Discover The Explosive Secrets Not One In 100 Consultants Know About Realtors
"Former Realtor Refines An Old Technique That Signs Realtor Clients as Fast As They Can Be Contacted."
REVEALED: How to Turn This 'Unfair Advantage' Into a Flourishing Agency, Starting From Ground Zero... With As Little As A Laptop And A Desire To Win...
Finally, End The Stress And Anxiety Of Worrying How To Get Your Next Client...You'll Have MORE Than Enough.

“I have finally cracked the code to signing all the RE clients you’ll ever need. If you give me one hour of your time, I will show you exactly how I do it…and how you can do it step-by-step.”
– Mike Paul
Mike Paul here with a 100% true story...
Some of you know I spent many years in the real estate business..
What I learned about real estate was valuable.
What I learned about Real Estate Agents was PRICELESS..
I learned what motivates them (hint: it’s not just money)
I learned what they're willing to do and what they want to avoid.
I learned how to talk their language , heck I was one.
I saw what they responded to with outside vendors.
And I definitely saw what they hated.
Modesty aside, I think this uniquely prepared me to offer marketing consulting to them
And I KNOW I can help you do better landing realtors as clients and making greater fees.
I've developed a new way for any dedicated Offline Local Consultant to boost their income by thousands every month.
In some cases you'll make enough 'EXTRA' to radically improve your lifestyle. Because contrary to what some may think... Many real estate agents bank enough moola to live a comfortable life with only a couple of sales a month!

See, they pay handsomely for the right type of leads... allowing YOU to reap the rewards of providing the right leads 🙂
I'm talking things like a new luxury car, multiple vacations, private schools for your kids, or just some extra security socked away in the bank.
Yet, (and I know this may be hard to swallow) the time and effort it takes will be a fraction of what you are probably doing now.
How I Figured This Little Marketing Gem Out...
Agents come into the real estate business wanting to build a career. And while their intentions are sincere, their actions tell a different story.
Like every working adult they also need income and the typical agent REALLY wants to make a sale NOW.
They are being bombarded by industry ads that boast "get high quality leads that close this month!"
Real estate "coaches" are training them to find out if prospects are buying in the next 60 days!
Any prospect out of this 60 day window... you need to kick to the curb!", the coaches say.
Here's the part they are COMPLETELY MISSING...
Home Buying is NOT AN EVENT It's A PROCESS.
It's a cycle where prospects...
- Usually look online
- Make semi-interested inquiries to an agent
- Finally contact an agent to view homes
- Purchase and finally go to closing (30-50 days later)
According to
Home buyers search online for over 6 months before even contacting an agent!
Then it may take months to find the right home to make an offer on.
Yet, agents think only 'immediate leads' are good leads!
The National Association of Realtors says...
70% of homebuyers work with the 'first agent' they speak to!
But don't be confused...
This is Only When the buyer IS ready to start physically looking at homes
Real estate is an "Essential" business. REALTORS Won't be locked down. They currently have virtual showings, virtual open houses... but most are still physically showing homes, holding open houses and meeting clients in their office.
They're essential and folks need a place to live 🙂
Because is this... The consultant who helps the real estate agent think outside-the-box... has an almost distorted advantage...
With Your help, the smart agent can make ONE... just ONE critical adjustment, and generate a literal flood of sales --- more than just about any other agent out there!

HOW? By Being At The Right Place At The Right Time.
Imagine this - you’re going to get the local real estate agent involved in something so smart… so cunning…
...yet so simple… their competition (and yours) won’t even know your client is scooping up all the RED-HOT homebuyers at exactly the right time…
… with one peculiar ‘Leg-Up’ on all the other scrounging agents…
(And here’s a clue…) with what I call “Action-Ready Homebuyers”.

You’ll be the savior to the real estate dilemma… that’s plagued the industry for many years and you’ll do it with modern technology blended with an Old-School tool.
Automation is the key. But not with autoresponders, robodialers or text marketing.
It's a way to be in front of prospects without the hassle of slimy 'salesy' real estate follow-up techniques.
Cash-In On The "Achilles Heel" of Real Estate?
Take an online homebuyer lead that just hits the real estate agent's inbox.
And the typical niave real estate agent will still try to ‘sell’ them into viewing homes right away… sending that homebuyer for the hills.
So Here's the main problem agents have grown to live with...
A majority of the leads they're generating in this new era are... Not Even Close To Being Ready To View Homes!
Studies show that the average window from when a real estate home buyer first goes online to search for houses to when they are ready to view homes is... 6 months!
And as a result of that 6 month window, agents trying to "sell" that "new searcher" come up cold.
Couple the fact that most will not be ready now and the other leads will be tossed around like a hot potato among tons of other agents… it’s no wonder why this dilemma is considered the “Achilles Heel of Real Estate”...
Problem Solved with Foot-In-The-Door #1
I want you to imagine being a successful Local Consultant who’s been through the ups and downs. But instead of the struggling marketer, you’ve figured out what works.
You’re open minded to new methods of marketing online…
... And you’ve more than made up for your tough start… in fact, now, you’ve figured out how to triple your clients' leads while getting new clients to come to you…
How do you do it?
With a "New Era" Twist... to Traditional Marketing In Real Estate.
This is Foot-In-The-Door #1 and it's a game-changer.
I know, open houses are a thing of the past… but hear me out.
Whether it’s a strong or weak market, agents will always hold open houses. Whether they work or not, agents will hold open houses.
Because they suck at marketing and don’t know what else to do.
So while you Think About the massive problem of “Not-So-Ready” real estate leads… You know, the “Achilles Heel” of real estate…
Also think about this.
Whether open houses work or not, homebuyers that Do happen to show up to open-houses… Well, unlike online leads that need to be generated in masses… open-house attendees (generated online) are Ready Now… To Buy.
I mean, why else would they drive all around Timbuktu to physically look inside homes if they can do everything online now?
Answer? They're Closer To Being Ready To Buy
If the lightbulb hasn't gone off yet… imagine what your future clients are doing. Up until now, Real Estate Agents have been chasing a mirage...
But today's different for them.
Your first client was sure you were the usual salesperson that would stop by to pitch the next gimmicky stationary marketing or Radio Spot that just happened to open up “today”.
They soon found out this particular consultant (you) was professional - you're different. You're not salesy. And before your new Realtor-Friend knew it… you were both in-front of your computer… side-by-side… looking at online lead generation on a whole new level… leveraging OPEN HOUSES!
At first, she were too busy to talk… until you told her that you could triple her open house leads before the day of the open house ever came!
For the next few minutes, you gently explained that you could create a “Private Exhibit” of sorts… (Like the local family events you see pop up on your feed from time to time.)
But with this “Property Exhibit”... the ad could gain engagement, reactions, comments, and shares… while capturing every single lead and every single ‘swipe’ as your new audience… Fresh Leads!!

A year ago to this day… that real estate agent signed up with you and has been paying a lovely $300 per open house while enjoying savory results in the form of Quality Leads Before she even holds the open house!
Cool story, right? It's not a story...
This Smart Consultant Can Be YOU... and with the training you'll soon have your hands on... it's totally realistic to have your first client within the next 15-30 days!
And here's a timely thought... I'll show you how to do everything without ever having to leave your computer!
Here's the Kicker
Your clients will Never Really Care If Anyone Even Shows Up to Your Clients' Open Houses!
In fact, if no-one shows up… your client still leaves the home smiling from ear to ear… because you (the smart consultant) stepped in and helped them attract, like a magnet, enough leads to work and dish out to their partner buyer agents (for a referral fee)!
All of this… Thanks to you...
With the Stealth Leads System… your business is healthy. It’s steady. And you’ve been leaving your competition choking in your dust soon after you got started!
What a picture, right! Imagine serving your local Realtors to create PRODUCTIVE OPEN HOUSE CAMPAIGNS, Leads, and Sales... to spark the beginning of your Local Marketing Empire!

Imagine how happy they would be for helping them transform and recreate what they thought was an outdated marketing method, into their most effective technique for business growth!
Now imagine this. If they are this happy about you, do you think they would refer other agents (in other markets) your way? Do you think they would stick with you? Do you think they would hire you for other services?
Scale Big With Recurring Service #1
Because, as a highly regarded Go-To consultant for real estate agents, you can offer these professionals an irresistible way to REVERSE the unattractive relationship they currently have with lead-vendors.
By offering NON-blemished, high quality & motivated leads like this...

With the help of one ever-so-clever tweak in Paid Advertising...
Part of the beauty of this “tweak” in online ads is that it’s so blatantly obvious and convenient to the end user.
Here’s what’s so baffling about all of this… Do your research and how many other advertisers are using this "add-on" to Facebook Ads like we teach?...
That's right... a big FAT ZERO, ZILCH, NADA!
And any outside App doesn't get the same results as having a pin-point targeted, delightfully congruent lead machine..
So your competition will be clueless as you enjoy a monthly income stream for each client you decide to take on... to thrust them miles ahead of every other oblivious REALTOR hands-down!
...transforming your client into the ‘Go To’ agent in their local area... with homebuyer and sellers chasing them down!
And you’ll be a very welcome visitor because you hold the keys to sending your client’s profits and happiness off the chart, with the help of better converting leads.
Clients For Life with Service #2!
This next one could be all you need 🙂
You've heard about Facebook, right? About how ads prices have risen?
How some marketers are turning their back and going to the competition because of the pricing increase and Facebook's rule changes?
If you're open to a 'change-of-heart'... be all ears for a moment.
... if I could show you that the 'other' marketers were wrong about FB.
... if I could show you how to get buck-fifty leads for your REALTOR-Clients on autopilot from, yes, Facebook - would I have your attention?

Here's what's so enlightening about this.
The Leads are Motivated... Not junk leads... In fact, many of these leads will be ready to talk to your client about buying or selling a home now!
They'll actually say... "YES... I want to talk to you!"
... and your happy clients can personally called only the ones who 'make it known' that they want to talk.
Because of YOU... the percentage of people who raised their hands to talk ... will be more than enough to keep your clients happy & busy.
I know, it sounds crazy - this specific service is different from your typical paid-ad service... almost like a mutated version that does not require a lot of hands-on maintenance...
You literally set it up once... and Let It Go!
Need Proof... Their Current Leads Sources Suck?
All day long on forums agents complain about the poor results from these 'leads.'
What many don’t know is, it may not be the leads that suck, but where the lead is in the SALES CYCLE.
If agents don't have a system to work these leads over months,
not weeks or days...
Then ANY Lead can be viewed as 'JUNK"!
Maybe its not the leads that are so bad but its
"Change The Way You Work The Leads And You'll Change The Outcome".
NOW, you can introduce a new digital approach to the re agent that makes many of those leads worth a fortune.
Not 1 in 100 consultants is carrying this message to the Realtors...
YOU will be recognized as the Authority on Follow-up and watch your value to Realtors SOAR!
Need Proof? Check out these actual posts from realtors about how they are not making money with the big referral leads:

REALTORS Just Get It... Problem Solved With...

Most consultants are not sure what to sell Realtors. They often say, "OK I understand they need help, but what do I offer them?"
I'm showing you EXACTLY what to sell AND I’m giving you the tools to implement it. This is practically a PAINT-BY-NUMBERS system.
Training similar to this usually sells for hundreds of dollars (even thousands)...
In fact, big name RE trainers hold seminars where agents pay THOUSANDS of dollars to learn marketing...
...much of what doesn't even work!!
...and it’s usually not as comprehensive OR as focused as RE Stealth Leads.
This isn't just some old fashioned contact system" -it's about HOW To Cultivate Ready-Now leads all the way to the bank!
The digital/web based/Open-House Exhibit automatically sucks in Ready-Now Home Buyers… and you’re future clients will Kiss You Right On the Mouth For It!
The DEEP CLIENT Strategy

As consultants we usually think in terms of getting a lot of clients, so we can make a good living.
And in some client niches, that's probably true.
And you would think it would apply to the Realtor niche...
But it doesnt with THIS system.
Why? Because we can go DEEP with the realtor and be doing more for them than many other clients.
Think about this:
Realtors can utilize many of the digital marketing we are expert at..
Video Property tours
Video Interviews
YouTube Ranking
Squeeze Pages/Single Site Pages
Website Design/Redesign
Social Media Management
Direct Mail Campaigns
Email Outreach Campaigns
Personalize Marketing Materials
PPC Management
LinkedIn Optimization
Content Marketing Online
...And Traditional Print Marketing
These services lend themselves to ongoing service. Most are not one-time events.
Real estate is an extremely competitive business, so agents cannot be without up-to-date marketing ideas and implementation.
The average realtor client with this system is NOT 'average'. They will, over time, spend more and retain the consultant longer...because your involvement will be deeper and have a greater impact.
So, you will likely need fewer of them and it will be easier to manage your production for them.
By the way, this is the direction more agents are headed to: Working closely with an experienced marketing you!
You're Getting a 59-Page PDF Manual Along With Step-By-Step Video Training:

Video 1 - Understanding The Online Real Estate Fiasco

Video 2 - Turning An Old Tool Into A Marketing Dream...

Video 3 - Setting Up Your Virtual Ads Manager

Video 4 - How To Grab The Reins Of Your Clients FB Account

Video 5 - How To Set Up A Virtual (Or Live) Event That Will Ultimately Draw Hot Leads

Video 6 - How to Catch Local Homebuyers Red-Handed!

Video 7 - How To Create Your Client's Lead Attracting Ad In Under 3 Minutes

Video 8 - How to Set Up Your Premium Add-On Service In Under 15 Minutes

Video 10 - How to Create Your Clients' Real Estate Homebuyer and Seller List Cultivator In Under 20 Minutes!

Training Videos 10 Through 14 and Additional Downloads - The Money, Goals, Exact Ad Copy, Exact Ad Images, and more!
You won't just be prepared for today's sales, you'll be filing a.. Pipeline for the future with...
A Complete Real Estate Consulting Pack To Start 2021 STRONG & End 2020 With a BANG!

- Discover the Secrets To An Almost Instant Realtor client
- Use this little-talked about method to land RE Agent clients who are already interested in meeting you.
- What to say to Your Best Client Source to 5X Your Responses!
- A clever "system" that can do all the 'heavy lifting' for you when looking for the better RE Agents
- The ridiculously simple set of tasks to do when you first start working with a RE Agent
- A counter intuitive way to look at new agents VS very experienced agents
- The "sneaky trick" to finding a good agent and client. THis almost never fails. (but do it ethically)
- No-Nonsense Way To Follow-up with lead sources.(hint: do NOT use autoresponders!)
- Discover which Realtors you should prospect most.
- The real RE Agent turnover in the business is so high, and why it actually HELPS you
- What to say when the Realtor says, "I'm against that"
- (This reply not only kills one of the most frustrating objections freelancer marketers hear, but it also builds your sales posture and credibility.)
- Approaches that require zero convincing, no begging, no pitching, or manipulating at all. The shy persons dream.
- The BIGGEST mistake you can make with realtors.
- How To sign 5 Realtor clients in the next 60 days And Make A Full-Time Income with Part Time Effort. Monthly.
- Why new agents are just as valuable to you as experienced'll be surprised.

“"Will there be a lot of competition?"”
A: No!..just the opposite. Most consultants have not figured out the right approach to Realtors. You’ll know the secrets AND you’ll be matching a follow-up service to their real needs.
“Whats Unique about this?”
A: We’re teaching the one of the best Realtor-Getting approaches that uses Digital Marketing. These are the approaches that REALLY WORK. A Low-cost entry for consultants to start generating RE Agents leads.
"Does this take a lot of time?"
A: NO. Each Realtor client initially takes about 1 hour, by email, by phone or in person and another hour to setup the follow-up systems.
”Is there anything unethical or 'shady' about this?”
A: Absolutely Not. It is a simple proven formula to find clients by leveraging your knowledge of follow-up techniques. ANYONE by us can do this.
“Will Realtors feel I know what I'm doing?”
A: YES, because you’ll have completed this training and be approaching them from a position of authority.
You will understand more of where their best customers come from..more than any marketing consultant they will ever speak to.
“Will I need a large budget?”
A: No, little or no investment. And your clients’ advertising is completely covered by your client. This way of reaching out to RE Agents is more about using your own time and effort. For a broke new consultant, it’s a good choice.
"Can't clients do this Follow-Up themselves"
A: As we pointed out earlier, they almost never do. The bigger their prospect list, the more work it would take, at least the old-fashioned way. We’ll help them do it faster, easier and more effectively.
"Will I need Employees?"
A: NO (Unless YOU Want Them). If you choose to use virtual assistants that is fine. It can be easily outsourced, but its not necessary.
"Does this work outside the U.S.?"
A: We have not tested this outside the US, so we’re not able to answer that. If you live outside the US, you can certainly target US based Real Estate Agents.
"If It's so Good, Why Don't you charge more?"
A: At this point, I’m more concerned with giving back and growing my online customer base, so I don’t want a high price to be an obstacle to you trying this. I do enjoy helping local consultant marketers and there’s plenty of Realtor business to go around, imo

Final Thoughts You Should Read
I do not blame you if you are still a bit skeptical.
No else has crafted a System for a New Bread of Leads just for Realtors in 2021 that consultants like you and I can offer...
But you may think, maybe, just maybe, could it be true?
It's a little like the dog that is so ugly it is almost cute.
Some will even say to themselves...
"if I ever came up with what Mike Paul claims, something so attractive to realtors it would sell itself, I would never sell it for any price."
I understand and if you are having these or similar thoughts after reading my story, there is definitely nothing I could add to make you a "believer". I would not even try.
I will simply wish you all good success in your future.
However, if you have an open mind and a strong desire to achieve success as an offline local consultant,
the kind of success that you dreamed could be possible, it's just one risk-free mouse click away.
Why You MUST Act Now...
This training is so important NOW because it's a game changer. Very few Realtors or consultants know about this "Stealth Lead Approach" and how effective it can be.
You can actually use this service offer to get your first RE Agent client and begin to make a comfortable living as an offline marketer. PLUS this is your chance to get the training, use it, and cash in with it... at a very low price!
Remember, we're going to take you by the hand and walk you through every aspect of this business to get you started the right way.
I get excited about helping realtors because I know what they go through. You will be showing them a process that makes sense and makes plenty of dollars, for them ...and YOU.
Not every Realtor will jump at this, of course.
But Think about the state of your current Real Estate Market. Business is Booming. Realtors can afford your service… But times have not changed - they never will.
Still, 20% are killing it and 80% are squeaking by. Both categories will need you…
… and with Covid restrictions in place… The forbearance “Break” Homeowners with Mortgages have been given… in 2021 ALL THAT WILL CHANGE…
Still 20% Will Thrive and 80% will be in trouble… The fact that they will still need you doesn’t quite define what’s about to unfold…
Listen to my next words - and tattoo them to your heart…
The 80% and the 20% Will Need YOU as a business lifeline... More Than Ever Before… Even more than the 2007-2009 real estate meltdown.
But the more they see what's happening and coming… the more they understand the client buying CYCLE, the more they will gravitate to this approach.
Press the BUY BUTTON below before the price increases again to secure your copy. Take action on the strategies as soon as you learn them and start generating clients in the next 48 hours.
"Bruce Newmedia Coupon Discount"... 48 Hours ONLY!

Because I’m so confident you will be blown away by the sheer ingenuity and simplicity of this proven technique, I’m going to allow you to take the whole program (and this fantastic bonus) away for a full 30 day test drive.
So download the product and marvel at the beautiful simplicity of the method.
And then start generating leads for your business right away.
Then – if at the end of 30 days – you don’t agree this is the biggest leap forward from implementing the simple steps - then I’ll happily refund every penny of your investment 🙂

Ah... yes... Your Investment.
Because this is such a priceless strategy that will add the precious rocket fuel of consistent, reliable leads to your business, I’m sure that you’d agree that a one-time investment of $97 would be more than fair.
But, I’m only just launching this amazing product and - just as I was in the right place at the right time to discover this perfect strategy...
... you too are now in the right place and at the right time to pick this up for the rock bottom investment of just $27 – but it’s only fair to warn you …
Four days after the launch, the price automatically takes a huge jump - and will probably rise again, soon after that.

I think I can guess what you will do, so I’m really looking forward to welcoming you on board and sharing these powerful secrets with you.
Wishing you success always!
"Bruce Newmedia Coupon Discount"... 48 Hours ONLY!

Mike Paul, Local Marketer
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