Local consultants just starting out or already established who want to increase revenues fast ... THIS is for YOU …
There's A "DO or DIE" Untapped Market That's So Desperate This Life-Giving Service Practically Sells Itself!
It's crystal clear why this audience is a faster & easier high paying "Client Haven" because all other offliners are obliviously scrambling over stale and "leftover" business owner prospects making your competition almost NIL...
Fellow Consultant … imagine being the ‘Go To’ guy or gal new business owners seek out for funding to get their fledgling businesses off the launch pad.
And imagine they’re so desperate for the service you provide it virtually sells itself.
But there’s a reason this market is not already well served. It’s far easier to find lenders who want to lend to established businesses, because they’re perceived to be less risky.
You may be asking how I know this?
Years ago while working as a fledgling Banker for a major financial institution... I was wet-behind the ears, but had one thing going for me.... I was new and hungry.
So I was more than willing to blindly do what my superiors told me I should do... "Go downtown and knock on local businesses' doors." - Have you heard this before?
I quickly found that these business owners were hit with my offering by multiple other vulture consultants on the same day! Bad news for me, but it forced me to find out a way to bypass all the competition and only speak with the ones who were not approached yet.
Actually, I cannot take the credit for this because, at the time, I had a partner banker who shared this gem of an idea with me.
An idea that allowed me to do what all the other consultants were NOT doing while basking in the joy of a pool of Hungrier, More Motivated, and More Anxious business owner prospects!

He even showed me a way to get the direct line to the owner of the startup business. So just like me, you'll be able to bypass the secretary aka "Gatekeeper" almost every time!

It seems like just yesterday… I made this discovery that “going against the crowd” can often boost the consultant far ahead of the race. So far that it ceases to resemble a race at all!
In fact, if one can make nominal adjustments in their approach… what starts off as a “race” can begin to metamorphose into more of a play. A play in which the director (you) calls the shots.
Imagine stepping out... far ahead of the crowd because of this Breakthrough Epiphany
New Business Owners... often called Startups. They’re in a different stage of their career.
A stage dripping with needs of all sorts, a stage yearning for someone to help, a stage of wandering around in quiet desperation not knowing where to turn.
Imagine being able to target retailers, dentists, attorneys, contractors, salons owners, jewelers… and any other profession...
BEFORE they become hard to approach.
BEFORE the gatekeeper comes into the picture…
BEFORE every other local “consultant” is calling on your same prospects!
Has the light bulb in your head turned on?

Now I'm about to fill you in on a service that's on the verge of a FIT beyond compare...
This marvelous super-combo can open doors you've never thought possible...
Which brings me to...
How I 'Cracked the Code' for funding startups

Mike Paul, Local Marketer
Howdy … I’m Mike Paul, local consulting expert dedicated to helping my fellow consultants, like you, take your consulting business to new heights by unearthing profitable ways to expand your horizons and markets.
And, once I realized there was a vast untapped market in the middle of its harvest-time...
...I spent months burning the midnight oil and interviewing potential startup lenders until I finally created my Startup Lending Formula.
Of course, budding entrepreneurs will do the obvious and approach their own bank first – and usually get rejected.
But the alternatives - such as a sleeping partner/investor or a family loan - tend to be as attractive to them as root canal surgery.
So, picture how the entrepreneur - having rejected those scenarios and...
...now becoming increasingly desperate as they see their dream of a better life, being their own boss, rapidly slipping away - will react when you appear offering to fund their start up …
An Ideal service for an Ideal audience?
Before we move on... Think about this...
Brand spankin' new businesses need THINGS.
They need to hire employees like hostesses, salesman, customer service reps, and managers. They often need special equipment to manufacture their goods. The service provided may need marketing material like websites, outdoor signage, and vehicles.
And we haven’t even touched on the essentials like payroll services, credit card processing services, business bank accounts and the list goes on!
Did you know that there is one and only one thing that business owners need before they can get anything they want? Before they step one shakin' little foot into the business world?
They Need Money!
You may be saying... "Ideal, Mike?... But what if I am new to local consulting?" Check out these comments from a private Facebook Group...

Here's what you do...
1. First, you contact Hungry new business owners and offer your service. We give you some killer ways to do this without calling cold numbers. (The conversions are so scary good... 1 in 8!.. And the leads are virtually endless!)

2. You asked them a few easy questions... (They love to talk about their ideas so they'll give you these answers right away.)
Last step...
3. Just "Refer" their info to your lending partner experts and get PAID when it closes in as fast as 3 days! (There's no licensing or monthly fees required...)
Empowering you to enjoy your very own personal Goldmine
Because, by becoming THE ‘Go To’ source for new business finance, you will virtually corner the market for this class of business without having to really sell your service.
So, to help you get your new, highly profitable start up finance consultancy launched, I’ve created this brand new program ...
And here’s a tiny peek at the goodies awaiting you inside …

- Why startup businesses are actually easier to approach than established ones.
- The huge barrier would-be entrepreneurs face – and how you can profit handsomely by providing the solution.
- Why business consulting is the perfect profession (provided you bring home the bacon).
- The nuts and bolts of a typical deal. You’ll be amazed how simple it all is!
- The simple secret to becoming your lender’s ‘favorite broker’.– and how you can profit handsomely by doing these 2 things...
- How preparing your clients will ensure deals proceed as smoothly as silk.
- Choosing the right lenders (and why some lenders aren’t what they claim to be – and why this is actually beneficial for you).
- Three dynamic startup lending Partners who will pay you generous commissions, like clockwork.
- How the average commission lenders pay starts at about $1,500 and could rise a lot higher, depending on the size of the loan.
- Your ‘Secret Weapon’ to locate start ups ripe for targeting (definitely no cold calling needed - ever!).
- The covert two-number key hardly anyone knows about (which you might already possess) which unlocks a treasure trove of new business owner listings – completely free of charge.
- Exactly what to say to make it a slam dunk for you to fix appointments with the most qualified prospects.
- How to outsource your lead generation. Perfect if you’re still treading the hated nine-to-five job treadmill.
And jam packed with...
- A 61 page PDF Training Manual
- 14 Hand-Holding Videos to walk you through your core steps
- Full Scripts...
- Concern Handlers... (You will rarely need these)
- And Much more...
No big decision required today
I’m just launching this groundbreaking program. And you’re first in line to discover these powerful secrets.
So, I’m going to allow you to take the whole program away for a full 30 day test drive.
That way, you’ll be able to see just how simple it is to find all the leads you need and marvel at how easy it is to deal with the lenders and how little ‘work’ you need to do in relation to the large commissions you’ll receive.

Satisfaction Guarantee
My goal is to reduce your anxiety, lay out all the details for the strategy, and maximize your return on investment. My intention is to make this a smooth and clear process that exceeds your expectations.

30 days should be ample time for you to get a few deals going, delighting you with just how simple the process really is.
Then, if – at the end of all that – you don’t think my blueprint is perfect to create an ethical and highly profitable business, then I’ll refund every penny of your investment.
Your investment?
As I’ve said, you’re one of the very first to know about this, empowering you to get started today, confident your investment will never be lower than it is right now.
Depending when you see this, it might still be as low as $25.00 - but it will be increasing with every passing hour.
But be warned
In less than four days from now, your investment will jump even higher to $37 – no exceptions.
But I’m certain you’re smart enough to see what a wonderful opportunity this is and you’re decisive enough to grab it right now, for the smallest possible investment.
So I’m really looking forward to seeing you on the inside and sharing all my powerful secrets with you.
To your much deserved success,
Local Marketer
P.S. I’m only offering this complete training for this low investment for a few days. I am doing this to ensure that you, most likely, will be the only consultant in your local area with these methods.
So, if you want to be THE ‘Go To’ consultant in YOUR town, enjoying all the business you can handle, then you know what to do.
P.P.S. Remember - the current rock bottom investment jumps to $37 when this timer hits zero …

Hurry - Promo Pricing Ends Soon!
“Mike really understands the marketplace. Not only does he have exceptional training, he is out hitting the streets every day living what he teaches. His products and training are great. I highly recommend Mike Paul and give him 5 stars.”
Jim Mack
Mike is a class act all the way around. Not only is he a top notch local business consultant, but always has a pulse on the market as far as what is needed to be as successful as possible with clients... Whenever I need a solution... Mike is always my first thought and ultimately my go to guy as he practices what he preaches and his products and services are always first rate!
Kerry Knoll
Just a note to let you know you are special among the marketer's lists I'm on. You're one of the few who actually read and respond to your emails from customers... your support when needed has been excellent..
Ray A.
...your stuff does stand out and why I'm so high on you. You do things much different than others and why you are having the success you deserve.
Chris G.
First, I think you're putting out some good info. I'm unsubscribing from most marketers, but you're one of the few that I look forward to getting email from because of the quality content.

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