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Step by Step Video Training
VIDEO 1: The Intro
Welcome and Congrats! The intro video covers the aim for you as you study the training PDF and videos in this guide. .
VIDEO 2: The Challenge
Here, we will cover the real estate agent's most pressing challenge when it comes to getting leads, prospects, and clients.
VIDEO 3: What they're doing now
This video sheds light on what most real estate agents are doing now to get business. This will help you understand why your services are needed so much.
VIDEO 4: The Answer and the Rundown
This training video covers the solution to the challenge in the last video... and you'll deliver the goods with the help of AI!
VIDEO 5: Transform lame descriptions
Here, we'll cover the steps involved with turning agents' current subpar home descriptions into glowing presentments.
VIDEO 6: Turning data into newsletters
Here are the steps to take in order to use what's already on the web to create monthly newsletters for home buyers and homesellers.
VIDEO 7: Turn videos into blog posts
In this section of the training, I'll easily navigate your through the ez steps for taking video content and transforming it into blog material!
VIDEO 8: Creating stellar email campaigns
One of the most lucrative services, email marketing, has now been made easy for smart consultants. I'll show you how in this video.
VIDEO 9: Finding 'Time-Out' Agents
How to find the most motivated, responsive, and ready to sign clients with little to no competition.
VIDEO 10: Use THEIR efforts to sign clients?
In this training, I will walk you through an angle for getting clients that will put you way ahead of any other consultants.
VIDEO 11: The Money
It's really simple. Listen closely as I cover how much each service can earn you in the form of fees.
VIDEO 12: Final Thoughts
Where to go from here. The psychology behind favorable outcomes for your goals.