Students Report 54% Higher Closing Rates After Getting Their Hands On This Foot-In-The-Door Hack?
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"There's a reason why almost 70% of buyers pick up this oto...
Its the best value and fastest route to demolishing the competition"
BONUS: You Got A Client... What's Next?
There's a good chance that you'll start using the client gettin' methods inside the guide you now own and have interested prospects this week! What do you do once you have a prospect on the line?
One of the very best ways to solidify the sale is to assume the close! Meaning, don't ask them if they want to work with you, but instead, proceed as if you know they're in! You can easily do this by moving them to your INTAKE FORM.
Simply follow the questions on the form to seal the deal or send them the form via email. Either way, it will set you up in the best light and assist you in closing the deal!
ACT NOW before this ONE-TIME-OFFER is Gone Forever...