Welcome JV Partners!
"I'm a New Face But Not New To Offline Marketing"
"Real Estate Contact Crossfire" is a brand-new launch ready to load your wallet with Commissions AND help business consultants offer a unique and much needed service for the real estate industry. Its a Win-Win for everybody!
Launch date is May 31, 2018 at 11am EST.
There will be a 5 day launch promo then a price bump.
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Must optin to be eligible for the leaderboard
Hello JV friend,
Thanks for checking out my most exciting Launch yet. The details are on this page, but of course, if I missed something, go ahead email me or skype me anytime.
I'm very excited about this product because No one on W+ has made this type of marketing fit the real estate niche - and it is a much needed and long overdue service that consultants can offer real estate agents.
Now couple this Rock Star offer with the mind of an All-Star copy writer and you have a recipe for high conversions!
"Real Estate Contact Crossfire" fills the gap and will command your subscribers' attention from the get-go. They are ALWAYS looking for something that pays big in the offline space. And I'm not talking about chump change!
This "Real Estate Agent Follow-up Service" Is A Better And Easier Money-Maker for Consultants... Here's Why
- Easy process for the consultant. Help real estate agents follow up on a database they've already created
- While everyone else is selling lead gen, No-one is showing agents how to convert those leads. This will help turn more leads into sales.
- Using the Online Billboard method - the consultants will put an old method for follow-up on overdrive!
- 2 Super Easy ways to find real estate agent clients
- How to turn the endless Facebook lead generation trial and error into an instant money maker tail-end service
- OTO If this automated follow up service wasn't enough - the consultant can grab a package of infrographics and flyers to solidify their client relationships
- OTO Use this proven presentation to convert more real estate agent clients with less effort
Thanks so much for your support, and lets ROCK this launch!

"I'm A New Face, But Not New To Offline Marketing"
<<<Warrior Plus Affilate LINK>>>
[FE & OTO- Products]
Front End: $27 @ 60% Commission (Early Bird first day, then going on dimesale)
OTO 1 (upsell) commission = 50%
OTO 1 (downsell) commission = 50%
OTO 2 (upsell) commission = 50%
OTO 2 (downsell) commission = 50%
That's $121 sales potential for each customer!
[OTO 1 - Upsell]
The first OTO is a bundle of Marketing material that positions the consultant in the best light. Material that can be used as a foot-in-the door service or a service to create a more solidified client relationship. Also, a 3 source of Real Estate Agent leads using Ringless voicemail. - Priced at $47
- Infographic pack full of flyers/reports the real estate agent can use for further follow-up with prospects
- The Consultant can use these as a "bribe" to get their foot in the door easily with real estate agents
- Get real estate agent client leads with the push of a button and without ever calling or emailing the real estate agent
[OTO 2 - Upsell]
This is a proved consultant presentation. This can be used to get real estate agent clients with ease. Written by a sought after expert in sales, this carefully crafted presentation will convert more prospects into eager clients. This has never been done before. - Priced at $47
- 30 Year Sales expert and copywriter hired to craft this presentation
- Full of sales techniques that the consultant does not have to learn
- Puts the prospect into that "willing" and "agreeable" state of mind to create an easy closing atmosphere
[OTO - Downsells]
If your customers opts not to take any of the upsells, they are then directed to a downsell page with a lite version of the product offer - Priced at $27
Affiliate Contest!
$300 first prize, $150 second place, and $75 third place, and $50 for fourth place.
You must optin to our email list to be eligible for the leaderboard.
*** Must Have at least a Minumum of 30 Total Sales to Qualify for the Contest
The Rundown:
Launch Period
5 Day Launch Pricing (then Price Bump)
60% front, 50% OTO1, 50% OTO2, 50% on DS1 & DS2
Launch Date
May 31st, 2018 11am EST
Here’s Exactly What To Do...
Your list will love this product, but you might want to prep them the day before and let them know you have a bonus for them...
Considering Sending Multiple emails and hit those unopens at the end of day number one
I suggest you write your own emails. The swipe below will give you a good foundation, but your list wants to hear from you PERSONALLY.

Subject: Consultant uses Realtor's contacts to craft a $750 service?
Today, I have something new from my buddy Mike Paul...
Imagine showing Realtors how to turn their over-priced supposedly 'dead' leads ...into great commissions.
...and how to turn this 'Unfair Advantage' into a $5,000 monthly income for YOU, starting from ground zero.
This new automated service churns out online Real Estate "billboards" and you can sell the system for $750-$1000!
Isn’t it interesting…
while other real estate consultants only sell LeadGen services, YOU'll be able to offer something better and different?
This is REAL, and happening today.
You'll enjoy a competitive edge in the super hot Real Estate niche...A niche brimming with hungry agents.
Those real estate agents want leads, and most of them are currently generating a ton of them online. Business is good.
But guess what? Those leads are not converting!
But your approach will bring them better results, with hardly any effort.
And Mike shows you his way to outsource everything!
Frankly, your chances of success skyrocket when all you have to do is follow Mike's Step-By-Step blueprint.
The PDFS and Videos hold your hand every step of the way.
Get ready to hand real estate agents a FIX for their #1 weakness… This solution makes perfect sense.
And That’s Not All, Because…
I RECIPROCATE For Compatible Offers!

Also... My first ever Warrior+ Product sold over 1000 copies, and the others are fast approaching 1000. Each got DEAL OF THE DAY.
Review Copy...
Review Copy Only given to ESTABLISHED offline affiliates known to us & signed up for our JV email reminders.
Contact Mike Paul with Any Questions
Please contact me via Skype or Email
Skype ID: Mikepaul
Email: Mike@mikepaulonline.com