Rookie Consultants with Zero Experience looking for an exceptional new way to make more money AND get more clients... THIS is for YOU…
Desperate Real Estate Agents Pay 'Tech-Dunce' Marketers $1,000 (Monthly) For Weird Jealousy Campaigns in Today's REAL ESTATE BOOM!
Read on to find out how consultants are using this REVIVED, no-competition strategy to Attract Recurring payments while putting their realtor client’s marketing on steroids, leaving their competitors choking in their dust, warm, salty tears of frustration rolling down their cheeks!

Howdy Fellow Realtor Consultant… it’s human nature to want to dance on the graves of your competitors...
...and I don’t need to tell you real estate agents are just about the most vicious predators on the planet.
So, you’ll have no trouble selling them this new service, because it hands them the ability to HUMILIATE their competitors... scooping up ALL the ‘ready-to-sell-now’ home sellers in their area like a supercharged Shop Vac.
And, yet – once you have my inside secrets – you will definitely totally understand this in an afternoon and be lighting a fire under your ‘eager-to-sign-up’ realtor clients tomorrow morning.
What’s more, because it’s so obviously ‘must have’, it automatically blows away the biggest barrier to closing the sale – your prospect’s natural human tendency to procrastinate.
Because they’ll be instantly shocked into action with the stark realization that if they snooze they will definitely lose - because they will certainly want to be the ONLY show in town deploying…
This devastating secret weapon
Because it has much the same effect as a cruise missile, precisely targeting the perfect prospects with pin-point precision.
What’s more, because it gets under their prospect’s BS radar, they will hardly realize they’re being sold - stark contrast to the doomed to fail counterproductive, outdated, last century, ‘foot in the door’ brush salesman tactics all their competitors are still be using.
And that’s because they don’t know a better way (but your clients will).
Because you can offer your clients the irresistible prospect of stepping over the feeding frenzy of their ‘soon-to-be-out-of-business’ rivals...
...while they enjoy watching their sales, profits and happiness go off the chart, making it child’s play to sign them up for your service with little more effort than handing them a pen.
Hi… I’m Mike Paul and I’ve been involved in the real estate business with Realtors, mortgage brokers and consultants for more years than I care to remember.
And when I started out, I dumbfounded my peers by striking deals relatively easily.
Little did I realize I was the real estate equivalent of the last passenger to board the Titanic
Because, although I initially enjoyed a nice dose of ‘beginners luck’, it wasn’t too long before I hit that iceberg.
The usual methods simply failed to work any more.
And the company owner wasn’t any help, with constant urging to make the calls and all the worn out marketing clichés like “knock on doors” and “numbers count”.
Then I remembered that wise quote from Johnny Cash:
Your "...Rebellion against a stagnant status quo..."
It's said that when Johnny was asked why he wore all black... he opined
It's a symbol of rebellion -- against a stagnant status quo, against our hypocritical houses of God, against people who's minds are closed to others' ideas.
- Johnny Cash
Fortunately, I loved to read the biographies of those movers and shakers who disrupt our world, so I could see the secret they all shared.
They never followed the herd and were often ridiculed for that – until they came good.
So, when the whole world thought everyone should have a personal computer on their desk... Steve Jobs, said – it should be it in their POCKET, in the form of his groundbreaking iPhone.
So I decided that, whatever way the realtor "conformists" were going, I’d run the other way.
And it wasn’t too long before my maverick strategy struck oil.
And I’ve been striking gushers ever since.
Do you remember the hysteria of pay-per-click ads when they first came out in the late ’90s?
Clicks were cheap, online marketing was easy, and competition was low - especially for real estate agents’ who were using it.
Today, realtors are scrammbling... They know the cost of those ads have skyrocketed and the competition in their local markets are too crowed to gain any traction.
But LISTEN to this (You'll see and know exactly how you can explode your business after you hear this...
Our Current Real Estate Market Is Not Like Any Other Market We've EVER Seen.
I remember the real estate boom back in the late 90's and early 2000's
'Experts' said that we would Never Ever experience the highs of that boom again!
Look at us now!
In many areas of the country real estate is appreciating at Triple the rate we saw back then!
Homes are selling for $20k above, $50k above, $100k above what the home seller initially priced the home for!
So we're in what's called a SELLER'S MARKET meaning...
Home Seller's have the advantage over home buyers. Sellers are able to command higher prices.
Sellers are able to refuse repairs, dictated their own closing dates, and pick from a litter of OFFERS from Competing Home Buyers driving their selling price out the ROOF!
This all means, that real estate agents working for home buyers are having to show more homes than they've ever shown before in order to find a home seller that will accept their offer out of a sea of other offers!
It means that Realtors working with home buyers are working longer hours, pushing more paper, and being at the absolute mercy of home sellers and home seller's agents!
MORE IMPORTANTLY: In our current market, many real estate agents would RATHER WORK WITH HOME SELLER LEADS instead of the drudgery of working with home buyers!
This opens up a Whole New World for you as the GO-TO Consultant in your town who delivers the highest quality Home-Seller Leads... and since more lead vendors are hard-selling home buyer leads... YOUR FUTURE HAPPY CLIENTS will pay you a premium for...
So... They're Feening Like starved strays... looking for simpler, guaranteed to stick out... marketing methods to TAKE BACK their markets!
And guess what...
Like evolution 'forces' new species to manifest
This fiasco has evolved a NEW "Species" to an OLD TACTIC that's grown stuggling agents into unstoppable machines in otherwise stiff competition markets!
It's a whole NEW marketing type that uses one marketing asset of the past (with a new Killer Angle) to answer all the cookie cutter consultants so You Will Inevitably STAND OUT!
Mike took a couple of my listings and had leads coming in RIGHT AWAY! Mike did a great job of communicating and I recommend his service to any agent looking for a better way to grow their business!
Brenda G. Real Estate Agent
This new ground-floor Frenzy hasn’t even started which is why smart consultants will jump in with both feet… and real estate agents will be there for your beck and call.
And the results?...
A large majority of Realtors are what I call “ INTERNET Lead-Dependent”. They’re only as good as their next internet lead. And when the lead-flow stops…
… their business stops. Do you follow?
Like a hard-core drug addict they're constantly out for their next ONLINE 'lead-hit'...
Evolution always grows a better way and the real estate industry is no exception. Recently, real estate agents have started to seek out alternative methods going back to the basics of billboards, ads on Radio, and TV commercials.
Disappointment sets in like a deep sea anchor when they discover the painful cost attached to these worn-out traditional marketing methods.
Which is why these agents are eating up my ideas like a starved hobo at a king's fiest!
Michael first told me how to generate leads and helped me set up a system that works and I was accumulating much more leads than anyone in my office! He Genuinely wanted me to succeed and that was beautiful and unforgettable!
Lucia H.
You see, with this secret that's been viewed as a "Hack" by movers and shakers in the industry, my real estate agent clients have been able to say bye-bye to those high-priced billboards, TV & Radio spots, and costly online ad campaigns forever...
GET THIS... while laser-targeting a pool of NOW-READY HOME SELLERS... for PENNIES!
(as their suffering competition is still tied up in the carnival of incubating home buyer leads who are tossed and turned amongst multitudes of other scrounging agents in their cities...)
Mike’s approach is a phenominal market advantage! Mike showed me his way of producing good leads and I was quickly impressed with the results. Taking his advise to stop all the useless methods and use what works has allowed me to thrive!
Sergio S. Real Estate Agent
You and your clients will be light-years ahead of your competition because you're thinking smart. You now know that Realtors working with HOME SELLERS is like "building their house on a rock"... compared to the ill-fated realtors who "build their houses on sand" with their Lead-Gen Mentality...
But NOT SO FAST... Could it be?... That steady leads can be a natural byproduct of a New Secret To Direct Mail Marketing For Real Estate?
DIRECT-MAIL Comes Full-Circle in Real Estate?...
By thinking for themselves (with your help) these lucky Realtors can use a peculiar angle to direct mail marketing (what most believe is a many-year investment of time and money) the 'New Way'...
Allowing them to capture the market-share in the collective mind of Soon-To-Be Home Sellers securing them hook, link, and sinker as future listing commissoins! But not just 'THEM'...
YOU can also create a local consulting business and have the heart of your enterprise, Real Estate Agents, coming to YOU... using this same Direct-Mail Lead Sucking strategy.
And the potential? ... Just a hand full of clients will add a commendable Six-Figures to your income while working part time!
How 2 Bits of Holy-Grail data attracts $1k Clients and The Highest Quality Home-Seller Leads Possible
Right Now you're wondering, "How in the world can I 'hack' direct mail marketing? Isn't direct mail old news?"
Think about this.
When an entire market is fighting the same forces online with internet leads, there are always a few who do a better job of overcoming those challenges than others, wouldn't you agree?
Those few have rockstar consultants who understand something called "disruption marketing" in real estate. Here's what I mean
While multitudes of real estate agents are fighting for online BUYER leads (In a heavily seller's market) ... these smart consultants have completely exited that arena and gone after HOME-SELLER LEADS instead.
They've completely bypassed their clients' oblivious competition to dive into where the money really is but not with the usual direct mail campaign... They've harnessed 2 data points that the public doesn't know... but desperatelty craves.
Home sellers all over the nation want to know this highly veiled data about their neighborhood ... because GET THIS...
Both bits of golden data will directly effect the value of their own homes!
(... in a GOOD WAY.)
Plus, once they have this data in their sweaty palms - the highly moving emotion of JEALOUSY will overtake them... causing them to outright CRAVE what other homesellers have! Making them pick up the phone to call your clients or email them directly wanting their services!
And once your client knows the sheer power of what you'll deploy, they'll eagerly hand over these figures to be used aggressively in your simple to outsource, unrivalled direct mail campaign!

The 'Icing on the cake' that will 5x your results and Lock-In your client for years to come
Suprisingly, the most electric part of all this... the part that's driven results skyward for consultants in some unexpected markets...
... IS, in fact, the easiest part of your job 🙂
Yes, direct mailing your clients' prospects with this new secret formula will definitely set you apart from the crowd, but...
... to really solidify your new client relationships and woo them into sending you new and motivated referrals in other non-competing markets...
... you'll deploy the final Punch! It's really quite simple
You'll take those same neighborhoods and
Target those homeowner with bite-sized ads using the same two Golden Data Points home sellers desperately crave!
In essence, these ads will be the online version of your clients' mailing!
Yes, they're simple, easy, small ads that only take 10-minutes to set up... but don't let the simplicity of them fool you
'Small ones are more juicy' in this case...
And this is the exact antidote to your real estate agent client's dilemma... a cure that's bound to send your value out the roof, making them ache to hand over $1,000 every month.
And I make no apology for using the overworked - often ill-used – term: ‘GROUNDBREAKING’ for my latest discovery
Because THIS IS truly a groundbreaking, shockingly effective (almost spooky)...
... stealth marketing maneuver that empowers realtors to slip in under their prospect’s radar and stay there...
...silently hidden in their subconscious, like a KGB ‘sleeper’ - until the perfect moment when they’re absolutely ready to SELL Their Home ...
Then - at that perfect moment – the name of your realtor client (who you've helped STAND OUT) pops up right in the front of their mind... leading to more closed deals for you and your client!
So guess who they’re gonna call - the competition or YOUR realtor client?
Got it? I’ve now compiled a brand new field manual, backed up with bite-sized videos revealing everything for you.
And - if you move fast - you may be the one lucky consultant in your area able to deploy it to empower YOURSELF and your realtor clients to cut the ground from right under their competitors.

It’s a comprehensive, multi-media training course, so simple to understand even a child could follow the simple step by step, fully illustrated instructions supported by several over my shoulder videos.
And here’s a tiny sneak peek at this revolutionary method I guarantee neither you (nor any of your realtor clients) will have ever seen before…
- The BIG problem for real estate agents currently trying to generate leads (and why their methods are doomed to go the way of the dodo).
- Something’s gotta give! And why smart consultants (like you!) can pretty much write their own pay check, because you’ll be the very first with this awesome new method of 'covetous' marketing
- Where the rubber hits the road because I’ll reveal this astonishing new lead churning mail script in all its glory, which is a snap to set up – only taking about 20 minutes.
- Why the time is ripe NOW to harness direct mail for real estate before every realtor in the land finally gets back in...
- How this new targeting angle automatically projects your client’s presence into the minds of hungry home sellers thus someone those ‘ready-to-go’ home buyers definitely want to do business with.
- The reason hardly anyone knows about this (because it’s BURIED TREASURE and only available to those who know where to dig) and the simple secret procedure that flings the gate wide open for you and your clients – once you know the secret.
- The powerhouse website where you can easily find tons of fresh realtor prospects in one simple step (best bit: it’s FREE to use!).
- What type of lead lists to be aware of (and the one I recommend you use PLUS how to take full advantage of their FREE TRIAL ).
- The well know site you might not realize is also a goldmine for realtor leads - and the two suppliers on there I can confidently recommend.
- The email behemoth that allows you to send 40,000 emails for free (and another 100 free ones every day thereafter).
- Your subject line – and the astonishing strategy that virtually guarantees your message is ripped into THE MINUTE IT ARRIVES!
- Why you need to extend the same strategy to the opening line of your message (then you REALLY WILL have them hooked!).
- Setting up the rest of your realtor selling machine. My step-by- baby-step lavishly illustrated instructions and over my shoulder video training make it a snap to do.
- Creating your first ‘sleeper’ which will silently infiltrate your realtor’s prospect’s mind with total envy for their neighbors who've sold... and then lie dormant until they are ready to sell their own home whereupon it will burst into life reminding them your realtor client is the Go To guy or gal they should work with.
- “Show me the money!” The important business of you getting paid and the twin prong approach that ensures you enjoy maximum revenue.
- How your future clients will gladly hand over two 'Market Deets' that will force home sellers to call them directly wanting to sell their homes because, like you, your client will outshine every other unbeknownst Realtor in their market!
- The Exact Text to use in your fun-sized ads and stealth mailings. This text is short but potent and it's what will drive your clients' results and boost YOUR value as the GO-TO marketer in YOUR town!
And, much MUCH more…
One Mike took over, my business did a complete 180!… his way for lead cultivation worked IMMEDIATELY… Overall, Mike’s different approach helped me to double my business year-to-year!
Holly W. Real Estate Agent
I’m so determined you’ll enjoy stunning success with this amazing new discovery, I’ve created this ultra-special ‘must have’ bonus for you to make it a snap to get as many new realtor leads as you can handle.
‘Double Prospector’ BONUS – Value $37 – but FREE for you because you’re getting on board today!

As a savvy marketer, you know the best way to get a cold prospect to warm to you is to be like them, because we humans are hard-wired to like folks who are the same as us, while unconsciously repelling people we perceive to be different.
It’s part of our unchanging caveman survival mechanism, where a stranger could spell danger.
So instead of doing the obvious, imagine reaching out to your prospects in ways that 75% of realtors say they like best.
Do you think that might immediately create a bond between you both?
You bet!
So, it’s hardly surprising this collection of getting LEADS FOR YOUR OWN BUSINESS...
... rewards you with massive open rates of up to 97%, compared to a miserable email open rate of less than 10%, inbound messages from agents wanting your service, and hacks that guarantee desirous agents will Seek YOU Out!
What’s more – according to Campaign Monitor – it takes a lightening fast 90 second average to get a response with one of the hack I teach (about SIXTY times faster than email).
And as you cozy up on your couch to enjoy this 33 page BONUS ebook, The 'AH-HA' moments will get you smiling ear-to-ear with a Renewed confidence that'll be the catalyst of your future success!
Here's what else is included:
- Where to find the Most ACTIVE RE AGENTS' RED HOT Emails and Phone numbers without paying a dime to list vendors!
- Setting up your '100 Daily Automatic Contact' Sales machine completely FREE
- The same word-for-word text used to create an influx of 'delightful' positive responses from deep pocket Realtors!
- The twin-turbo method that hits your future clients right where they like it the most... (ensuring the highest reponse rate possible...)
- What to say, how to say it, and when to say it: whether by email or phone, you'll need to know THIS lingo. Using it will triple your conversions
- And much more....
I’m so determined you’ll enjoy stunning success with this amazing new discovery, I’ve created this ultra-special ‘must have’ bonus for you to make it a snap to get as many new realtor leads as you can handle.
You only have to decide this one tiny thing today
The good news is I’m only just launching this groundbreaking program to the public, making you one of the first in line to discover and benefit hugely from these powerful secrets.
But – even if I showed you hundreds of more testimonials from delighted real estate agents - it still wouldn’t trump you being able to check this out personally...
...and completely satisfy yourself this program is as clever as I claim and so compelling for your clients that it will more or less sell itself, along with minimal effort and a bit of consistency on your part.
So here’s what I’m going to do for you.

You can take the whole program - including (if you’re quick) that awesome prospecting bonus - for a 30 day road test.
That will allow you to experience, first hand, just how ingenious this is and so how simple it is to have future real estate agent clients totally "getting it" - when you deploy that amazing double barrel bonus, too.
Then, despite all that, if after your test-drive the method and you don’t think my strategy is as mind-blowing and as simple and straight-forward to make money with as I claim, just tell me and I’ll return every single last cent of your investment.
After all, it’s digital. So you don’t have to pack it all up and mail it back, do you?
By now, you’re probably wondering
I guess you’re well able to grasp the power this amazing discovery has to skyrocket you sales, profits and happiness, but you’re concerned about just how big a price tag it comes with.
You’re right to be nervous.
After all, I firmly believe this is just about the biggest thing in recent history of marketing that you could offer your realtor clients. And, for those clients who ‘get it’ and grasp the awesome power of this, you’ll be able to write your own pay check.
Which means you would quickly recover your investment and be basking in the sunny warmth of big profits.

And, if you were to visit me here in North Carolina to receive face to face training, it would mean you having to get time off work and spend a great deal on air fares and hotels – quite apart from the fact I charge $497 an hour for face to face training.
But I’m here to help you – not SOAK you, because I know, first hand, how tough it can be out there in the selling trenches.
So, I’ve created this multi-media training to the same high level of training you’d enjoy here, one on one – but with the added advantage of you being able to enjoy it all in the comfort of your own home.
In lots of ways that’s actually better, because you can sit back on your favorite couch, pour a cold beer and absorb my secrets. Then you can re-run the videos and re-read the ebook as often as you like to make sure you get the maximum mileage.
And, because I only have to give the training once, you can take the whole program away for a 30 day test drive for LESS THAN one tenth of my hourly fee for face to face training – just $47.
But you’re one the early birds (and we all know those action takers get the best deal) so – for now – you can take advantage of the lowest ever investment of just $27.
And that is definitely the lowest possible investment, because it’s a dime sale and so the price rises every time another copy is snapped up by a savvy consultant and it will eventually end up at $47... and then $197, and then $497.
So, if you feel that this really could be something you could use, then doesn’t it make complete sense to go ahead, right this minute, before the price increase ticker beats you to the draw?
Because you’ll then enjoy...
- The lowest possible investment.
- The highest ROI on your service because you keep 100% of the profits (Your client pays for all their ads)
- That low-effort prospecting powerhouse bonus
- The full ‘Test Drive' or your money back protection of my copper-bottomed guarantee.
- The warm feeling that YOU are one of the few, probably the only one in your area, with these priceless secrets in your marketing arsenal.
I’m sure you’re sharp enough to grasp the full profitable implications of this offer, so I’m really looking forward to seeing you on the inside and making you gasp with amazement at just how utterly simple – yet so highly effective - this strategy is to both deploy and sell.
To your undoubted success,
The Consultant's Consultant

P.S. Please be aware… in an effort to limit how many consultants know of this strategy, I’m raising the price, bit-by-bit, as sales come in - putting that dynamic action taker in an unassailable position.
So, if you want to be THE ‘Go To’ consultant in YOUR local area, enjoying all the sales, profits and happiness you’ve ever dreamt of, then you need to MOVE FAST!
P.P.S. Why not the best for you?
Haven’t you worked hard to build your consultancy business through thick and thin? So why should the very best be reserved for others and not you?
Why shouldn’t you be held in the highest esteem by all the realtors in your area as someone who has their finger right on the pulse of the business and so always brings forth the newest, most effective tools and strategies to help their businesses thrive.
Fortunately, there are only two things you need to achieve all that.
First the secret to unlocking what I firmly believe – without exaggeration - is probably the most effective prospect to customer conversion technology there has ever been in the history of paid ads and secondly you need the determination to take action.
So I’ll hand you the secret key to unleash this technology if you’re ready to take action NOW!
“Mike really understands the marketplace. Not only does he have exceptional training, he is out hitting the streets every day living what he teaches. His products and training are great. I highly recommend Mike Paul and give him 5 stars.”
Jim Mack
Just a note to let you know you are special among the marketer's lists I'm on. You're one of the few who actually read and respond to your emails from customers... your support when needed has been excellent..
Ray A.
...your stuff does stand out and why I'm so high on you. You do things much different than others and why you are having the success you deserve.
Chris G.
First, I think you're putting out some good info. I'm unsubscribing from most marketers, but you're one of the few that I look forward to getting email from because of the quality content.