New Multi-Touch Technology Works on Autopilot to Eliminate The "GRIND" and Accelerate Sales!
Entrepreneurs and Biz Owners Discover A Way to Only Talk to Prospects When They're READY TO BUY...
Happy Local Business Owners are Calling it... "Their Own Behind-The-Scenes Leads Cultivator and Sales Dynamo!"

"I would tell anyone, if you want to give yourself the best chance for success with any ... business, you should have this system."
Kellen B.
As seen on...

The Day It 'Clicked'... I Had an Epiphany - Could My Business Really Operate Like a Full-Fledged Prospecting Army by Just Adding This One Tool?
What I'm about to show you almost seems whimsical, but I assure you it's not.
Its a way for any dedicated Entrepreneur, Business Owner, or Professional to end the monotony, control their time, and maybe even boost their income by thousands every month.
In some cases you'll make enough 'EXTRA' to radically improve your lifestyle.
In my case, it meant more time with my wife and kids. It meant bringing balance back to my business and personal life. The income was just the cream on top!
Yet, (and I know this may be hard to swallow) the time and effort it takes to "get there"... will be a fraction of what you are probably doing now.

"If you want true leverage, figure out the prospecting game. When the burden of 'grinding-it-out' is lifted... you can finally scale." - Mike P.
By the way, I'm Mike Paul and I've been in marketing for longer than I can remember.
When I started working with local businesses I hoped I was prepared for everything.
I read courses and talked to successful consultants and watched videos... almost till I was tired of all the information.
BUT, about 15 years into my professional career, I got quite a surprise.
I was chatting with a professional acquaintance from Philidelphia, a rather nice fellow.
He was in his late forties, I guessed, and was disussing a plan to rachet up his marketing and also his plans to open another agency..
Out of the blue he said,
"Hey Mike, Are you one of those guys who's still prospecting all day?"
He smiled and I assumed he was joking. It turns out HE WAS DEAD SERIOUS.
He explained, "Mike, I haven't picked up a phone, knocked on a door, or invited anyone to lunch to try and make a sale in almost 3 years!" He made me think, and it started the wheels turning.
See, Jack actually did this the hard way.
He decided to hire a team of lead-generators and follow-up specialists for his growing real estate firm.
The day he asked that question stuck in my head for another few years until I came across a nifty little online sales page that I brushed off at first.
It wasn't until it 'hurt-enough' that I seriously considered what that crazy page was offering. In fact, like a dog to a bone, I had to dig and dig through email folder after folder.
We all have a junk email address, right. You know, the email address you enter into those online forms to find out what's behind the curtain...
I finally found the email. Went to the page and this is what it said...
No.1 If you're doing this... It will never work
If you’re spending a large chunk of your time calling, chasing, following up, emailing… for new clients and customers… you’ll never ever scale your business. You need a system that does all of this for you.
No.2 Humans need multiple touch-points
In our rambunctious age of technology, your prospects are inundated everywhere they turn. Their attention is pulled here and there like a tug-o-war match. Just one form of communication leaves you a distant memory. You have to be “everywhere”…
No.3 No doubt - you absolutely have to stay top-of-mind
So, if the goal is to stay in front of your prospect so they’ll CHOOSE YOU when they’re ready to buy – you have to permenantly grab your ‘mindshare’ inside their heads. You have to BE the one they think of when they think of your industry.
No.4 It's impossible to do it all yourself!
Unless you’re willing to spend wads of cash every month hiring freelancers to do the work for you… you’ll need modern technology to automate the entire Top-of-Mind, Multiple touch point, virtual prospecting for you…
So, Ask Yourself: "Do I want to keep chasing 'the business'... or do I want to attract clients like a magnet?"
I ended up pushing it off again...
But that page stuck in my brain like a leach and, eventually, I came around... See, I had to really get tough with myself and ask some hard questions...
Do I prefer to keep prospecting myself...
...taking the whole brunt - calling prospects, knocking doors, sending manual email after email? Do I want to keep spending most of my time 'at work'? Do I want to keep settling for bogus leads that never convert?

I didn't want any of that! I just needed an Edge... and that's what I found.
So let me ask YOU.
Do you prefer to work Part-Time but earn Full-Time income?
Can you follow simple instructions and stick with a plan?
If so then this new opportunity may be your ticket to a better situation...a better future...a more balanced life.
Discover the Secrets to an Almost Instant and Truly Automatic Forward Movement in Your Business
I'm sure you're itching to know what to tool can do for you. Call to mind again, today's consumer needs multiple "touches" from different modes
More crucially, YOU need to "touch" your prospects from everywhere to send your chances of getting that customer or client out the roof!
That's exactly what the system does:
[TOUCH 1] SMS Bulk Messaging
Enjoy and over 93% open rate by automatically sending scheduled text messages to your leads, prospects, and clients.
[TOUCH 2] Voice Broadcasts
Send automated voice broadcasts to reach your prospects and clients on an auditory level. Subconsciously, they’re now warming up to you because they’ve read your texts and now they’re hearing your voice!
[TOUCH 3] Autoresponse emailer
The email autoresponse system will make it seem like you’re ‘everywhere’ in the mind of your future clients and customers! And just like the rest of the features… it’s all built into the system!
[BONUS 1] - Interactive Text Bot
The possibilities are endless with this bonus feature. Easily program your bot to send prewritten responses when your prospect sends a coded text message. For example “Press 1 to” receive another text, listen to another audio message, or forward a call to live person.
[BONUS 2] Earn $200-$500 as an affiliate
When you get involved, you get full access to an entire Affiliate Center. You can even earn $250-$500 daily paydays! Also, think of building your own virtual software agency leveraging other affiliates like yourself to really scale BIG!

Think of This As...
Income Insurance

It's proven, the current consumer market is being pulled in every direction... You need to be where they are...
Even if you don't implement all the features right away, you'll want to have this tool in your corner.
I'm sure there are niches this won't be a good fit for...
...but I haven't been able to think of one. Industries like real estate, insurance, restuarants, dentists, roofers, mortgage brokers, MLM, gyms, personal trainers, beauty salons, pet groomers... they all need to follow up with their leads!
It's no longer a secret, before customers, clients, and recruits buy... they're like children... they need constant reminding from different sources. But when this happens, your job becomes much much easier!
Think of it as Income Insurance. Some of your prospects will be ready to buy NOW... but others won't be ready to act just yet.
With your name, your message, your voice in front of them on an automatic schedule... it's like you're piling up future income. They'll come around when they're ready.
And this is the part most marketers and business owner don't get... they don't realize how much money they're leaving on the table by only counting on 'now' business.
And unlike most of your competition, you'll be postitioned to reap the rewards because you've done your due-diligence and permenantly implanted yourself in your prospects subconscious!...
It's like income insurance... and this insurance pays much BIGGER and ongoing IF you do it right!
Here's the kicker... although to them it seems as if you're everywhere and you've done a ton of work... all you did was push a few buttons!

This Could Be One of Your
Crossroad Days...
Most days are routine enough.
And then, occasionally, there comes a day with the potential to transform your life beyond recognition – a ‘Crossroad Day’ ...
… the sort of life-changing day when you decide what college to attend, what career to follow or who to spend the rest of your life with.
Right now, you're not being asked to do any of that though. The only tiny decision left is to Get More Information. That's it! A tiny step, yes... but a pivotal moment nonetheless.
But before you do that, one more thing...
Your Very Own Software Consulting Agency?
Will you answer a question for me? How many opportunity seekers (those who are open to make money on the side) do you think you'll meet in a year? Could it average 1 a day - so maybe over 300 per year?
(It could actually be way more when you use the training we'll provide.)
To boot, it's a known fact that over 40% of the general population are looking for ways to make money - a side hustle. And if they're open to ideas, do you think something like this would be a no-brainer for THEM to offer?
Through the years, we've known... it's easiest to sell what we believe in ourselves. And once those entrepreneurs find that their own bottom-line has immensely improved, more prospects are turning into clients, and more client relationships are evolving into handsome paydays...
... you can bet that they wouldn't have to "sell" anything...
Instead, they could bring new customers, clients, and other independent business builders with the least amount of resistance into your thriving agency.
The benefit to you is a lucrative commission 'pass-up' schedule that could morph into something bigger than you ever imagined!

So, Here's What You Do Next.
Click Below To Weigh The Facts...

Mike P.With a one-time low investment like this, with all it does... it makes no sense not to have it!
J. GoodjohnWith a system like this, I literally just put my prospects, wait... and ... they reach out to me when the're ready to go!
Your First Step - Weigh The Facts:
- Learn exactly how the system works on autopilot!
- Pick what features will work in your OWN business...
- Find out the pricing structure and how it's a fraction of what other inferior versions offer
- Learn how to scale BIG by recruiting other software sellers to work on your behalf...
- One more Powerful feature: REVEALED
- What does the training consist of?
- Earn $250-$500 daily as an affiliate?
- Promote other streams of income?
Your Questions Answered Inside...
The most crucial goal of sms, voice, and email marketing
Are there proven swipes included?
What message to send immediately after a sale...
Can you really Double your conversions with one text message?
How do I use keywords to send to-die-for mobile information to my prospects?
How to lower my no-show rate by 62%?