Welcome JV Partners!
Offline Niche Launches Designed to put Easy Commissions in Your Pocket
Launch Schedule: Feb. 10th @ 11am Est through Feb. 13th midnight
Check Out My Latest Launch, Guaranteed to Put Money in Your Pocket and Make Your Customers Happy!
You've heard it, right? Facebook advertising has changed everything making it harder and more expensive for marketers....
I call BS. In fact, advertising on FB Today ... is easier than ever before...
Whether your list is brand-spankin'-new or seasoned veterans wanting to scale with Paid-Ads!

To Qualify For Prizes and Updates - Subscribe to My Affiliate List
We value your privacy and would never spam you
Leverage The 'Power of The Crowd' to Unleash Your Marketing Machine...
You remember growing up... and how you looked up to your older siblings... or maybe you wanted to be like the leader of your school's ball club...
The "In-Crowd" is a powerful thing as kids... but, it's something most never grow out of.
As adults, whether in politics, business, or socially... the 'Power of the Crowd' influences us just as strong as peer pressure to a teenager.
The idea remains the same - whether intentionally or subliminally, we're influenced by what "appears" to be HOT, IN, POPULAR... or the "right thing to do".
Although, this can often be a recipe for disaster...
And Your List Can Finally Get Consistent Results with paid-ads on a shoe-string-budget.
Here's how it works. You've browsed the fan/business pages on Facebook, correct? And you've seen those posts with little to no activity (Likes, Comments, Shares), right?
Now wouldn't you agree, the lack of activity on those posts could influence a potential prospect to ACT or, better yet, to NOT ACT on the business owner's offering?
It's easy to understand that, whether real or perceived, lots of engagement on a post or ad starts the engine for more activity... whether that 'activity' is more reactions to the post, more clicks, more leads, or even more sales.
Ok, so I've found a loophole of sorts. But unlike other 'loopholes', this one is bonafide, ethical, legal, and totally Fair-Game for marketing consultants to use the hell out of!
Here Are The Simple Steps
- Set Up Phase 1: An Engagement Attracting Ad that drives likes, reactions, shares for less than pennies
- Adjust to Phase 2: Make one simple TWEAK to attract more engagements from local prospects interested in the offering
- Sit Back in Phase 3: Kick up your feet and let Facebook optimize your marketing machine to eventually go VIRAL!
[FE & OTO- Products]
Front End: $17 @ 50% Commission (Early Bird first day, then going on dimesale)
OTO (upsell) commission = 50%
OTO (downsell) commission = 50%
[OTO 1 - Upsell]
- The first OTO includes additional training on how to transform viral ads into a marketing tool with only one goal... to get leads. This will open the door for higher ticket recurring fees from your list's clients.
- A Video presentation packed with a professional voice over, sales script, and an additional audio presentation.
Priced at $57
[OTO 1 - Downsell]
If your customers opts not to take the upsell, they are then directed to a downsell page with a lite version of the first OTO - Priced at $37
[OTO 2 - Upsell]
This second OTO will include the Ultimate Lead Magnet. This is a guide in the form of their very own customizable ebook - Consultants can list their own name and business as the creator. Perfect for instant authority and credibility.
Also included:
- 15 Ad Images for some of the hottest local niches.
- 11 Marketing Consultant Images to Plug-N-Play within their client gettin' campaigns.
This powerful package or marketing material will get your list started fast. In fact, this is the fastest route to their first client! - Priced at $47
[OTO 2 - Downsell]
If your customers opts not to take the upsell, they are then directed to a downsell page with a lite version of OTO 2 - Priced at $27
Affiliate Contest!
$300 first prize, $150 second place, and $75 third place.
You must optin to our email list to be eligible for the leaderboard.
*** Must Have at least a Minumum of 30 Total Sales to Qualify for the Contest
Here's the Rundown:
- Launch Period - 4 day launch with a price bump
- Commission - 50% front, 50% OTO1, 50% OTO2
- Launch Date - Feb. 10th @ 11am Est through Feb. 12th midnight
Here's Exactly What To Do...
Your Email Swipes
Your list will love this product, but you might want to prep them the day before and let them know you have a bonus for them...
Considering Sending Multiple emails and hit those unopens at the end of day number one
I suggest you write your own emails. The swipes below will give you a good foundation, but your list wants to hear from you PERSONALLY.

Subject: ($750-$1000 Recurring) Take your marketing to another level with less than a penny?
Frustrated with Facebook Ads?
Do you hate Tech?
Are you strapped for time (and $)?
It's easy to understand that paid-ads are the fastest way to getting results fast.
But there are some challenges for the novice advertiser. Things like a steep learning curve, lengthy 'testing' periods, and of course, the cost of running these ads...
And after all that?... the ads may never gain traction 🙁
Well, today's a New Day in marketing for you.
There's one missing ingredient can than set your online marketing free. This 'one thing' is much more powerful than landing pages, the 'latest' software, and even 'Hard Work'.
It's called the Power-of-the-Crowd.
If you can harness the power of the crowd... your marketing can TAKE OFF with the momentum of a High Powered Locomotive.
Do this for your OWN business or for your clients' businesses... or both... but either way...
Do it. <LINK>
[Sign off]

Subject: Let 'Other People' Boost your marketing?
Hello Fellow Entrepreneur,
This has taken many months and was almost never release... because it's so simple and effective... this marketer wanted to keep it to himself.
This alone... has been the single most pivotal discovery for his marketing agency.
Imagine waking up one morning - you fire up your computer and...
Your usually 'stale' Facebook ads... have transformed into marketing machines with hundreds... maybe thousands of new people 'stirred up' about your message...
And they're not afraid to show it... because they've drenched your posts and ads with likes, shares, and comments...
This one key element can take your marketing to new levels ... and you can finally feel the satisfaction of knowing...
You have a proven and effective strategy that morph you into a marketing pro while helping your grow your business on autopilot.
Get the deets here. <LINK>
[Sign Off]

Subject: (Final Day) $200 a pop - 4 times a month - with $1000 recurring?
Have you ever...
had the feeling...
that you had multiple personalities?
Your one self who, after weighing the facts, acts with poise on what matters...
... then there is your 'other self' who waits and waits...
until it's too late... and deep down there's that knowing...
... that this other self has cost you throughout life.
Well, push that 'other self' away today and listen up 🙂
**FB Ads is still one of the fastest routes to getting your first client - it IS.
**But, most of these advertisers are missing one essential element.
**A piece of the puzzle that can set your marketing free...
.. allowing you to push way far ahead of your competition...
Imagine: exploiting this one piece to get clients for your own business... and your clients' businesses... while pocketing $200 a pop (4 times per mo) with a recurring fee of $1000... as icing on the cake!
It's the last day before a major price increase - go here, click the add-to-cart button and jump in.
[Sign Off]
Don't forget... I Reciprocate for Compatible Offers

Review Copy...
Review Copy Only given to ESTABLISHED offline affiliates known to us & signed up for our JV email reminders.
Contact Mike Paul with Any Questions
Please contact me via Skype or Email
Skype ID: Mikepaul
Email: Mike@mikepaulonline.com