program with a total of 16 ‘over the shoulder’ videos, to make it child’s play for you to get going right away, fully confident about what to do – even if you only started doing this today.
But it’s only fair to warn you
Because this information is so powerful and so brain-dead simple to deploy I will be increasing your investment first to $37 - and then even more -
as soon as the timer at the bottom reaches zero OR a reasonable number of early birds have had their fill, whichever comes sooner.
But I’m determined to make this as easy as humanly possible for you, so if you’re really serious about being the best in the business and are ready to go ahead right away, I’m including this valuable fast action bonus…
Fast Action Bonus ‘Local Lead Gain’ – Value $67 but yours FREE because you’re going ahead today.
This gives you three more ingenious - yet simple to understand and action - ways to generate red hot leads and so works synergistically with the product itself...
...adding even more lead generating firepower to your armory. And it’s yours totally free - provided you go ahead today.
This is all you need to decide right now

Your 30-Day Guarantee...
If after you’ve taken the course for a test-drive and the results don’t satisfy… I’ve refund every penny of your investment! My intention is to make the process as smooth as possible and be with your every step of the way.
It’s a measure of how confident I am that you’ll be astonished and delighted with this new way to dazzle your future clients, fully backed by my 30 day cast iron test-drive it guarantee.’
So all you need to decide today is to go ahead and take a test drive, locking in at the lowest possible investment and allowing you to make certain you like the program before you finally decide to keep it.
But, if after you've given it a whirl, and the results don't live up to your expectations, simply shoot me a short email requesting a full refund and I’ll send it by return, without question or quibble.
After all, the whole program is digital. So you won’t have to pack it all up and lug it along to your UPS depot if you want a refund, will you?
Fair enough?
All of which means…
You now have a crystal clear choice
You can either continue to do what you’re doing now and expect a different result - and we both know what Albert Einstein says about that!
You can make the smart choice and realize that, for a mere 27 bucks (if you’re quick), you can have the freshly cut key to the Kingdom of All The Hot Leads You Can Handle.
I’m sure you’re smart enough to make the right choice. So I’m getting really excited about astonishing you with my new lead generation method.
Here’s to your well-deserved success,
The Consultant’s Consultant
P.S. Remember, all you need to decide right now is to claim your test drive of the full program, fully protected by my cast iron refund guarantee.
So the only way you can possibly lose (and lose BIG) with this is by not going ahead right away and claiming your test drive
P.P.S. To give one lucky person in each town a head start, I’m only accepting applications from one buyer in each town. So, if you don’t want to be pipped at the post, you know what to do…
WARNING: as soon as the timer below reaches zero – or we make a certain number of sales - your investment jumps from just $27 to $37.00
So, by going ahead right now you’ll not only be certain of getting in for the lowest possible investment and you’ll ALSO be the only person in your town possessing these powerful secrets.

Mike Paul, Local Marketer
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