Crazy, but it was hiding right under my nose...
With the market going up and down, high interest rates and talk of war, my New Niche BREAKTHROUGH for consultants, marketers and local advisors is...
The Financial Marketing Niche
That Spends $3000 a Month On Leads!

And Is Eager To Talk To You Since You'll Be Solving Their Biggest Problem For Good
It's overlooked because everyone ASSUMES it's Business is in Intensive Care...
BUT thats just not true. Despite a rough patch, this industry has ALWAYS budgeted for marketing...
Many of them are already prepped with a $3,000 budget to go toward a better source of Leads!
Through enormous trial and error (mostly error) my team has identified the #1 BEST Target Client you MUST Focus on in 2023 and 2024...
A Client So Valuable That You
Could Specialize In Just
These Alone, and Make
A Very Good Living.
A niche so reachable that you'll want to do nothing but build your marketing consulting business around them!
AND, Ive developed a SYSTEM for landing these 'pure gold' clients mostly by ATTRACTION, not by chasing them.
My Little Secret
My new secret system lets you get as many of these financial clients as you want! Clients who practically chase YOU, (once they find out how many good leads you can funnel to them.)
... and they gladly pay you substantial fees without quibbling or resistance!
Remember, Most of These
Golden Clients EXPECT
To Pay For Leads.
Modesty aside, my marketing method does what other methods don't... it pulls them in and makes closing them easy (by comparison to everything else)...
Go from a complete unknown in your market to a 6-figure or... maybe even a 7-figure earner... all in record time.
Enjoy a MASSIVE increase in your free time... because it only takes 10 hours a week to run this Lead Gen Business.
And Do It ALL...
-without employees...
-without complicated expensive marketing funnels..
-without time consuming, boring blogging..
-without painful cold calling..
-without giving away free stuff...
or ANY the other “grunt work” you don’t want to do...
Read My Important
Message For Local Consultants.
If you’re not happy with the type of clients you’ve been working with...OR the lack of ANY clients...
And you’re sick and tired of not getting paid the good fees you know you could and SHOULD be getting...
All because low quality “price shoppers” grinding you down on your fees... or there is so much competition, you have to accept whatever you're offered...
Then what you’re about to discover in this brief message will likely turn all that around for you... -in practically no time at all.
Because now for the first time ever...
YOU Can Experience My
NEW Niche System That...
- Attracts all these financial clients you’ll ever want or need...
- You’ll discover how to have these financial clients almost chasing YOU, while you...
- Charge (and get) the fees that you’re really worth…
- Never again worry about being an “advertising victim” throwing away your money on ads and sales funnels that produce little or nothing in new clients or profits...
FINALLY... get leads and deals consistently, predictably and reliably... like clockwork.
When you have a proven lead getting system like this working for you... it changes EVERYTHING.
And That’s EXACTLY
What I Want To Share
With You Today.
A Financial Niche System that can get you on the FAST TRACK to making top dollar...Working Less Than 15 Hours A Week!
Even better, once you discover this proven system, you can do all this with...
- NO need for a huge list of prospects...(a few hundred will provide you with all the client prospects you'll need.
- No more spending months or even years on free “content marketing”, article-writing, blog posts, video-making, or ANY of that “audience-building” stuff that rarely, if ever works...
- NO more cheapee- here-today-gone-tomorrow clients always trying to grind you down on your fees...
The Leads you'll bring these clients are of such HIGH QUALITY they won't want to...
Ever Lose You As A Source!
- NO more wasting your time with tire kickers who only want to “pick your brain”...
- NO more confusing, complicated and convoluted sales funnels that hardly ever work...
- NO more wasting time on webinars that no one attends...
- NO more wasting your time writing “free reports” that nobody ever reads (or responds to)...
- NO more hearing “Send me a proposal and I’ll get back to you”...
- NO more having to compete with other local marketers on price.
- NO more sales slumps or slow months...
The #1 Reason To
Do This Right Now:
Its Completely Realistic.
Not some pie-in-the-sky like you see so often on salespages... Not some fantasy that only works for the 'other guy' or 'other gal'.
Not some theory (thats never been applied or tested)... not some strategy that takes a sales genius to pull it off... No, absolutely not.
In Fact The PROOF Is,
We Are Doing This RIGHT NOW.
You can be an average marketer who needs to only follow directions - even if you're just starting out... can you do that? Good, then you're in!
Besides, the competition is oblivious - they're charging way too much for shoddy leads! This makes them obsolete as far as you are concerned.
If you haven't guessed by now, I'm talking about...
Providing Leads For
Mortgage Brokers And Lenders:
(The Hidden GoldMine)
Why Mortgage Brokers
And Lenders?
Mortgage brokers and Mortgae Lenders assist their clients in purchasing a commercial or residential property. Similar to Realtors, but with some BIG differences:
Lenders help analyze mortgage loan products from from their own institution and Brokers from other lenders. BOTH counsel clients on qualifications, interest rates and mortgage terms... in the case of mortgage brokers they aren't responsible for actually loaning any money.
Once a lender is ready to follow through with a mortgage to a buyer, the mortgage broker will complete the required paperwork and communicate between both parties.
So, Both Are Very
Instrumental To The
Sales Transaction...
BUT their biggest task is to FIND Prospective Buyers/Borrowers.
Now, many of them do this by courting and soliciting (really wooing) Real Estate Agents.
...and make no mistake, RE Agents know how badly Mortgage Brokers and Lenders need them!

Often the RE Agents will play hard-to-get, and demand special favors, extra attention, and expect the Mortgage Brokers/Lenders to come when they snap their fingers...
and often aren't even loyal to the mortgage pro who did all the legwork!
It's a challenging relationship for both parties BUT particularly for the Mortgage Brokers and Lenders...
...since the RE Agents control and usually have early contact with the prospective buyers.
And I can tell you without a doubt, most mortgage professionals would LOVE to have access to their OWN BUYER POOL!... and not have to 'suck up' so much to Realtors.
Mortgage Pros HATE
the sucking up! (you would too).
This POWER to attract good mortgage prospects (all they could want) DIRECTLY to Mortgage Pros is what you're going to offer to them...
And They Will

BTW, Mortgage brokers are paid more, on average, than real estate agents, mostly due to the additional education requirements.
Mortgage brokers make an average of $95,209 per year, and their income typically is higher and steadier than Realtors.
Thats because the average RE Agent may typically do only 1 deal a month (national average of all RE Agents is only 7 -8 deals a YEAR.)... So the average RE Agent can have long dry spells..
BUT the average Mortgage Broker will typically close between 4 and 8 loans PER MONTH!!
And that means a Mortgage Broker's income is usually more stable which helps keep them in the business longer.... PLUS they usually have more to invest in leads and promotions.
BOTTOM LINE: Mortgage Brokers can produce more long-term income for a marketing consultant than many other sales occupations.
It doesn't take many Mortgage Brokers as clients to see a continuous stream of fee income!
Has The Current Mortgage
Industry Collapsed?

No, but the latest stats tell us its down from last year about 20%...no arguing that, BUT that means 80% of mortgage applications are still being made, and mortgage originators are still being paid.
Most experts feel we are at or near the top of rates. Many of these same experts feel at some point soon, rates will start heading back down.
(since the Fed has probably gone as far as they want with interest rate raises.)
Which means each month we'll see improvement in mortgage applications...
And Happier Mortgage Brokers!
Right now the competition for these mortgage folks is low (very low), but that's even better for you and I.
Don't forget, an OBVIOUSLY HOT Market attracts every marketing guy and gal...But this market today is actually better than it looks!
The Best Time To Approach An
Industry Is When The
Market is Down.
So, RIGHT NOW You’ll have less competition. Period.
PLUS, niches in a down market are more motivated to act. There’s just more urgency to hire marketing consultants.
And finally, they’re willing to spend more.
Sounds counter intuitve, right? Keep this in mind - mortgage brokers...
Get Paid From .5% - 2% PLUS
Of The Loan Amount!
Now, consider the average home price is well over $400k in most markets.
Heck, I just spoke with a Mortgage Lender the other day who said that his average home loan for his area is near $700,000!
You do the math. Just one or two sales can mean a whopping payday to these mortgage pros!
Couple the fact that they don’t have to drive all over town showing homes like real estate agents do and the fact that an entire transaction for mortgage professional can be done over the phone and by email.
AND I've already shown you they can close more deals than the typical real estate agent - by far!
So, since they make more and do more volume, your prospects are willing to pay you more!
So Your Opportunities Are...
Incidentally, mortgage lenders are great to work with. They are especially interested in talking to professionals that can bring them leads.
They're usually located in office parks or multi-story buildings rather than retail type locations so they get very little walk-in taffic.
I Can't Overstate This:
PLUS, most are accustomed to buying leads. It's not some new 'hair-brained' concept to them. They're not 'afraid' of it. AND in most cases they budget for it.

And they're totally 'over it' when it comes to begging Realtors for business. No question about it... they're now READY to invest in better leads!
But what they really CRAVE are Good leads... They Will Pay Almost Anything For QUALITY Mortgage Leads.
So, instead of going through the hassle of hiring a phone prospector freelancer to call leads and qualify them BEFORE your client ever reaches out to them,
... you can streamline the entire process.
Believe me, hiring even one telemarketer can be an arduous task, and keeping him/her onboard can be just as challenging.
Training them can often feel like a hair-pulling experience.

But Here's A Much Simpler Solution:
You can effortlessly create what I like to call a self-qualifying lead mechanism in just 2 minutes that takes care of the entire process for your mortgage client!
No more hiring hassles, no training headaches, and no need to babysit unreliable freelancers.
The 2 question form QUALIFIES your initial Lead AUTOMATICALLY. The leads that pass the test are GOLDEN. (and worth cold hard cash.)
So, This Isn't A
'Churn And Burn' Deal.
You'll build a secure ENDURING mortgage client list and never worry where your next paycheck is coming from... which is a great feeling.
I'm giving you a ticket to A 'Physicians Income' without the hassles or expenses or liability.
Here's A Major Sales Tip:
To get the inside scoop on an industry at times, I sometimes agree to shadow one of their salespeople for a day or two.
BUT in this case, I've been a part of the Mortgage Industry for YEARS (so you get the immense benefit of my in-the-trenches experience.)
BTW, their industry is overcrowded and there just isn’t enough business to go around...
To combat the saturation problem, they’re having to work longer hours… Basically, GRIND til there’s no end.
I want to make sure you vividly see the problem. This is an industry in desparate need of a new way - a better way to get solid gold buyer mortgage leads.
No doubt, they need help desperately from marketers who understand leads. Better leads. More Leads.

The Answer: Be The
Marketing Hero
And that’s your cue to step in and take charge of their Lead Strategy..
With my guidance, and my manual and video training, it won’t take long for you to learn how to solve the mortgage professionals most pressing pain.
My way allows them to work with BETTER Numbers. Meaning, they only have to approach those who have a serious interest in financing a home.
It helps them take more mortgage applications while their competition is drowning in frustration.
Meanwhile, your Mortgage clients will be sitting in the comfort of their homes, in coffee shops, or on the road… following up with best Leads that YOU help them get!
How Will This Be Done?
Simply by using our two clever methods.
First, by replacing dependence on local RE agents since they hate that 'dance' they have to do...
And next, you’ll use an online method (your secretsauce) that weeds out the flaky leads for them... but still gets them TONS of lead opportunites.
PLUS, with Mortgage RevUp, you’ll have the upper hand on all those cookie-cutter online lead vendors. You know, the ones that sell old, stale leads to every mortgage pro in town.
You’ll create an entire new campaign in 15 minutes. And this online ad campaign will be like no other in the Mortgage space…
Here’s Where This Gets Good.
As good as this new Targeting Method with all its unique features is, it's still not going to make you money without...
Lots Of Actual Mortgage
CLIENTS Signing Up!
This method of getting local Mortgage Clients can give you a payoff that can be huge. It works in a way that attracts some of the highest quality client leads possible…
To be sure you get off to a fast start, I'm supplying you with my 3 Top Ways to get Mortgage Pros as clients. These strategies just plain work!
You should see results quickly if you follow our step-by-step process.
Now I can't give away the whole store until you're a purchaser, but I do want to wet your appetite since these are fantastic methods everyone is NOT doing.
Just a Taste Of
What You'll Discover
- The #1 reason Mortgage Brokers and Lenders are very open to our offer. (This works no matter what part of the country you're in).
- Mike's SECRET to making your competition IRRELEVENT. (THIS will fill you with total confidence).
- Why mortgage professionals will stay with you month after month after month. No chasing new clients all the time.
- Our techniques that boost your professional reputation (which you will need to make signing them up easy).
- Understanding mortgage pros biggest Pain Points. (get this right as its like money in the bank).
- What tactics Mortgage Brokers are resorting to that are NOT Working. An inside look at their business.
- When Is the BEST time to approach the mortgage industry?
- Solving The Online-Lead-Getting-Jungle for the first time.
- Why Mortgage selling and Online Advertising DON'T Mix. (That's why YOU become so valuable)
- Testing images, copy, formats, placements, and targeting parameters. You'll learn how to cut through that BS and produce winning ads.
- How most have been overthinking this lead generation process. (HINT: our natural instincts are wrong!)
- "Re-selling" these mortgage prospects is the dumbest thing you can do.
- The magic online platform that KNOWS who is looking for a mortgage RIGHT NOW!
- STOP using slick sales pages, and ad campaigns shouting "FREE REPORTS" or "FREE QUOTES”,etc. (total waste of time when you do our lead method).
- Imagine, you don't even have to utter a word about a 'mortgage services' to get great leads!
- Discover the simplicity of building an email list and lead database for your mortgage clients. You really should charge twice for what you'll be doing for them.
- How to add HUNDREDS of potential home buyers every single month... without the hassle and pressure of traditional lead gen techniques.
- You'll follow the same strategy of a skilled COCAINE DEALER, except what you'll do is completely 100% LEGAL.(and ethical, too).
- This QUALITY Lead approach is worth many times what the typical, sloppy, old approach produces.
- REVEALED: Why they can be a NOVICE mortgage pro, a fumbling rep, a tongue-tied salesperson, a boring presenter and STILL LAND MORTGAGE DEALS with these leads!
- The unexpected SUPER INCENTIVE you'll offer these leads that cracks open their most treasured information like cracking an oyster and finding a rare pearl.
- The recent results of ONE CAMPAIGN that reeled in over 367 leads in less than a month, (and the number is still climbing.)
- Other methods produce mostly cold leads... BUT my method produces WARM to HOT leads. What a difference that makes to the mortgage client.
- You could effortlessly fill the calendar of a mortgage broker with an average of three appointments per day! (if that doesnt get you excited, please check your pulse).
- The secret reason why these new leads don't abruptly hang-up or act grumpy. (what a pleasant change).
- We reveal the setup and procedure to install these dynamic lead campaigns. (Nothing is left out, just step-by-step).
- The unique "Automatic Qualifying Step" we teach you to include that gives you the HIGHEST VOLUME and keeps out low-quality leads.
- The special search engine that we incorporate into our Lead Setup.
- Using our process, The home buyer lead is worth DOUBLE in most cases. (That means almost twice the value for the mortgage lender.)
- When you first see the whole targeting process and the Special Offer to Buyers, you'll probably think it won't work...BUT you'd be VERY wrong.
- The Two, Million Dollar Questions, the lead has to answer. (These 2 questions convert an average lead to a SUPER QUALIFIED LEAD every time.)
- Why they must click on an answer, not type one in. (its these little things that make the difference.)
- Even better: the mortgage client gets a sizeable email list, which YOU can manage for an additional fee. (this just keeps getting sweeter, doesnt it?)
- The email automation we're using now to contact Mortgage Pros and sign them up.
- How we avoid 'trash' email lists of mortgage brokers. (saves you time and money).
- Our current preferred data vendor -with contact info. (why hunt around, we're giving you the best)
- Alternate sources of mortgage lenders email lists AND the questions you MUST ask before ordering any list data.
- Our recommended tool to use for sending emails. (we've tried a number and honestly, this is the best for our purposes.)
- Complete step-by-step to setting up the sending tool we use. Just follow the steps. No thinking needed.
- Why most emails DON'T work, and why ours do. We teach you EXACTLY how to phrase the outreach and provide a TEMPLATE for you to copy. (It's our most successful one yet.)
- When to mail, how often to mail, how to follow up, what number to mail... the questions you probably are answered.
- Using a social media alternative to do outreach to mortgage lenders.(we find this social media platfrom BEATS LinkedIn. Try and see for yourself).
- The exact steps to signup for our ALTERNATIVE Social Media Platform and how to get bushels of good Mortgage broker contacts.
- The "Message Board" approach to have mortgage brokers contacting YOU. (NOT what you're likely thinking, btw).
- The "Message Board" approach works great, (BUT ONLY if you follow our message advice.)
- How much should the client mortgage lender plan on spending for ads? We share our on numbers. (this is priceless, since you'd otherwise have to test on your own.)
- How to undercut ANY lead mgmt competitor and still make THOUSANDS per month in residuals. This thing can build pretty big, before you know it.
This all happens in a way that will cause your prospects to seek YOU out.
Because thanks to this Lead development system... YOU are positioned as the ONLY person your best prospects want to work with.
There’s not one single ounce of “theory” in this. It's what I and my closest associates are using RIGHT NOW to attract as many clients as we want.
This system works because it was developed, tested and perfected “in the trenches.” With real clients. In real “heat of battle” business situations...
And Here’s The Part
You'll Really Like:
You don’t have to be a pushy salesperson and rely on high-pressure “closing techniques” in order to enroll lots of mortgage clients.
Instead, you’ll almost be able to sift and sort only the best ones... the ones you feel you actually WANT to work with.
Because you don’t have to invest months of blood, sweat and tears trying to create complex multi-step sales funnels.
None of That Is Needed
With My Mortgage Rev Up System.
So if you want to bypass all that grueling (and inefficient) work... and help mortgage clients right from the git-go with barrels of leads they can't get anywhere else...
Then don’t waste your time trying to re-create what I've already perfected.
I created a tested system that feels utterly simple and eliminates all sales pressure – while landing mortgage client after mortgage client.
The appproach can turn around a local consultant's business extremely fast and build something that lasts.
PLUS, What Other Business
Strategy Gives These Advantages?
-No Cold Face-to-Face Calling
-No College Needed
-No Prior Experience
-No Office Needed
-No Big Investment
-No Age Limits (old or young)
-Be Treated With Respect
-Create A Dependable Income
-Have time with your family
-Reach Income Goals Quickly
But first Lets look at the training you'll be receiving...

You're getting My 73 Page In-depth PDF manual, PLUS my Follow-Along Videos, AND my Support. You're never on your own, I can assist you with just an email whenever you have a question.
About Your Investment.
If you were to visit me to receive this training, face to face, you’d have to get time off work and spend a great deal of time and money on traveling plus accommodation – quite apart from the fact I charge $500 an hour for face-to-face training.
My last coaching client invested thousands of dollars, well worth it no doubt, but not something everyone can afford.
But I wanted to make this affordable for good folks, like you, because you deserve to finally step up to a better, richer life.
But theres only one condition, and it's an important one;
This Launch is only available for the next 72 hours.
I'm serious about that... I want to reward consultants who take action and know a great value when they see one.
With such a surefire opportunity as this, where you can model your business on an already successful one PLUS be given a helping hand by the developer, there can only be one question:
Where Do I Sign Up?

Mike Paul, The Consultant's Consultant

Test-Drive Guarantee

Mike's Questions & Answers
Q:Does this take a lot of time?
A: Nope. Probably less time than what you’re doing now to find clients good leads. AND the more you do it, the easier and faster it gets.
Q: How Much Do I need to invest upfront for each client?
A: Almost nothing. The mortgage client will pay you BEFORE you ever lay out any advertising money.
Q:Will I need to hire employees?
A: NO (Unless YOU Want Them) —If you choose to use virtual assistants or outsource that’s fine. But it’s not necessary. You could teach my methods to a VA and still spend very little – and then you’d be hands off!
Q:Can I do this all from my computer?
A: This entire business is totally location independent and can be done entirely by email and phone. No cold calling is necessary.
Q:If it's so good… Why don't you charge more?
A: Good Question!… I actually make most of my earnings from local clients, and thats been the case for years. I dont need to try and get rich off my consultant friends.
Q:Why will mortgage clients take a chance on me?
A: Because they NEED you. Everyday they wake up and need leads to make appointments and close sales. They and their family don’t eat unless they make sales. They are accustomed to buying Leads and when you use our strategy, they will give you a trial run…which will usually lead to a long term client.
... As far as I am concerned, Mike went beyond the call of his duties. I consider him a business partner and friend. I totally recommend Mike!
Mick B.

Ben B.
Mike Paul’s Leads product was absolutely mind blowing! Never knew there was so much opportunity... What’s more - Mike is not some “keyboard commando” churning out theories from his bedroom. He provided real life examples from his Real World experience. If you’re on the fence about any of his products take it from me… Don’t sleep - Mike is solid as they come!!!
Holly W.
… Once Mike took over, my business did a complete 180! He provided me with his way for lead-cultivation which worked immediately… Overall, Mike’s different approach helped me double my business year-to-year!
David C.
I was struggling to generate leads... Following Mike's easy to follow instructions, I was able to quickly implement... and the results have been nothing short of amazing. To say it was an overnight success is an understatment as within the first week I had four leads that scheduled appoinments... and a dozen more that indicated they were interested!
Christopher G.
Your stuff does stand out and that’s why I’m so high on you. You do things much different than others and that’s why you are having the success you deserve. Keep putting out killer stuff and becoming the go-to offline guy.
So go ahead RIGHT NOW. If you're the least bit interested in adding this powerful lead system for Mortgage Professionals to your arsenal-its a no-brainer. Take this no-risk step and join me today, right now, while its fresh in your mind.