Never Worry About Presenting Your Service Again...

"Proven Video Presentation That Grabs Clients Like Crazy..."

"Get Clients Twice As Fast With No More Selling..."

It's almost a given... you'll have to eventually "Present" your service...

You'll have to "Sell" them that you're the best person for the job...

WAIT... WAIT... Stop right there, because there's no more need to sell anything with the Right Video Presentation in your "Hip Pocket"!

So, if you don't like to sell or present... hell, what if you just don't like to talk to people...

Just send this proven presentation via email to your prospects and sit back, relax and watch your happy prospects turn into glowing clients.

Since I've personally been using several variations of this presentation for my core services, I've never turned back...

...because, like me, you will be able to close more prospects into clients faster while making the most of your time.

And if I'm reading you right, I bet you'd rather send this presentation to multiple prospects and have the law of averages work FOR YOU instead of against you.

You see, one of the most frustrating things for even top consultants is the time it takes to get that HOT lead, convince them to set an appointment, present the service... all to eventually only hear the word No.

What if it didn't matter if they said no because you knew that the other prospects who had this video hit their inbox had a great chance of saying YES!

Could you sit back and breath that sigh of relief from the feeling of knowing the business was coming?

Need to know what to say?  Forget all that! With... The "Ultimate Top-of-Mind Presentation"...

My main goal here is to help you SKIP all the mistakes that I made in the beginning.  Now you can use what is proven to get quick results!  You're other option?  Wing it... and risk the CASH that can be in your pocket...

This is your chance to SKIP all that with this shortcut to High CONVERSIONS with a Proven Presentation packed Full of highly converting content and selling techniques that you don't have to learn!

  • Sales Techniques Embedded throughout

    NLP techniques embedded in the presentation that work so effectively it’s scary

  • Provokes action through emotional triggers

    Targets your prospects deepest fears because the fear of loss can be the most effective tool

  • Paints a Picture...

    Focuses on the prospects greatest desires to motivate them on command

  • Goes for the sale

    Throughout this video presentation the client won’t even know they’re being conditioned to act with embedded commands and trial closes..

Voice Over:

In addition, I am including the Raw Voice-over recording of the presentation.  This way you can match the style of prospect.

In some cases, sending the Voice-over can close solidify your prospect if they prefer just listening.  You can also add your own presentation to the recording!

It's a simple close... instead of asking "Can I email you the presentation?"  (this gives them a chance to say 'no'...)  Say "I'm sending the presentation right now... would you prefer the video or the recorded file?"...  They'll pick one or the other!

Written Script:

For those who would rather present in person, I am including the written script!  So you can read it, study it, and present your killer-service like a pro!

Last minute BONUS: 22 'Hot' Buttons...

This is a complete Ebook jam-packed with techniques that get customers to spend like crazy!

These ideas are simple yet profound in that they touch on emotional triggers of your prospects, leads, and clients.

Use the methods in your emails, in your presentations, in your face-to-face meetings to steadily raise your conversions.   (You can also use this as a lead magnet or an ethical "bribe" to gain obligation from your prospects.)