Beyond Any Doubt, No Hard-Selling Needed...
How Part-Time Rookie Marketers Are Banking Recurring $10k Months by Legally Exploiting OPM (Other People's Money) With This Obnoxious Credit Card Hack
"Forget Recruiting! Local 'Money-Portals' already have this DONE! They're looking for Partners... And they'll GUARANTEE You Get Monthly Fees, But It's Paid By Someone Else!"
This may be the best deal going .."

Learn to earn STEADY Monthly Commissions for work you only deliver ONCE.
Here, finally is your opportunity to discover this 'hidden' little business that almost no other Opportunity-Seeker has ever thought of...let alone market it.
You'll gain super-advanced skills, know-how and techniques and discover...
- How to guarantee yourself 4 'Money-Portal' Partners each week.
- How to set yourself up for a business that is recession-proof
- How to increase your residual income every 30 days
- How to win over most competitors
- How to reignite your bank account using 'portals' of OPM (again, Other People's Money)...containing thousands of credit card transactions
- PLUS, how to continue replenishing your stock of good leads...allowing you to build income even faster.
And thats just small taste of whats in store for you.
This new training is called, "Offline Merchant Alliance" and took Mike Paul months to record and organize his experiences offering something Better Than MLM, Better Than Affiliate Marketing, And, No-Doubt... Much Better than Your J.O.B.
Much better because you'll ditch the model of approaching 'People' to recruit or sell to...
INSTEAD, you'll easily ATTRACT BUSINESSES (Money Portals) who have thousands of Customers (That's the OPM part)... who'll place handsome monthly commissions direct deposit straight to your bank acount
Because Businesses have already 'recruited' customers who buy - you'll never have to hard-sell, convince or recuit a soul! The business owner has already done this FOR YOU!
And a portion of each card swipe transaction automatically becomes part of your Income Empire!
Early reviewers of just the new training have called it "a great new addition to any marketer's bag of services."
"When Mike sent me an early transcript of his new training I had to laugh. Less than 2 months before I had a client ask me if I knew anyone who would help him get his Merchant Credit Cards costs reduced?" I had no answer for him...NOW I do!"
Bruce Newmedia
Who Is Mike Paul?
I think you ought to know who you're investing your hard-earned dollars with. I'm Mike Paul from North Carolina. I love the area and my kids do to. Schools are good and the weather is a nice mix of warm days and cool nights. Hey it can get blistering hot some summer days, but at least we don't get the brutal northeast winters.
My business experience goes back to my years in banking and real estate. Both fields overlap and my training in one benefited me greatly in the other. I learned to spot opportunity and be prepared by educating myself so Id always be ready.
The training products I develop are a direct result of my local business experience. I'm not producing 'book reports' or imagining what might happen...I KNOW because I've done it.
Some tell me I must be a teacher at heart, but if I am, its because I'm passionate about the topic. My goal of course is to earn a good living, but my PASSION is helping local consultants better themselves. I just wanted you to know that.
-Mike Paul

It's hard to overstate the power of what Mike is sharing. There really is no other training like this...period.
Until now, you'd only find some information on Credit Card Transaction Companies who ere willing to partner with everyday guys and gals like you and I... they'd offer a few paragraphs and nothing that gives you the tools to actually sell the service.
With the sudden Covid Outbreak, you can now quickly equip yourself to attract (and sign) new businesses (income Portals) immediately.
And let's not forget the most imporant part... These businesses have already 'sponsored' thousands of 'recruits' in the form of customers who'll buy over and over again... giving you your lovely share of each transaction every single month!
Picture thousands of bite sized commissions from each sale a customer produces... easily adding up to a Handsome Six-Figure Part-Time Income
Here's more specifics of what this professional training reveals...
- The Marketing Assets designed to do the selling for you and attract Business Owner Signups (you can't buy these assets separately, they're only available with this offer!)
- The way to get the PERFECT, MOST RESPONSIVE prospecting lists
- The SPECIFIC phone script a $4.00 an hour Freelancer uses to present your partnership proposal FOR YOU (Optional)
- The type of leads you probably should AVOID
- How to walk away from your day job on a spare time plan that actually works!
- How small referrals will generate almost $28,800 affiliate income in recurring cash!
- The best Free processors to partner with - they'll cover all the setup and servicing of your business owner income portals FOR YOU so you don't have to (our personal experience.)
- How to earn $10,000 per month in 6 months Or Less... with just 8 signups.
By now, I know you see already why ex-MLMers, Affiliate Marketers, Digital Marketers, local consultants, and everyday people are chomping at the bit to get hold of this.
This entire plan, with all the secrets laid bare, hands you an entire income stream or just an additional service to offer to existing and new prospects. Either way, its a cash cow because ...
The Payments Arrive Monthly For (Wait For It) ... As Long as the Owner is In Business! (A Very Long Time)
"After digging into the training manual for offline Merchant Alliance, I have to say my favorite part is the built-in residuals. It would seem a reasonable time of modest effort will produce years of $100,000.00+ a year income - doing nothing further."
Ryan Zona
" ... I created for online businesses. A handful of them needed credit card services so I made arrangements and referred them to a provider. I stopped selling my software... but I still get ... checks from the merchant provider. Over $20,000 total.!"
Ron R.

Experienced Consultants Sharing Their Experiences...

If your competiton knew what you're going to receive they would be FURIOUS. They likely would recognize automatically how much more this break can add to your bottom line...and the new signups and income portals they will lose to you.
Thats because once you provide a better deal for a business owner on their credit card processing, they will think you're the greatest...
And be very inclined to take you up on other marketing services and opportunities you recommend. Yes, that happens!
Most other Offline training products could be called...
Most other Online Marketing training products could be called...
Y'know more of the same old - same old. A mobile tricky thing, another set of ho-hum PLR flyers, another magic 'health-pill', and a re-hashed 'new' pyramid scheme
This training is DIFFERENT. Reviewers are calling it the single best resource to learning this marketing un-noticed niche.
Nothing like this has ever appeared on the scene in THIS WAY.
If you are ready to realize a serious increase in your STEADY MONTHLY INCOME, regardless of age, gender, experience or anything else, this thorougly tested training will help you experience unimagined success, maybe for the first time.
I'm not kidding, just take a look at this...
- How to use a negative question to sell this.
- The kinds of information business owners are anxious to reveal
- The factors that make operating on the 'DEFENSE' better for your business owner signup... and why this isinfinitely better than MLMs, Affiliate Marketing, and Your 9-5...
- Subtle way of making the business owner's current credit card processor the bad guy
- How asking the right questions leads the merchant to conclude he needs your service
- What client niches NOT to target
- Understand a credit card processing statement in 1 minute
- How To Get Your Email Inbox filled with replies from "dead" leads
- How To Get Your Phone Ringing Off The Hook
- No-Nonsense Way To Follow-up with clients automatically
- How To Make NO investment
- A highly ingenious way to 'bump' your commission
- The secret to add perceived value to close more sales
- Learn what NOT to do from phone room solicitors
- REVEALED: Mike's 10-minute tweak to crack a flow of INBOUND leads
- From Page 6: The 'Must Have' Merchant 101 Training
- 2 FREE and accurate sources of gold mine data

PLUS!, there are tons of detailed instructions and resources that make this whole business easy. These instructions and examples are the key to attaining new, fresh and overwhelming success.
For example: "Who the key players are in merchant processing and what they are really making."
"The special piece of the puzzle you must have from the Business Owner." So much more I can't find space to list it all.
Even reps currently selling merchant account processing often don't have this insider knowledge...but you will.


“"Is this just a re-hash of a previous course?"”
A: No, absolutely not. In fact, to the best of my knowledge no one has ever presented this topic and approach on the platforms you’re used to seeing me on.
This new course is also unique since my twist on how to prospect for merchants is different too!
“Is there a lot of competition?”
A: Like any service where you stand to make a lot of money, of course there’s competition. But 2 factors make it very beatable. First, you’ll be using my own prospecting approach which is definitely better than what most others do… second, the market of qualified prospects is so large, even a tiny share will yield you regular residuals for a long time.
"Why would a business owner need my help?"
A: Most local businesses feel they are paying too much in credit card service fees. They see that statement every month and it can ‘sting’. If they sell more they pay more. Its not hard to interest them in getting a free comparison. (Plus you don’t have to do the selling unless you want to)
”Do businesses really consider switching merchant providers that often?”
A: You’d be surprised. One survey showed up to 14% change providers every year. In some business niches, its higher. Where a business can save EVERY Month, they WILL make a change.
“Will businesses show me their statement, even long distance?”
A: Yes, happens all the time. Just tell them to make a copy and block out any information they don’t want disclosed.
“Does this take a lot of time?”
A: Each client initially takes about 10 minutes to review their bill and know if they’re a good candidate. After they’ve passed as a qualified referral and sign up, you wait to collect your fees. Often, your credit card processing partner does all of the servicing!
"Will I need a large budget?"
A: No. You can do this with no money, just your own time and effort. A little money for an outsourcer (explained in the training) will make it go faster, but its not necessary. Being broke is not a hindrance with this method.
"Won't New Signups Be Taking A Chance On me?"
A: Nope. That’s because we show you exactly how to review their statement and what do next. You hand off the deal and experienced pros do the rest!
"Will I need Employees?"
A: NO (Unless YOU Want Them). If you choose to use virtual assistants or outsource that’s fine. But its not necessary.
"This seems inexpensive. Why don't you charge more?"
A: At this point, I’m more concerned with growing my online customer base, so I don’t want a high price to be an obstacle to you trying this. I do enjoy helping marketers and don’t need to charge high prices.
"Can I do this all from my computer? (Or do I need to go door-to-door to review businesses merchant account statements?)"
A: This entire business is totally location independent and can be done entirely by email and phone. If a business is convenient to you you can visit them as well.
"What can I expect to see income-wise in the first 60 days?"
A: If you take action you will likely have closed anywhere from 2 to 7 deals. And those deals will pay you for years. Of course, your own efforts will determine the outcome. I cannot guarantee any income.
And In Case You're Still Wondering...

Press the BUY BUTTON below before the price increases again to secure your copy. Take action on the strategies as soon as you learn them and start generating clients in the next 48 hours.

Your 30-Day Guarantee...
My intention is to make this a smooth process and offer support along the way. If after trying the methods you’re not satisfied with the outcome, reach out to our support desk for help or a full refund. We’ll give back every penny of your investment!

Mike Paul, Marketing Online and Offline
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