If you want more ‘hot to do business’ prospects for yourself and your consulting clients, without the usual lead-getting charade, then THIS is for YOU…

Veteran Marketer Admits He Was Wrong … Throws Away The ‘Lead Generation For Small Businesses’ Rulebook...

-And Instead Enjoys A Stream Of Red-Hot Prospects All WITHOUT Any Hard To Do Outdated Lead Generation!

Read on to discover how YOU TOO can now enjoy a steady stream of red hot thirsty prospects, primed and ready with NO cold calling … NO endless emailing … NO fruitless social media posting AND NO sweat - STARTING TODAY

My confession... I was dead wrong

Howdy Fellow Entrepreneur… Okay… I confess: I got it dead wrong.

And I’ve gotten it wrong for many years.

But, in my defense, I only made the mistake many other small business owners (perhaps you too?) are making - right now - by thinking that ‘brand building’...

...was only for the likes of giant multi-national corporations, like Coca Cola and BMW with lavish ad budgets which they can afford to largely waste on ‘vanity ads’ that didn’t actually produce a single lead.

And I was convinced we small business owners were leaner, fitter – and yes … better marketers - than the big boys, because we were out there capturing leads with our bare hands, like Navy SEALs on a secret mission behind enemy lines.

How wrong I was!

But – once I realized my mistake

I wasted no time putting it to the test.

And what I discovered astonished me!

In the niche I was testing, average Cost Per Click normally runs between five and nine dollars.

But my Cost Per Click started off at a rock-bottom 21 cents and, once I’d done the usual tweaking, I slashed this to 13 cents and finally whittled it down to 7-9 cents per click.

And I’m not talking about a small piece of the local pie…  The views on these ads were practically “coming out the ears”...

What’s more, the quality of these prospects was off the chart with these ultra-motivated folks opening my emails at an unheard of 67%.

And when I won my first consulting client using this new revolutionary method, I discovered he hadn’t been near my carefully honed lead generation machine and simply sought me out direct as the only person he wanted to do business with!

And I hardly need tell you, if you ever reach the dizzy heights of prospects chasing YOU – rather than you chasing THEM - your business not only gets a hellava lot easier, but far, far more profitable, too!

What’s more, your consulting clients will think you’re a WIZARD!

And here’s another amazing aspect of this exciting new method

Its consistency is awesome!

You see, I’ve always thought that paid ads were for deep pockets and over-techy nerds…

What I didn’t realize is two-fold:

1) Mega producers and companies who have the clout to front the greenbacks for these ads know that bribery is the primary language of these platforms.  Meaning, if you pay… you stay… on top.


2) Google and Facebook want the “little-guy’s” business.  And they’ve made it as convenient as a 7-11 for local businesses to have one of these campaigns up and running in no-time with “crumbs” as a budget… 

So I was able to say goodbye to those frustrating roller coaster times of feast or famine and, instead, enjoy a steady, manageable stream of highly motivated hot prospects to whom I could attend to fully, sending my sales through the roof.

But I must make another confession

Because I did not invent the red hot core of this amazing strategy.

Howdy… my name is Mike Paul and I’ve been involved in marketing for more years that I care to remember, first in real estate and more recently helping other folks become marketing consultants making good money helping their local businesses become better marketers.

My interest in this novel approach for small businesses was originally sparked by an insurance agent who was so effective at advertising his brand he actually forced my friend to give up their rival business.

And he did this by spending about six grand a month on advertising, which made him ubiquitous…

He was simply everywhere

In ads, on billboards, on local radio. And he was one of the big early adopters of the (then) new-fangled ‘internet advertising’ thing.

Sadly, not having the same deep pockets to match this guy’s all-encompassing advertising, my friend waved the white flag and shut up shop.

Then, much later, my ‘Apple moment’ occurred

Because, what this insurance agent had achieved stayed at the back of my mind until – many years later – I stumbled across a way of achieving the very same blanket omnipresent effect he enjoyed – but WITHOUT the eye-watering ad spend.

So, by marrying his brilliant ‘be everywhere’ approach to the new way I’d just uncovered to dramatically slash the cost of this blanket advertising...

...In the local consultant's eyes, I did what Apple had done when they created their world-beating iPhone by taking the very best push-button cell phone on the market and making their quantum leap up to the SMART phone.

And just like Apple, I was determined to …

“Permeate" the collective mind of my local market...

So I didn’t use JUST ONE platform for advertising - but TWO, so my ads really saturated the market.

And, as far as I know, no one else in the offline world comes even close to the results I achieve with this double onslaught!

And you’ve already seen my results when, because of the rock bottom cost of my new way of advertising, I neatly avoided paying the average Cost Per Click of between five and nine dollars.

Instead, I enjoyed the same quality clicks for just 13 cents with no more testing, no trial and error and no optimizing at all...

slashing ad spend by 99% while generating the most ultra-motivated AUDIENCE… I’ve ever had the good fortune to enjoy and even getting prospects to approach me.

And get this… this word “audience” I so casually drop on the lines of this page… they seem to morph without having to ‘trick’ them into filling out a lead form…

And I’ve now put the three parts of this world-beating strategy together to make ultra SMART ad campaigns, which I call ‘Offline Mindshare Maneuver’.

And I’m now making it available for you so you can offer it to your clients and, of course, use it for your own SMART lead generation

And here’s just a tiny taste of the wealth of smart tactics and secrets awaiting you inside this powerhouse of a multi-media program, which consists of a 74 page fast start guide PLUS 15 video tutorials to make it child’s play to master…

  • How creating a Top of Mind’ omnipresent ad campaign is the secret of success in today’s marketplace even for the smallest local business (so we can all leave the drudgery of traditional lead-dependency gone for good).
  • Why seeing your ads everywhere triggers both the Law of Supply and Demand and the ‘Herd Effect’ making clients happy to pay more for your service.
  • Why being omnipresent gets you perceived as an authority instantly promoting you (or your clients) to the ‘Go to Guy (or Gal) in the marketplace.
  • How my unique approach to ‘everywhere advertising’ dispenses with the dreaded keyword research, requires very little or zero ad copy creation (and has a learning curve so short it’s almost non-existent!).
  • The five steps to heaven. Because my simple baby steps to become ubiquitous will hand you the time and financial freedom we all aspire to - but few ever achieve.
  • My unique, yet simple, twin-platform ad strategy that achieves results others can only dream of. And why it gives you an unassailable ‘edge’ over ANY competition (including the big national companies).
  • Setting up your first type of ad And the easy way to handle many client accounts from just a single dashboard.
  • Setting up your second line of ads This is where you complete your unique double strategy, empowering you to streak ahead of any competition by making your consulting clients omnipresent – as if by magic.
  • The magic that means that even the most luke-warm prospect gets transformed into a red hot ready to buy potential customer (you’ll be amazed how enjoying such dramatic results is SO simple to set up).
  • The simple way to create your ‘Top of Mind’ advertisement. This is where the rubber really hits the road
  • Why you will leave all your competitors choking in your dust. There are some bigger companies out there who offer this service nationwide, but they can’t compete with the sheer value for money you will be offering with my unique double strategy (I know this for certain because I hired them, incognito, to work for me as part of my in-depth research).
  • Getting well paid for this program’s ingenuity (and why you can relax because you’re ‘off the hook’ with this new strategy, no longer required to produce a certain quota of leads).

And, much MUCH more…

I’m determined you’ll enjoy stunning success with your new top of mind strategy, so I’ve gone the extra mile and created these two very special bonuses for you…

My ‘must have’ bonus #1 - ‘Your Own Collection of Compelling Royalty-Free Images For Your Adverts’ – Value $37 – but FREE for you because you’re getting on board today!

It’s a scientific fact that folks are swayed by their emotional - or ‘lizard’ – brain. And this part of our brain thinks in pictures, so it’s vital you use compelling images to maximize the favorable responses your ads achieve. And you can easily do that with these carefully selected, powerful images which are ideal for…

  • Website creation services
  • Lead Generation services
  • SEO / Ranking services
  • Top-of-Mind Marketing services
  • Reputation Management services

You're getting 30 professional Mindshare grabbing images... Broken down, that's 5 powerful Facebook marketing images for your arsenal of local services... and 5 sets of 5 Google Ad images with the right dimensions so you can just "plug-n-play".

This powerhouse collection is yours – totally FREE of charge -  because you’re getting on board today!

My ‘must have’ bonus #2 - ‘The Secrets of a Successful Landing Page’ – Value $27 – but FREE for you because you’re getting on board today!

When prospective clients click your ad to start the sales process, they should be taken to a ‘landing page’ carefully designed to move them further along the sales process by helping to warm up them up even more, making them even more likely to be transformed into a loyal customer.

So this multi-media cheat sheet gives you a choice of two of the best sources of powerful, professional looking landing pages you can deploy as part of your consulting service for your clients.

And it’s all yours - completely FREE of charge - because you’re getting on board today!

Can I be bold?

Because, if I could read your mind, right now, you might possibly be thinking: “Sure this works for Mike, because he’s a marketing veteran. But how do I know it will work for me?”

That’s an excellent point.

And here’s my simple solution.

I’m going to allow you to take the whole program away for a full 30 day test drive. That way you can be certain this will work for you before you finally go ahead and enjoy the riches that flow from my groundbreaking strategy.


Satisfaction Guarantee

My goal is to reduce your anxiety, lay out all the details for the strategy, and maximize your return on investment.  My intention is to make this a smooth and clear process that exceeds your expectations.


That’s long enough for you marvel at how stunningly simple the concept is and how easy it is to get set up.

And you might even – as I did – experience the sheer exhilaration of your first ‘ready to do business’ client approaching YOU...

...rather than you chasing them, which means you’ll then really understand the powerful position this new strategy puts you in.

So there’s no big decision required today

I’m confident if you take this simple, risk-free, step you’ll be so blown away by the sheer simplicity of the clever strategy I’ll reveal, in easy to understand detail, you’ll thank me for allowing you to take this test drive.

But, if – after putting the program to the test for a full 30 days, you feel there is any flaw in the strategy or you feel it’s not for you in some way, then simply shoot me a short email, requesting a full refund, and I’ll refund every last red cent of your tiny investment.

So how tiny IS that investment, right now?

As you probably gather, this program is brand new and only just about to be released.

So, if you go ahead right now, then you can enjoy a massive 75% pre-publication discount, making your current investment a rock-bottom $25, which is a gift when you consider this program hands you the Keys to the Kingdom of Minimal effort 'Mindshare' creation.

But, please be aware: this is a dime sale.

So your investment will never again be as low as it is right now.

Then, as the promo period nears an end, your investment automatically jumps up to $37 for now and then probably onwards to an eventual $97.

So, if you come back later and your investment is no longer the current tiny, tiny $25, I shall be really sorry for you, but you know what they say about the early bird!

So what would be a right move for you, now?

A. Carry on as before using the now outmoded and convoluted lead generation your competitors are also bound to be using while ignoring this golden opportunity to take a quantum leap in prospecting that’s just as wide as the jump from old-style push-button cell phones to today’s smart phone.

OR will you

B. Realize this strategy is a complete breakthrough for your business, empowering you to harness the very same strategy that has been proven to work over many decades for the big corporations and now ingeniously packaged for you to use and share with your small business consulting clients for massively increased profits while working far less than before.

And all you need to decide right now is to take a (completely risk-free) test drive to make sure this really is for you before finally going full steam ahead!

Sounds to me like your decision today is a real no-brainer, so I’m really looking forward to welcoming you aboard and sharing these powerful secrets with you.

Here’s to your well-deserved success,




Local Consulting Expert

P.S. Please be aware I’m only offering this steal of an investment for 5 days to ensure limited consultants using the method per area.

Move fast enough you'll be one of the only, if not... the ONLY consultant in your town privy to my powerful secrets, leaving your competitors choking in your dust, wondering what happened.  

So, if you definitely want to be THE ‘Go To’ Guy (or Gal) in YOUR town, why risk missing out big time?

Jump on board – RIGHT NOW!

P.P.S. As I mentioned earlier, when the timer hits zero the current rock bottom investment of $25+ jumps to $37 …

Which means your investment will never be lower than it is right at this minute.

So come on board now, while it’s hot on your mind, rather than come back later only to be disappointed to see your investment has leapt up to $37 (or the unthinkable has happened and someone has already beaten you to the draw!).

P.P.P.S. Of course, I could just be full of hot air and my groundbreaking strategy is not half as good as I claim.

But what if I’m right?

Can you afford to miss out on something that could transform your business and your life – particularly when you can check it completely RISK FREE?

[Yes, Mike! I want to be the lead generating Go To Guy (or Gal) in my local area, being the only one deploying your amazing new SMART lead generation strategy, I just hope I qualify by being the first in my town to apply! ]

Jim Mack

“Mike really understands the marketplace. Not only does he have exceptional training, he is out hitting the streets every day living what he teaches. His products and training are great. I highly recommend Mike Paul and give him 5 stars.”

Jim Mack

Just a note to let you know you are special among the marketer's lists I'm on. You're one of the few who actually read and respond to your emails from customers... your support when needed has been excellent..

Ray A.

...your stuff does stand out and why I'm so high on you. You do things much different than others and why you are having the success you deserve.

Chris G.

First, I think you're putting out some good info.  I'm unsubscribing from most marketers, but you're one of the few that I look forward to getting email from because of the quality content.


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