Welcome JV Partners!
"I'm a New Face But Not New To Offline Marketing"
Launch Date: May 21th, 2019 11am EST | 5 day Launch with a Price Bump

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Hello JV friend,
Thanks for checking out my most anticipated launch yet! Launch details are covered here, but of course, if I missed something, go ahead email me or Skype me anytime.
We have been waiting and waiting for this method to come to fruition and finally two major platforms have paved the way to higher quality Top-of-Mind Marketing for the consultant and client!
"Offline Mindshare Maneuver" is NEW and will attract the attention of offline consultants right away. Why? Because they are constantly looking for the right approach to getting clients faster and more consistently in the offline space.
This new method addresses two hurdles for local consultants... Client Getting the right way... and customer acquisition for the local business!
What if... the Mad Frenzy to generate Leads... is actually holding us back?
Many years ago I believed that Top-of-Mind marketing was only for the "big boys" in business.
And I believed with all my heart that local businesses were wasting time trying to gain "Mindshare" or brand awareness in their local area.
I actually told others.. that the only reason to advertise was to generate leads and only leads...
Boy, was I wrong.
Today, anyone can look around at the lead vomiting vendors and marketers who claim their leads are the best... or "our leads convert the highest"...
But it doesn't take much to realize these leads are being recycled among all the other competing practitioners in the same niches... making lead generating less and less effective with most online methods available today.
But there's a much more serious problem: "Present Action Dependency"
Consultants, business owners & professionals... because of leads, are only as good as their actions TODAY. They're totally dependent on leads like a high-dose, quick-fix drug addiction.
Sales come, yes... but only with:
- Mass amounts of manual follow-up
- Fierce competition calling on the same leads
- And the need to keep on thinking up new ways to create more leads (they need their next hit)
...Forget all that... and "Be Everywhere" in your local market
This new training addresses the lead dependency problem by helping consultants and local owners build a business, build a career... NOT just make a sale.
I will show your list how to practically "Be Everywhere" online using two major platforms COMBINED - Google + Facebook.
These platforms will help businesses "Take Over" the local audience "Mindshare" causing ready customers, clients, and sales.... come to them instead of the other way around.
Offline Mindshare Maneuver will pave the way:
- With NO Follow-up...
- Little to NO Ad copy creation
- No need for Lead Generation!
- No keyword research...
- No tech skills required
- All done with "set-it-and-forget-it" methods, for pennies on the dollar!
Consultant can now stand out from the rest in an "in-your-face" way because no-one is offering Top-of-Mind Marketing services on both Google AND Facebook platforms!
Folks on your list can now easily gain awareness for their OWN business and they clients' businesses with Top-of-Mind PPC Ads that Follow the prospect around on 1000's of websites!
Because of this:
- Consultants will look SUPER-BUSY by being seen "everywhere" online!
- Consultants will create perceived "demand" for their services by being seen "everywhere"
- Consultants will create a "Success" image in the minds of prospects by being "everywhere" online...
Thanks so much for your support, and lets ROCK this launch!

[FE & OTO- Products]
Front End: $27 @ 60% Commission (Early Bird first day, then going on dimesale)
OTO (upsell) commission = 50%
OTO (downsell) commission = 50%
[OTO 1 - Upsell]
The first OTO will be jam-packed with marketing material like Google Ad Images &Facebook post graphics. Also, I'll be giving them one more marketing method for getting clients - Priced at $47
[OTO 1 - Downsell]
If your customers opts not to take the upsell, they are then directed to a downsell page with a lite version of the first OTO - Priced at $27
[OTO 2 - Upsell]
This second OTO will include a high converting video presentation, a written script, and a Voice-over presentation. This will help the consultant get started fast! - Priced at $47
[OTO 2 - Downsell]
If your customers opts not to take the upsell, they are then directed to a downsell page with a lite version of OTO 2 - Priced at $27
Affiliate Contest!
$300 first prize, $100 second place, $75 third place.
You must optin to our email list to be eligible for the leaderboard.
*** Must Have at least a Minumum of 30 Total Sales to Qualify for the Contest
The Rundown:
Launch Period
5 Day Launch Pricing (then Price Bump)
60% front, 50% OTO1, 50% OTO2
Launch Date
May 21st, 2019 11am EST
Here’s Exactly What To Do...
Your list will love this product, but you might want to prep them the day before and let them know you have a bonus for them...
Considering Sending Multiple emails and hit those unopens at the end of day number one
I suggest you write your own emails. The swipe below will give you a good foundation, but your list wants to hear from you PERSONALLY.

(Day Before) Subject: Update on what's happening tomorrow.
Hey [[firstname]],
I want to fill you in on what's going on tomorrow at 11est.
I'm releasing something I've held back for a while now.
Offline Mindshare Maneuver.
Funny name, huh? But the results will scare you (in a good way)
Tell me this. Have you fallen victim to "lead-gen" dependency? Meaning, you believe that 'leads' is the only way to grow a business?
How's that going?
For most, this mentality causes stress, frustration, and a constant need to "turn-the-wheel" to keep your business afloat (whether you're successful or not).
Well, tomorrow Mike Paul is combating this on your behalf... by introducing a way to forego "lead-dependency" and build a business with laser-targeted "brand-awareness" campaigns.
And here's the kicker: It won't take years to accomplish..
In fact, some see eye-opening results right away!
Be around your inbox tomorrow a little before 11am. I'll shoot you an email.

Subject: Ditch lead-gen... Go for something bigger.
I was just speaking with a buddy of mine yesterday - about how excited I am about this new angle to local consulting and how I am going to start using this same angle for future clients.
The older I get.. the less I want to "grind it out" for new business. Do you feel the same?
And I truly wish I would have used this method when I started out - but hey...
hindsight is a cruel judge, isn't it?
So instead of the typical "lead-gen", cold-calls, and mass mailing approaches. I am going for a more long-term... more systematic... more solid business building approach to this offline gig...
An approach that can sustain my business for years to come... but also comes with immediate results...
With Google and Facebook "Mindshare" Ads combined!
Guess what? You can grow both your business and your client's business with the same approach.
Take a look at Mike's page here. LINK

Subject: Help Local Clients Stop Their Lead-Gen Addiction?
Leads, Leads, Leads...
What most don't tell you is that the Lead-Gen Mindset can mean:
- Stress
- Frustration
- Over-worked
- Drowning in competition
Now, I am not saying that generating Leads is bad... But I AM saying that depending on leads alone can be a recipe for what some call insanity.
Mike Paul is one guy who made this very disastrous mistake. But things tend to work out for the best... because the fact that most lead gen methods resemble a "leaky-bucket" of business...
The evolving of another more stable method has come to fruition.
What if you could grow your business without depending on online leads?
And what if your prospects came to you already "conditioned" to be your client?
Well, today, the offline Gods have heard this calling... and they've opened the door to systematic, consistent, and stable business growth:
Without endless follow up
Without endless emailing
Without cold calling
and Without Mass Mailing...
Follow this direct LINK to weigh the facts.

Subject: Seriously, get out from under the table
Are you under the table...
...scrounging for leftover crumbs?
When you can be seated at the head of a table clad with only the best of 'feasts'?
Listen, if you're someone who wants to quite your 9-5... even if you are already running a local consulting business... Think about this question.
Are you crawling for under-the-table crumbs?
Are you working a 9-5 knowing you're meant for something better?
Maybe you already call the shots in your own business, but your struggling to make recycled leads (crumbs) turn into sales...
Here's where you start. Do things the right way by being seen everywhere... while your lead-dependent competition continues with the endless struggle of lead-generation.
Weigh the facts here. LINK
And That’s Not All, Because…
I RECIPROCATE For Compatible Offers!

Review Copy...
Review Copy Only given to ESTABLISHED offline affiliates known to us & signed up for our JV email reminders.
Contact Mike Paul with Any Questions
Please contact me via Skype or Email
Skype ID: Mikepaul
Email: Mike@mikepaulonline.com