Welcome JV Partners!
"I'm a New Face But Not New To Offline Marketing"
Launch Date: Feb. 25th, 2019 11am EST | 4 day Launch with a Price Bump

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Hello JV friend,
Thanks for checking out my most anticipated launch yet! Launch details are covered here, but of course, if I missed something, go ahead email me or Skype me anytime.
This time we're delivering the ultimate service that will make consultants more money, with less "moving parts"..., for a niche that may prove to be the most hungry niche consultants have EVER approached!
I am constantly looking for new and unique ways to help consultants work smarter and not harder... with the shortest learning curve possible... all while earning substantial fees.
My experience has shown this to be the simplest and fastest way for consulting students to get paid. And once they see their first commission check - this offline thing gets very REAL for them.
...Which is why your list will jump all over this!
"Startup" Businesses: A hungrier audience that needs one thing more than anything else - Money.
About 6 months ago I released "Local Freelance Funding Formula" and it was an instant hit! (Take a look at the 5-star reviews I got for this training.)
I saw students start making commissions right away. Some of these guys and gals never made a dime offline ever in their life.
I've often said - just get that first sale and things will become real for you. And for many, business loans was the service that gave them their much awaited "breakthrough".
Despite all the success we saw with LFFF, I still saw a consistent trickle of emails stating one common element; competition.
At the time competition was almost nil for offline consultants because everyone was offering the "popular" services like web design, lead gen, seo, etc. And very few consultants had biz loans in their arsenal.
It didn't take long for competition to emerge which is why I researched an alternative. I wanted to keep business loans as the primary objective but I needed another audience. An audience that no-one was approaching.
I came across the Startup.
This audience has been almost completely forgotten in the offline world. Seriously, search W+ for startup and there's nada!
But you know what? Startups, to me, are the perfect prospects. Why?
- Startups are getting NO sales calls making them easier to approach
- Consultants are only approaching existing businesses - leaving the startup field wide open!
- Startups are desperate for direction... unlike the "know-it-all" existing business owner
- New businesses are forming every day in the consultant's local area - so there's an endless supply of leads!
- New business owners need things.... all types of services right now.
- They need money more than anything else...
MONEY + STARTUPS: The Ultimate Service for the Ultimate Audience
Box 1.... Startups - CHECK!
Now I had a challenge because business loans sources are notorious for NOT lending to startups. Banks have always said NO to startups and even short term business lenders leave startup companies out of their ideal client criteria.
So how could we offer business loans to startups when there were practically no sources to turn to?
Well. Much to my surprise, I found a few good startup lending partners who could fill that gap. Essentially, these lending "partners" just want "referrals". That's it!
They want consultants to send them the information of new businesses that are in need of a business loan.
When the consultant enters the referrals (into their free crm database)... that new business owner will get prequalified, processed, and closed by the "experts"!
And the consultant get's paid handsomely. Sometimes thousands for one sale!
It's almost completely HANDS-OFF!
Box #2... Startup loan service - CHECK!
- 1 in 8 Startup companies need a business loan - consultants are seeing a much higher closing ratio.
- Before Startup businesses can procure services for marketing, websites, hiring, or anything else... They Need Money!
- Startup loans can be the fastest, cheapest, and easiest money to get...
- Consultants who offer startup loans will have the perfect foot-in-the-door for ongoing services!
I hope by now you are starting to realize how this can be a perfect fit for your offline list.
As always I'll provide them with a complete training manual, over-the-shoulder videos, scripts, objection handlers (they'll rarely need this), and much more on just the FE product!
Thanks so much for your support, and lets ROCK this launch!
[FE & OTO- Products]
Front End: $27 @ 60% Commission (Early Bird first day, then going on dimesale)
OTO (upsell) commission = 50%
OTO (downsell) commission = 50%
[OTO 1 - Upsell]
The first OTO will allow the consultant to gain the marketing material they need to STAND OUT as the local startup loan professional.
This includes general service flyers, postcard, and niche flyers that are equipped with the right copy and images to beautifully display the consultant's service - Priced at $47
[OTO 1 - Downsell]
If your customers opts not to take the upsell, they are then directed to a downsell page with a lite version of the first OTO - Priced at $27
[OTO 2 - Upsell]
This second OTO will include the Ultimate Video Presentation. Perfect for consultants that don't like to present or "sell" the service. This video is packed with sales techniques like "embedded commands", "tie-downs", and other selling methods that the consultant doesn't have to learn!
The oto will include the video, an mp4 VO recording, and a script (for those who would like to present on their own) - Priced at $47
[OTO 2 - Downsell]
If your customers opts not to take the upsell, they are then directed to a downsell page with a lite version of OTO 2 - Priced at $27
Affiliate Contest!
$300 first prize, $75 second place, $50 third place.
You must optin to our email list to be eligible for the leaderboard.
*** Must Have at least a Minumum of 30 Total Sales to Qualify for the Contest
The Rundown:
Launch Period
4 Day Launch Pricing (then Price Bump)
60% front, 50% OTO1, 50% OTO2
Launch Date
Feb. 25th, 2019 11am EST
Here’s Exactly What To Do...
Your list will love this product, but you might want to prep them the day before and let them know you have a bonus for them...
Considering Sending Multiple emails and hit those unopens at the end of day number one
I suggest you write your own emails. The swipe below will give you a good foundation, but your list wants to hear from you PERSONALLY.

Subject: One Clever Service... that could give you a much deserved "break-though"...
Have you ever "spun your wheels" in this offline consulting gig?
Maybe you're doing this right now?
I mean it goes something like this... As a consultant you have to have all the "boxes" checked. But the two most important are:
1 - Your service
2 - Your target audience
And often, you may find a great service but find that the audience is over "pitched" and contaminated with competition.
You find a "perfect" audience but the service doesn't work like you expected!
Let me fill you in on something that could very well get rid of all your frustration now.
What if you had the ultimate service that was as close to "hands-off" as possible meaning... you had just about nothing to setup and the learning curve was ridiculously short!
Now what about the audience?
What if you could target all the top niches like dentists, lawyers, gas station owners, restaurant owners... just about any niche you wanted to target but with one MAJOR difference.
They were all in a different stage of their career - The Startup Company.
And these startup business owners need one thing more than anything else right now!
They need capital.
Find out how this low competition audience is better because no other consultant is approaching them. Also see how you can start "brokering" business loans as a consultant without any licensing all while using someone else's money.
All the best,
And That’s Not All, Because…
I RECIPROCATE For Compatible Offers!

Review Copy...
Review Copy Only given to ESTABLISHED offline affiliates known to us & signed up for our JV email reminders.
Contact Mike Paul with Any Questions
Please contact me via Skype or Email
Skype ID: Mikepaul
Email: Mike@mikepaulonline.com