"How To Turn Gmail's Inbox Into A "Client-Sucking Monster" Overnight... Even If You Can Barely Get Your Own Email!"

BIG Responses And The Big Money Are Coming From This  'Game Changer Gmail Method'!

(Users are getting 181% higher conversions compared to other media.)

In Just 7 Days You Can Land Up To 3 New clients EACH paying you $750 a month. Thats $2250 your first week and it only grows.

You Could Make Money The Very Same Day Your First Gmail Inbox Interceptor Campaign starts!

I'm not holding back... and I'm handing you advanced level, tried and true Interceptor Secrets...

(For Local Consultants Only) Imagine providing a new exciting service that you know works.

Even better you also know most consultants (like 95%) in your local market are not using it and not offering this.

So its extra nice to know your...

Competition Is Almost Nil!

Conservatively, similar paid ad services without this angle sell to clients for $750 to as much as $3000 every month!

But there's a BIG difference...

These "other" services only slap ads in front of random people (anybody) who may, might, could "randomly" click on the ad!

These will always be weak leads, not targeted and yet still expensive.

And PPC with Facebook and Google can easily equal $10-$300 a day! With Click costs anywhere from $1.50 - $5 for each click!

But, with this "Inbox Interceptor" method you can get way better results in many niches for as low as 10 cents or less a click! (yes, you read that right, 10 cents)

But Here's The Best Part....

Prospects Are Eager To See Your Ads. (I know sounds odd, but stay with me)

They will not feel like they are being pitched, or pushed, or conned" to read something, no sir, no way.

Most advertising, if you think about it, is "In Your Face' ...This new inbox interceptor method is more like,

"In Your Brain"

... It connects where they're not expecting it!... In their subconscious, which is always unguarded.

When they see your ad - it will be because they purposely looked for it! It's a true win-win for everyone!

I'm not exaggerating , this isn't hype, I've tested this and its a better way to use email.

The lead-getting potential for client leads is monstrous...

There's a psychology at work here, that gives your ads a boost in response like nothing else.

Why Gmail? - Because It's The KING

In case you didn't know, Gmail is the 'Big Kahuna', the 800 lbs Gorilla of email services and nothing comes close.

Gmail is a Free, Advertising-Supported email service developed by Google. Users access Gmail on the web and using third-party programs.

...Gmail has grown to 1.3 billion users!

Google's mail servers automatically scan emails for multiple purposes, including to filter spam and malware...

*AND they add context-sensitive advertisements next to emails. That's where we get our Marketing Edge!

By February 2018, Gmail had one billion active users worldwide. According to a 2017 estimate, 75% of mid-sized US companies, and 96% of startups, were using Gmail.

The Bottom Line?

Most Of Your Prospects Use Gmail.

Its' easy to test and it's cheap

You can't afford not to try this.

This works with practically any Offline Niche. Ones we've tested include:

  • Realtors
  • Mortgage brokers
  • Dentists
  • Chiropractors
  • Restaurant Owners
  • Car Dealers
  • Appliances stores
  • Gyms/Health Clubs
  • Lawyers
  • Contractors/Roofers/Remodelers
  • Hotels/Motels
  • Carpet Cleaners
  • In-Home Care
  • Caterers
  • Car Repair

Honestly, I can't think of a niche that wouldn't benefit you using the Inbox Interceptor. And with my new training, you're likely to see success right away.

Start Making Money IMMEDIATELY

The beauty of the Offline Inbox Interceptor is that it works so fast.

There's no building websites and getting them ranked so (hopefully) they'll drive leads to your door.

No running around like a chicken with its head cut off, posting on every social media platform under the sun - day after day.

No need to drain your bank account buying expensive PPC ads and getting poor results.

No concerns about offending prospects with mistargeted ads or competing with other consultants in the same space.

...fact is, very few marketing consultants even know this little gem exists.

Forget the Hassles and Stress.

Once you set up your Gmail inbox ads to run, You close your laptop and leisurely enjoy the rest of your day.

The most responsive promotions you can do, will be running in your prospects emails and feeding you (or your clients) new business leads.

Maybe play a round of golf while all the working stiffs are slaving away at their 9 to 5's...

When you get access to the secrets I'm about to reveal, it's like having a license to print money.

But before I get into all the exciting details,

 Let Me Introduce Myself:

I'm Mike Paul. A local marketer, father, researcher, and serial entrepreneur.

For the last 7 years I've been using those skills to create in a number of successful niche markets.

I started a successful real estate career and later moved into commercial banking and most recently Local Internet Agency Consulting.

My motto has been, "Make Things Happen" and I've succeeded even when the odds were against me (which was most of the time).

I'm An Average Guy

Believe me, I didn't have any advantages getting started as a local consultant. I'm an average guy with no 'special connections'. And lest you think I'm mistake-free, think again.

I've screwed up and 'stepped in it' as much as anyone I know.

I consider myself a work in progress. You're getting to know someone who is as much a student as he is a teacher. If you share a better way to do something with me, I'm all ears.

And in this case, I'm convinced I've found a better way to prospect and land good clients, for consultants and for THEIR clients, too.

Now, I'm on a mission to share with my fellow consultants this new strategy and my tested-in-the-field secrets for using Gmail the RIGHT way!

Secrets Inside Include:

  • Why This media pulls better than most others...and why you cannot afford to not try it.
  • The 10 Reasons Cold-Mailing Doesn't work and THIS DOES.
  • The secret way you get attention from prospects WITHOUT Intrusion...big difference here. (This trick gives your ads more acceptance, and can produce more leads faster.)
  • The winning technique for knocking out inbox ads prospects can't resist. (I'm getting the highest ROI Ive ever gotten using this approach.)
  • The 90-Day "Starting From Scratch" Income Formula Mike recommends...fully detailed.
  • $54,000 a year with just 6 clients doing NOTHING Else.
  • When I started writing ads THIS way they became almost "hypnotically" hard to stop reading.
  • Why some marketers are too "jaded" to see what their clients actually see and do.
  • Who is getting 181% higher conversions compared to other media, REVEALED.
  • What to talk about in your ads and followups if you absolutely must get someone's attention.
  • The seemless nature and design of these ads is so good its causing some advertisers to make this their ONLY Media.
  • Did You Know Google has already done half the work of a 2-Step Optin Setup? You have to see this.
  • A Free alternative to OptimizePress that makes great Landing pages...and works with WordPress!
  • Good News! With Gmail ads its not necessary to pick Keywords, in order to get the results you want.
  • Insiders Info: We show you what you should be paying per click and how all the numbers REALLY shake out.
  • Revealed #1: Why cost-per-lead is and cost-per-deal is more important than Cost-Per-Click. (Essential to know).
  • Revealed #2: Marketing for yourself is shockingly effective with the "Interceptor" Inbox Method... consultants are seeing a [See Inside] conversion rate! This is 2x - 6x better than cold-emailing!
  • The single best way ever invented for getting more local clients without offending anyone..(Works like crazy even for brand new consultants..
  • The Gmail Inbox Math Explained: Why most of the money you make is pure profit.
  • A secret used by Mike that he almost wasn't going to reveal..
  • Sample Ads for different niches you can copy.
Jim Mack

“Mike really understands the marketplace. Not only does he have exceptional training, he is out hitting the streets every day living what he teaches. His products and training are great. I highly recommend Mike Paul and give him 5 stars.”

Jim Mack
Bruce Newmedia

It isn’t enough just to find a new marketing method.  It has to work for local marketers and be affordable.  It also needs to be uncomplicated and finally… It must get results.  Mike Paul so good at finding winners, I’m jealous.  This deserves your serious attention.

-Uncle Bruce


Bruce Newmedia

But, Before I go any further ...

I Need To Say Something.

Look, I know you get pitched all kinds of BS and make money online deals. I get the same crap in my mail everyday.

But this isn't one of them. This is only for offliners or marketers who want to be.

Its specialized stuff and it's not for everybody.

And it's not for do-nothing dreamers who expect money to fall out of the sky.

Because even though this Offline Email Interceptor is simple...

It Does Take Some Focused Effort.

So let me tell you Who This Program Is For...

  • Serious Local Marketers, Coaches, consultants.
  • People who have any kind of reputation to maintain and don't want to antagonize their prospects.
  • People willing to do a little part-time work to add an extra $3,000 -$5,000 each month.
  • People who are willing to test and tweak their ads so they keep getting better and better results.

Still with me? Great, Now let's see

Who It's NOT For...

  • People who sell poorly produced, hyped-up offline services and don't fulfill what they promise.
  • People who want to hide behind their computer and not interact with real living, breathing human beings.
  • People who only want to sell products as affiliates and not work with local clients
  • People who are constantly stuck in "information gathering" mode but never actually DO anything.

Listen, this little technique really does work.

I've invested serious time and effort in figuring it out and seeing what works best. You won't be starting blind.

And since it has such an extremely high value... because you can use it to land many more clients and make as much money as you desire... and probably even create the kind of lifestyle you've always dreamed about...

It's A Limited Offer.

I'm not keeping this sale up for long, because I'd rather have fewer using this, not more. It's probably most effective when its limited.

... So, this may be the only time You Can Get It At This low launch Price!

Frequently Asked Questions

  • “Is this just a re-hash of a previous course?”

    A:  No, absolutely not! This new course covers the most efficient and affordable way to reach prospects ; Gmail Inbox Ads. We’ve never discussed it or taught it before.

  • “Can't people just block inbox ads?”

    A: Yes, though its not exactly a mouse click away, but they can. However, research shows the vast majority do NOT block the ads because they are relevant to the recipient. THAT’S the big difference.

  • "Aren't these just more obnoxious ads?"

    Gmail ads are not intrusive and definitely not obnoxious.  Their (TOS) Terms of Service don’t allow it.  Google no longer displays banner ads on the side or top of your inbox.

    Instead, when you click on the ‘promotions’ or ‘social’ folder – the ads appear right above your collection of emails – as if they were actual emails sent to you.

  • ”Will there be a lot of competition?”

    A: No!..just the opposite. What we’ve found is very few consultants ever think of this media as a way to gain clients or promote their clients businesses.

    Its truly a wide open field.

  • “Whats Unique about this?”

    A: We’re teaching the system we are using ourselves. Its a low-cost entry for the clients BUT easy to stair-step your way to a bigger paid client.

  • “What is different about this lead generation method for clients?”

    A: It is so simple to setup and operate. Its not expensive and can be easily outsourced. The beautiful thing is the clients pay you each and every month!

  • "Does this take a lot of time?"

    A: Each client initially takes about an hour to setup. Then only minutes per month to manage. Of course it depends on what other services you are providing to the client as well.

  • "Q: Will I need a large budget?"

    A: No. You can do this with a very small initial budget, and your own time and modest effort. As a service for clients, you’ll receive your fees in advance for each month, so you will be out no monies.

  • "Can't clients do this themselves?"

    A: Yes, they could, but few will. Most business owners are NOT technical at all…most aren’t even aware how those ads end up in their email. The mechanics of this is not something they have knowledge of…and your low fee is usually irresistible.

  • "Will I need Employees?"

    A: NO (Unless YOU Want Them). If you choose to use virtual assistants or outsource that is fine. But it’s not necessary. Starting out, its more important you learn the steps and get comfortable with the simple process.

  • "Does this work outside the U.S.?"

    A: This is PERFECT for out-of-area marketing. Since you do NOT need to meet any of your clients…so you can have clients all over the world.

  • "If It's so Good - Why Don't you charge more?"

    A: Simple… and I know I’ve said this before, but I am more interested in building my client base at this point.  I do enjoy helping marketers and am told I’m a teacher at heart..

  • "Can I do this all from my computer? (Or do I need to go door-to-door to sign up businesses?)"

    A: This entire Interceptor Inbox advertising business is totally location independent and can be done entirely by email and phone.

You're Going To Receive All This:

  • 60 Page Step-by-Step PDF Training Manual
  • 11 Over-The-Shoulder Hand Holding Videos
  • How to Write Killer Ads That Suck In Clicks!
  • The Two Best Resources for Landing Pages
  • How to Get Leads To Come To You ON AUTOPILOT
  • More...

Use It Immediately!

I designed The Offline Email Interceptor to be something you can use in your business the moment you get it... to...

raise your income immediately - not weeks from now.

Because I'm handing you a "follow-The-Steps" system. AND -- as if that's not already easy enough, I'm showing EXACTLY where to put your emphasis and how to get my help if you need it.

There's no other possible way to make this any simpler or any easier for you.

Hard Hitting, Take No Prisoners,
B*lls To The Walls, Do or Die Strategies.

Because I did a mammoth amount of research and testing, I should be charging you a MINT for all this.

After all, you're getting a new client-getting strategy AND one you can offer to your clients that almost...

When It Comes To Consultants Like Us, NO ONE IS USING THIS!

Thats right - basically competition-free. I can't say how long you'll have a field day, but I'd get a head start now, if you're smart.

You see, I wanted to charge $97.

Considering what you can rake in, using this Interceptor Method, that would be a drop in the bucket.

But I had second thoughts. It seemed to charge $97 was counterproductive to my original goal.

...Which was to help local consultants get clients in the fastest, most creative and affordable ways.

Consultants who are good at what they do, but keep stumbling at the starting gate.

A $97 price point would limit this to only a handful of people...but it would keep it out of the hands of the people who need it most.

I need to price this so it's affordable for the people who need it the most.

That's why the price for The Offline Email Interceptor is NOT $97.

BTW there's is NO ongoing license fee.

The Offline Email Interceptor is only $27.

However, you need to take advantage of this right away because...

If you miss out on this... you're gonna kick yourself.

-Mike Paul, Offline Marketer

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