Learn How An Ex-Banker Left His Plush Desk Job to Earn Thousands As Loan Broker in His Spare Time!
Then stunned the Local Marketing World by teaching everyday people with no experience how to Model His Methods by Attracting Business Owners Who Are Hungry For Loans After The PANDEMIC!
I’m going to give you the exact system I developed for people wanting to quit their dead-end job and live a life of freedom on a 5-10 hour work week…
I will show you a service that even a newbie consultant can begin to use tomorrow….
A service that so many business owners need in 2022... and because of the recent state of affairs of the PANDEMIC... they will literally beg you to provide it for them…
And when you do… you will earn a hefty commission just for doing 2 things:
- Find Motivated Business Owners who need money...
- Pass their contacts to a secret alliance of lenders who will then do all the selling for you... All you do is make an introduction. (More on that later)
Once the client gets funded (which is super-fast)... you earn your handsome commission (this usually happens in a matter of just a few days)
And if that wasn't simple enough... clients will come back to you over and over everytime they 'renew' a loan... earning you a fat commission each time!
... Meaning, send a lead once, get paid forever... true passive income as a funding consultant!
I'll also show you how to offer a bounty to get them to refer their friends so you NEVER have to prospect again, working only on referral.
Become the go-to funding consultant in your market once word gets out you delivered where no bank could!
"Hey, I'm your absolute worst competition... but, listen, I can help you."
By the way, I'm Mike Paul and I've been in local marketing for quite a while, but let me take you back to when I discovered a service business owner crave.
When I started working with local businesses I hoped I was prepared for everything.
I read courses and talked to successful consultants and watched videos... almost till I was tired of all the information.
BUT, it was during my corporate days, I got quite a surprise.
I was a banker and someone very special walked into my office one day.
Brenda was a country girl from South Carolina with a rather bubbly attitude.
We shook hands, had a nice conversation... and out of the blue she said...
"I know you just met me... but you've been helping me grow my business for almost 2 years now and I wanted to pop in and Thank YOU!"

She smiled and I assumed she was joking. It turns out SHE WAS DEAD SERIOUS.
Brenda continued... "Seems like you and your branch has a name for itself in this town and that's good. But, you've been turning down a lot of business loans. Not great for you, but good business for me..."
"I've enjoyed seeing your clients come crawling to me once you turn them down."
My perverbial jaw hit the ground.

For the next 30 minutes she spelled out a plan to "save my rep" from all those grudgy turn-downs... by offering to be by my side as a "Plan B".
"It's really very simple", she said. "The business owners who can't get a loan... Send them to ME!. I'll approve them and you'll look like a HERO."
After that day, I became an honest-to-God research 'nut.'
I started looking into everything to do with "Non-Bank Funding" for local businesses.
I found plenty, and after sifting through the BS and 'blue sky' I came to a big conclusion...(and one you will benefit from);
Consultants are making money (sometimes big money) hooking businesses up with the right funding source.
So, I Joined Her...
Long story short - I ended up leaving that Bank and ... I joined her!
I went on to win trips and help businesses of almost every type! And from all over the country!

and eventually started training a select group of my own business loan brokers!
Humbly speaking, I know the business. I know how lenders think. And I'm qualified to show you the secrets to to earning an awesome living as an in-demand, highly paid Local Funding Consultant…
who can deliver a vital service that just about every business owner is desperate for in 2022…
and get paid better for an hour’s conversation with a client than most doctors or lawyers can ever make…
If any of this strikes a chord with you... then this is the most important message you’ll ever read.
Here's why:
I get a LOT of people reaching out to me asking if I could teach them what I know about being a Local Marketing Consultant.
So, I ran a research experiment of sorts... for a select group who desperately wanted to become Local Funding Consultants. I’ll tell you more as you read on…
But I know I can’t run a group to help everybody at the same time!

So, I had an idea...
I‘d documented everything I taught in the group.
All of the systems and processes I use to market this service to clients.
(Before it was all on my head)
I wanted to get it ALL out onto paper.
Over the course of a few days, I took this group through every single step of the process I perfected when working with my own clients.
- I showed them ALL of my methods for providing the service they would offer to their clients.
- I showed them EVERYTHING… so they would never leave sales on the table.
- I even walked them through my exact method for having someone else do all the work after the client comes to YOU for help.
- I gave them dozens of tips I use in my own funding agency to all but make their potential client’s fall in love with their service.
But I knew that wasn’t enough… so I didn’t stop there...
- I ALSO showed them my bread-and-butter strategies I use in my Funding Business to this day to become inundated with new clients.

Then I showed them how to...
STOP Chasing Clients... and how to get clients chasing THEM
- I showed them how to flip the power dynamic in a client conversation so they’re practically begging you to take their business.
- I gave them my exact Triple-Message Swipes that I used every day… so they KNEW exactly what to say.
- I also showed them my 5-Minute process for low-maintenace clients who would stumble over themselves to use you again and again..
That’s not all… but I’m sure you get the picture.
All in all…
Everything I taught in this course was essentially…
The Secret Playbook Behind How I Run My Business Funding Consultancy... The New Way!

My Service and Methods Work So Well... You Ask, "Why didn't I know about this years ago?"
So well, in fact, my team became so inundated with client work…
I was forced to recruit some new Local Consultants just to handle all the enquiries from business owners desperate for our help.

The cool thing was… the people I recruited from the research group were so well equipped, they were able to hit the ground running and secure application after application, deal after deal.
Some even earned more in the first thirty days than they got from their regular job.
I ended up cutting the cord with what I had. It was enough for me.
Which is why I'm handing over the exact training they went through... to a few Lucky ones who want to grab it during the next 4 days...

Brush shoulders in the local business space and you'll soon come face-to-face with that big ole elephant right in the middle of the room.
It's an unspoken fact, kind of like an invisible weight on a huge chunk of mom and pop shops, professional firms, franchises and even middle size businesses...
They've all been abandoned and left in the dust by empty promises of "free" money from SBA and other government agencies... who have, without me beating around the bush... flat run out of money.
These good people had hope. They thought they'd beat the pandemic. They thought they could still get out of a pinch or continue to grow. See they STILL need money.
Money for things like:
1. To Pay Taxes
2. To Meet Payroll
3. To cover seasonal slowdowns
4. Equipment financing
5. Renovations
6. Expansion
7. Buying a similar business
8. Purchase larger quantities for bulk discount
9. Increase staff
10. Increase marketing/advertising
11. To Increase available working capital
12. To pay other debts
13. Buy Out a partner
14. Many, Many More
If an Average "Joe" can do it...
Here's the shocker...
It doesn't matter what they need the money for
The process is all the same each and every time! Get the lead, virtually walk them over to your lending partner... DONE.
Believe me, I didn't have any special advantages getting started as a local consultant. I'm just an average guy with no 'special connections'. And lest you think I'm mistake-free, think again.
I've screwed up and 'stepped in it' as much as anyone I know.
BUT with Local Funding Freelancer 2.0 I'm convinced I've found a better way to prospect and land good clients.
And this will work equally for both brand new AND established consultants alike.
Now, I'm on a mission to share this new strategy and my tested-in-the-field secrets for using them the RIGHT way!
Surprisingly, 1 out of 10 Business Owners Need Capital Fast... Businesses Like:
1. Dentists
2. Chiropractors
3. Restaurant Owners
4. Car Dealers
5. Appliance Stores
6. Gyms & Health Clubs
7. Golf Course Owners
8. Contractors
9. Roofers
10. Hotel/Motels
11. Carpet Cleaners
12. In-Home Care
13. Jewelers
14. Gas Station Owners
... And too many others to list
And with my new training, a high chance of success is almost accurate.
I say ‘almost’ because you will have to do the work. Although, the steps are simple... I don't know your motivation. I don't know how serious you are about changing your life 😊
But I AM certain, that the secrets I'll give you will put you on the fast track to earning your first, second, third commission and beyond. I want to help YOU become a successful Local Funding Consultant…
So that you
- can get paid to arrange something that your clients need…
- earn more per hour than you ever could at your day job...
- be the envy of your friends
and gain new respect from your family
You Can Start Attracting Clients Immediately...
The beauty of Local Funding Freelancer 2.0 is that it works so fast.
The desire to help and educate others is in my DNA
Although I don’t NEED to make Local Funding Freelancer 2.0 available to survive, for me there’s nothing cooler than hearing back from a new Local Consultant whose career I’ve helped to kick start.
I remember how hard it was when I was first starting out.
There was no “Funding Freelancer” program back then.
You could count on one-hand how many local funding consultants there were – and none of them were ready to help the new guy.
I’ll never forget trying to piece together all the necessary knowledge to forge my own path when I was first starting out.
I remember what it was like when I had no clients…
I remember what it was like when I was spending money on my education and had barely and cash coming in…
I remember fumbling through my first few dozen client calls, feeling like a moron because I always seemed to mess up when I was trying to close a deal…
But I also remember getting those first few clients and the RUSH that came with it… when I finally tasted that first bit of success…
I remember telling my friends and family about this new “business” I was working so hard at… and I’ll never forget the confused look on their faces.
(They thought I was crazy, and very few people understood.)
I remember trying to get that momentum in the beginning. It was tough to maintain that momentum and keep showing up day in, day out.
I remember all of that.
It was hard.
If you’re in that stage of your career right now, as you’re reading this… I hear you!
I have sat in your seat.
I have walked ten thousand miles in your shoes.
I have been where you’ve been… but I’ve arrived where you want to go
The good news is, this path has already been “figured out.”
There’s no guesswork here.
I’m going to show you exactly what you need to do to offer a new, highly sort after service that will accelerate your new Local Consultancy career right out of the gate.
This is a service I’m passionate about.
And I can’t wait to give you the same opportunity I use every day.
It will take your client getting skills to a whole new level
You excited yet?
You should be…
Because everthing my brokers used to attract sales, like a magnet, has been conveniently and methodically brought together for newbie consultants who want to scale big... take a look!
Discover the Secrets to An Almost Instant Funding Income Like These:
- Why you don't need any sales pitch to get businesses coming to you for funding. (it has to do with WHO you contact for leads.)
- Use this little-talked about method to land clients who are already pre-disposed to talk to you.(even though they know up front you charge more.)
- What to say to the Best (And FREE) Client Hub to get them to respond.
- A clever "Hack" that can do all the 'heavy lifting' for you when looking for business funding clients. (basically you'll cheat the system & talk mostly to the 'pre-sold', so they are more eager to use you.)
- The ridiculously simple set of tasks to do once you have signed a business funding client. Its all laid for you - nothing is missing.
- The 24-Hour trick to finding clients I guarantee you'd never think of!
- A No-Nonsense Way To Follow-up with lead sources.(hint: Someone else does the work!)
- Discover which lenders are Fit to Partner with YOU!
- The simple 'tweak' that can command thousands more in commissions...
- Why no licensing is required and how the whole US is your oyster!
- The real reason many local businesses have NO CHOICE but to see you for funding help...and accept the loan.
- What to say when the business client says, "You're too expensive" (This reply not only kills one of the most frustrating objections freelancer funders hear, but it also builds your sales posture and credibility.)
- Approaches that require zero convincing, no begging, no pitching, or manipulating at all.
- The BIGGEST mistake you can make offering funding.
- What's average pay? A great deal? A Low deal? We reveal it.
- A sneaky marketing trick using 'The Blantant Direct Approach' to stand out from all other consultants GUARANTEED!
- Revealed: The FIVE main things that determine funding approval... and the 3 that REALLY matter.
- And much more...

I want to help YOU become a successful Funding Consultant… so you can get paid to
Do something you love...
Earn commendably more than you could at your day job...
.. and enjoy the work you do for clients who truly respect your skills.
So, whether you’re a complete novice or an experienced consultant looking to specialize in providing a reputable service to business owners who need you now, you’ll become a Bonafide expert after living Local Funding Freelancer 2.0.
The training starts with the basics then dives deep into the anatomy of good Local Funding Consultancy, how to get clients and how to close like a pro.
This no b.s. approach is a refreshing change of pace from most training out there today.
And if that wasn’t enough…
You’ll also gain access and be able to interact with me if you need my help!
Crazy, right?
As Simple As It Gets (The Rundown)
You want to know what you’ll be doing to create a new life as a Funding Consultant, am I right?
You’re gonna talk to business owners about MONEY!
Or more to the point, about how they can get their hands on some in this challenging but RIPE TIME - Seriously, the Pandemic has opened the flood-gate for you.
Here's what you do... inbound clients send you their docs... You send it to my secret list of lenders (no license required)... earn a huge commission on the funding!
Best of all? It’s the lender who pays your commission.
Think you can do that?
You Bet You Can!
You’ll find EVERYTHING you need to become an effective Local Marketing Consultant right there in the training.
PLUS – I will be there to guide you!
My training will lead you step-by-step as you learn exactly how to meet the needs of local business owners in your neck of the woods.
But before I go any further ...

"Will there be a lot of competition?"
A: No!..just the opposite. What we’ve found is very few consultants even suggest funding services to clients.
Its truly a wide open field.“Whats Unique about this?”
A: We’re teaching the best Client-Getting Sources to use. These are the approaches that REALLY WORK. A Low-cost entry for consultants to start generating leads and funding quickly.
"Is there anything unethical or 'shady' about this?"
A: Absolutely Not. There are no “junk fee’ angles to this or anything that does harm to any client. It is a simple proven formula to find clients and fund loans and get great commissions. ANYONE can do this.
“Does this take a lot of time?”
A: NO. Each client initially takes about a few hours to prepare the paperwork total, OR with the second method we teach everything will done for you!
"Do I need to be Licensed?"
A: No, there are no licensing requirements for funding of this type.(unlike mortgage funding for instance.) You can start right away and the whole US can be your audience!
“Will I need a large budget?”
A: No. Just a small investment in business cards and a flyer- that’s it. You can do this with No Money, just your own time and effort. For a broke newbee, its a good choice.
“Can't clients do this themselves or go to a bank?”
A: They could try, but few will. Most business owners don’t know where to start. AND if they approach banks, 80% meet with rejection. We also show you how to create a bidding war for your client’s loan. They cannot do this themselves.
"Will the business client have confidence in me?"
A: They will because you will follow our simple process.
Of course your own confidence will grow for each deal you fund.”Will I need Employees?”
A: NO (Unless YOU Want Them). If you choose to use virtual assistants or outsource that is fine. But its not necessary.
“Does this work outside the U.S.?”
A: Oh Yeah – In our ‘rolodex’ of perferred lending partners, I have you a recommendation for those who are outside the US wanting to target US-Based businesses.
“If It's so Good, Why Don't you charge more?”
Simple… At this point, I’m more concerned with growing my online customer base, so I don’t want a high price to be an obstacle to you trying this. I do enjoy helping local consultant marketers and there’s plenty of business to go around, imo.
This business will take consistent Focus and nominal effort on your part
This training is for you ONLY if
- you’re serious about wanting to become an in-demand Local Funding Consultant
- you are ethical and real about providing a truly needed service
- you are willing to get out there and try something new (although, the steps are simple and require no previous experience, you'll have to have take that first step)
Still reading?

Why You MUST Act Now...
This training is so important NOW because it's a game changer. Very few people know about this "Local Business Funding" and how effective it can be.
You can actually use this funding offer to get your first client and begin to make a comfortable living as an offline marketer. PLUS this is your chance to get the training, use it, and cash in with it... at a very low price!
Remember, we're going to take you by the hand and walk you through every aspect of this business to get you started the right way.
So, I’m going to allow you to take the whole program away for a full 30 day test drive.
That way, you’ll be able to see just how simple it is to find all the leads you need and marvel at how easy it is to deal with the lenders and how little ‘work’ you need to do in relation to the large commissions you’ll receive.
Press the BUY BUTTON below before the price increases again to secure your copy. Take action on the strategies as soon as you learn them and start generating clients in the next 48 hours.

Your 30-Day Guarantee...
If after you’ve taken the course for a test-drive and the results don’t satisfy… I’ve refund every penny of your investment! My intention is to make the process as smooth as possible and be with your every step of the way.

30 days should be ample time for you to get a few deals going, delighting you with just how simple the process really is.
Then, if – at the end of all that – you don’t think my blueprint is perfect to create an ethical and highly profitable business, then I’ll refund every penny of your investment.
Your investment?
As I’ve said, you’re one of the very first to know about this, empowering you to get started today, confident your investment will never be lower than it is right now.
Depending when you see this, it might still be as low as $67.00 - but it will be increasing when I offer this to the public.
But Be Warned...
In a very short time, your investment amount will jump up – no exceptions.
But I’m certain you’re smart enough to see what a wonderful opportunity this is and you’re decisive enough to grab it right now, for the smallest possible investment.
So I’m really looking forward to seeing you on the inside and sharing all my powerful secrets with you.
To your much deserved success,
P.S. I’m only offering this complete training for this low investment for a few days. I am doing this to ensure that you, most likely, will be the only consultant in your local area with these methods.
So, if you want to be THE ‘Go To’ consultant in YOUR town, enjoying all the business you can handle, then you know what to do.
P.P.S. Remember - the current rock bottom investment jumps to $97 when this Private Offer Ends.

Mike Paul, Local Marketer
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