With My New Niche BREAKTHROUGH for consultants, marketers, local advisors... or anyone who WANTS to join this business...
You’ll NEVER Fear
EVER Again!
Why? Because You Will Have
Discovered the #1
So rich, it's known throughout this industry that they've already budgeted for marketing... meaning... many of 'em are already prepped with a $3,000 budget to go toward a better source of Leads!
Finally...through serious and costly trial and error, my team has identified the #1 BEST Target Client you MUST Focus on in 2023...
A high ticket client so valuable that you could specialize in just these alone, and make a great living.
A client so plentiful, and so reachable that you'll want to do nothing but build your marketing consulting business around them!
AND, we have developed a SYSTEM for landing these 'pure gold' clients by ATTRACTION, not by chasing them.

My new system lets you get as many of these high-ticket clients as you want! Clients who actually chase YOU for a change... and pay you substantial fees without quibbling or resistance!
Wait and see why my marketing method does what other methods don't... it pulls them in and makes closing them easy (by comparison to everything else)...
- Go from a complete unknown in your market to a 6-figure or even 7-figure earner...in record time!
- Attract the BEST niche clients... including the “whale” clients who pay the HIGHEST FEES!
- Sell at prices 2 or 3 times HIGHER than all your competitors!
- Enjoy a MASSIVE increase in your free time... because it only takes 10 to 18 hours a week to run this business that generates $10,000 to $20,000+ per month in my own case!
- And do it all without employees... complicated expensive marketing funnels... time consuming blogging...painful cold calling, giving away free stuff... or ANY the other “grunt work” you don’t want to do...
Dear Local Marketer,
If getting local clients has been a struggle for you...
Or... if you’re not happy with the type of clients you’ve been working with...
And you’re sick and tired of not getting paid the good fees you know you could and SHOULD be getting... because low quality “price shoppers” are always grinding you down on your fees...
Then what you’re about to discover in this brief message will likely turn all that around for you... in practically no time at all.
Because now for the first time ever,
YOU Can Experience A
NEW Niche System That...
- Attracts all the clients you’ll ever want or need...
- You’ll discover how to have these high-ticket clients chasing YOU...
- Charge (and get) the fees that you’re really worth…
- Never again worry about being an “advertising victim” -- throwing away your money on ads and sales funnels that produce little or nothing in new clients and profits...
FINALLY... get lead and deals consistently, predictably and reliably... like clockwork.
When you have a proven niche system like this working for you... it changes EVERYTHING.

And That’s EXACTLY
What I Want To Share
With You Today.
A Niche System that can get you on the FAST TRACK to making top dollar...Working Less Than 20 Hours A Week!
Even better, once you discover this proven system, you can do all this with...
- NO need for a huge list of prospects...
- No more spending months or even years on free “content marketing”, article-writing, blog posts, video-making, social posting, Tweeting, or ANY of that “audience-building” stuff that rarely, if ever works...
- NO more cheapee clients always trying to grind you down on your fees...
- NO more “trial projects” (which is just another ruse used by cheap clients to get you to work for free)...
- NO more wasting your time with tire kickers who only want to “pick your brain”...
- NO more confusing, complicated and convoluted sales funnels that hardly ever work...
- NO more wasting time on webinars that no one attends...
- NO more wasting your time writing “free reports” that nobody ever reads (or responds to)...
- NO more hearing “Send me a proposal and I’ll get back to you”...
- NO more having to compete with other local marketers on price.
- NO more sales slumps or slow months...
- NO more hearing “I'll have to think about it.” (Now your prospective clients will be ready to sign up.. and gladly pay your fees...
And Finally...
The #1 Reason To
Do This Right Now:
Its completely realistic. Not some pie-in-the-sky like you see so often on salespages... Not some fantasy that only works for the 'other guy' or gal.
Not some theory (thats never been applied or tested)...not some strategy that takes a sales genius to pull it off...No, absolutely not.
You can be an average marketer who needs to only follow directions-even if you're just starting out... can you do that? Good, then you're in!
Besides, the competition is oblivious - they're charging way too much for shoddy leads! This makes 'em obsolete as far as you are concerned 🙂

Providing Leads For Roofers:
The Hidden GoldMine
EVERY Roof from bungalows, cabins, cottages duplexes, ranches, townhouses, tract homes, apartment houses, condominiums, castles, estates, mansions, and farmhouses will need a Roofer One day...
...and virtually NO ONE considers re-roofing a property a do-it-yourself-job! 99% need a professional roofer when the time comes.
Its Inevitable..Roofs wear out. They leak, they get damaged, they go out of style. Theres ALWAYS Demand.
Forget Arrogant Clients,
Once And For All!
Y'know like aloof doctors, demanding attorneys, and other pompous 'professional' type clients?
Tired of thall them? Then start working with roofers. You'll love the difference.
No gatekeepers, no run around, no "He's in a meeting" BS..
They're easy to get in touch with... in fact many have their cell phone listed as their contact number!
Blue Collar tradesmen, like roofers, are usually down-to-earth, regular folks and NEED your help.

Most of these roofers grew on the hard side of town, so to speak. They know nothing is perfect (unlike tempermental lawyers or primadonna doctors) so you will not be sweating every call from them.
Roofer Clients Are Like FLYPAPER
You've never seen clients 'STICK' like these roofer clients. If you bring them good leads, they just won't leave you.
And why would they quit on you?
Roofers usually been 'burned' by the marketing giants like Reach Local, Yodle and HomeAdvisor. You'll learn the secrets to setting yourself apart from these folks and the easiest way to sign them up.
This isn't a 'Churn And Burn' deal, not at all. You'll build a secure ENDURING client list and never worry where your next paycheck is coming from...which is a great feeling.
I'm giving you a ticket to A 'Physicians Income' without the Hassles or expenses or liability.
How Most Roofers Get Leads
Believe it or not, even in 2023 in most places around the US, residential roofers get many of their leads by....CANVASSING.
Oh by the way, when I say ‘Roofer’ - I’m talking about roofing salespeople, roofing sales managers, and also independent roofers who sell their own roof replacement services.
Here's a major sales tip: To get the inside scoop on an industry at times, I sometimes agree to shadow one of their salespeople for a day or two.
Often, when this is thrown into the mix, a sales manager is very likely to say 'yes'. It shows them that I care, plus I can almost guarantee, none of my competition is willing to do this which makes me stand out.
So I Did The Unusual:
I showed up to one of
their sales meetings!
The sales manager at one point said to the crew, “Who here wants to make $150,000 dollars before the year ends? Everyone? Okay. Here’s what you do. Knock on 70 doors-a-day. Use the script that I gave you. And follow up on your leads…blah, blah”

Many of the salespeople confessed they hated door-knocking, but felt they didn’t have any choice!
The pitch was the same every time someone answered the door.
Later I learned that saleperson incomes were falling and there seemed to be one main reason: COMPETITION.
"The area was overcrowded with too many roofing companies now. And it’s only getting worse", one said.
Basically they are doing more work, in this case - even physical work… for less money.
The Roofer’s Challenge
Is Bigger Than Ever!
- Their industry is overcrowded and there just isn’t enough business to go around...
- To combat the saturation problem, they’re having to work longer hours… Basically, GRIND til there’s no end.
- They’re using outdated methods to gain business.
- Their managers and owners know the challenges that they’re going through, but don’t have true solutions.
Salesperson turnover is massive, expensive and getting worse.
I want to make sure you vividly see the problem. This is an industry in desparate need of a new way - a better way.
No doubt, they need help desperately from marketers who understand leads. Better leads.
The Answer?
Luckily, the solution to this roofer lead problem is simpler than you may think.
Remember, roofers have several challenges they desperately need to work through:
- They’re working much harder than they need to in order to get a sales (doorknocking isn’t the answer as you know by now)
- They’re working much longer hours to get appointments and sales.
- They don’t have time to figure it out on their own and come up with a better system.

And that’s your cue to step
in and be the marketing hero..
With my guidance, it won’t take long for you to learn how to solve the local roofers most pressing pain.
In effect, you’ll cut out their doorknocking rigmarole and create a steady flow of targeted leads.
What Does This
Do For Them?
A TON! It gives them their time back so they can finally breathe again.
-It allows them to work with BETTER Numbers. Meaning, they only have to approach those who have an interest in having the work done.
-It helps them make more sales because, while their competition is still knocking doors, they will be sitting in the comfort of their homes, in coffee shops, or on the road… following up with Leads that YOU help them get!
You’d agree, one can speak to more people from a cell phone compared to physically walking and knocking on doors, right?
-It even helps roofing company owners and sales managers to keep good talent because the revolving door will eventually stop when better leads start coming in.
How Will This Be Done?
Simply by using one of two methods.
First, By replacing legs that walk neighborhoods with modern automated tools.
Next, you’ll use an online method that weeds out the flaky leads for them!
PLUS, with Roofer Rev Up, you’ll have the upper hand on all those cookie-cutter online lead vendors.
You’ll create an entire campaign in 15 minutes. And this online ad campaign will be like no other in the roofing space…
Here’s Where This Gets Good.
I’ll show you how to find the absolute bullseye target audience without using any of the typical targeting tools in the beginning...

You’ll simply find the right homeowners who need your clients’ services by outwitting their costly targeting bots using weather maps!
… and it can all be done in under 5 minutes!
As good as this new Targeting method with all its unique features is, it's still not going to make you money without...
Lots Of Actual CLIENTS.
Signing Up.
This method of getting local Roofer clients can give you a payoff that can be huge. It works in a way that attracts some of the highest quality client leads possible…
Now I can't give away the whole store until you're a purchaser, but I do want to wet your appetite since these are fantastic methods everyone is NOT doing.
PLUS it’s done with no one beating you up on your price.
… with no hard selling
… and with little to no follow-up.
AND do it in a way that will cause your prospects to seek YOU out. Because thanks to this Lead development system... YOU are positioned as the ONLY person your best prospects want to work with.
There’s not one single ounce of “theory” in this. It's what I and my closest associates are using RIGHT NOW to attract as many clients as we want.
This system works because it was developed, tested and perfected “in the trenches.” With real clients. In real “heat of battle” business situations...
And Here’s The Part
That You'll Really Like:
You don’t have to be a pushy salesperson and rely on high-pressure “closing techniques” in order to enroll lots of roofer clients.
Instead you’ll almost be able to sift and sort only the best ones... the ones you feel you actually WANT to work with.
It’s actually a lot simpler than most online marketing “gurus” have led you to believe.
Because you don’t have to invest months of blood, sweat and tears trying to create complex multistep sales funnels.
None of That Is Needed
With My Roofer Rev Up System.
So if you want to bypass all that grueling (and inefficient) work... and help people right from the git-go with a high-ticket service that gets your clients the results they want...
Then don’t waste your time trying to create what Ive already perfected.
Why go through all the grunt work, anguish and disappointment required to create it?
Roofer Rev Up is already done and ready for you to take over...
I've created a sales process that cuts through the complex process of roofers deciding on a leadgen service...
and created a tested system that feels utterly simple and eliminates all sales pressure – while landing client after client.
The appproach can turn around a local consultant's business extremely fast and build something that lasts.
PLUS, What Other Business
Strategy Gives These Advantages?
-No Cold Calling
-No College Needed
-No Prior Experience
-No Office Needed
-No Big Investment
-No Age Limits
-Be Treated With Respect
-Create A Dependable Income
-Ensure a Reliable Retirement
-Have time with your family
-Reach Income Goals Quickly
I’ll reveal all the exciting product details in just a minute.
But first Lets look at the training you'll be receiving...
But first Lets look at the training you'll be receiving...
-Roofer Rev Up: The Intro
-The Challenge
-The Answer
-The Rundown
-The New DM Angle for Roofers
-TheSelf-Qualifying Angle for Roofers
-The DM Partnership
-The 4 Recommendations
-Deploying your services
-The ‘HAIL Mary’ Method
-The RIGHT DM for your client
-DM Prep
-Knockout Service :
-The Automatic Qualifier Method
-Roofer service #2 - The Rundown
-Setting up your client’s Campaign
-Creating your client’s ad
-The Mad Money
-What to Charge For DM Service
-What to Charge for Self-Qualifying Ads
-Most Consistent Way To Find Roofer Clients
-EZ PPC Leads for YOUR Business
-Final Thoughts
This is the EXACT method I use -- because it requires the least amount of capital... yet gives you the highest possible chance of success.

No Risk Test-Drive Guarantee
You will take NO RISK. If at the end of your 30 day 'Test Drive' working the steps and being amazed at the ingenuity and detail of my strategy as it unfolds, you’re not convinced this Roofer Rev Up consultancy business can bring you a sizeable income, ...then simply shoot me a quick email and your investment will be refunded.

Does this take a lot of time?
A: Nope. Probably less time than what you’re doing now to find good client leads. AND the more you do it, the easier and faster it gets.
Will I need to hire employees?
A: NO (Unless YOU Want Them) —If you choose to use virtual assistants or outsource that’s fine. But it’s not necessary. You could teach my methods to a VA and still spend very little – and then you’d be hands off!
Can I do this all from my computer?
A: This entire business is totally location independent and can be done entirely by email and phone. No cold calling is necessary.
If it's so good… Why don't you charge more?
A: Good Question!… I actually make most of my earnings from local clients, and thats been the case for years. I dont need to try and get rich off my consultant friends.
Will This Work Outside the US?
A: Although we haven't tested outside the US and there are never any guarantees of results, we feel the teaching will work anywhere there are High-Wind and Hail storms.
Why will clients take a chance on me?
A: Because they NEED you. Everyday they wake up and need leads to make appointments and close sales. They and their family don’t eat unless they make sales. They are accustomed to buying Leads and when you use our strategy, they will give you a trial run…which will usually lead to a long term client.
About Your Investment.
If you were to visit me to receive this training, face to face, you’d have to get time off work and spend a great deal of time and money on traveling plus accommodation – quite apart from the fact I charge $500 an hour for face-to-face training.
But I wanted to make this affordable for good folks, like you, because you deserve to finally step up to a better, richer life.
But theres only one condition, and its an important one; This Launch price is only available for the next 72 hours as it states at the top of the salespage. I'm serious about that...I want to reward consultants who take action and know a great value when they see one.
With such a surefire opportunity as this, where you can model your business on an already successful one PLUS be given a helping hand by the developer, there can only be one question:


I'm about to share a secret that fewer than one in a hundred local marketers know...so I hope you'll pay close attention.
First, you must understand all niches are not the same when it comes to value to a consultant. Not all niches can ever pay you what you're worth... many will never pay you more than a few dollars after you factor in all the time and effort invested.
After studying the markets for years, I've been able to organize the local niches in a way you've never seen before... and once you master this 'Niche Pyramid" your business life will never be the same.
This scale says it all. at the bottom are the low margin retailers. Places like grocery, convenience stores, etc.
At the far end of the scale are the high margin, high price SERVICES, like Roofing, Remodeling, Medical Specialties, etc.
*However, theres one more criterion to apply: NEED.
The highest NEED makes #6 even more powerful. Few niches can qualify for #7 slot, but Roofing is definitely one! Customers dont replace a roof just because they feel like it...on a whim, its done because its a necessity.
We are recommending you focus all your energy and effort on the #7 Super Niche, ROOFING. Frankly there are not a lot of services in this niche, but it doesnt matter since Roofing is probably the best overall one anyway.
Ben B.
Mike Paul’s Leads product was absolutely mind blowing! Never knew there was so much opportunity... What’s more - Mike is not some “keyboard commando” churning out theories from his bedroom. He provided real life examples from his Real World experience. If you’re on the fence about any of his products take it from me… Don’t sleep - Mike is solid as they come!!!
Holly W.
… Once Mike took over, my business did a complete 180! He provided me with his way for lead-cultivation which worked immediately… Overall, Mike’s different approach helped me double my business year-to-year!
David C.
I was struggling to generate leads... Following Mike's easy to follow instructions, I was able to quickly implement... and the results have been nothing short of amazing. To say it was an overnight success is an understatment as within the first week I had four leads that scheduled appoinments... and a dozen more that indicated they were interested!
Christopher G.
Your stuff does stand out and that’s why I’m so high on you. You do things much different than others and that’s why you are having the success you deserve. Keep putting out killer stuff and becoming the go-to offline guy.