A Plug-N-Play System Like This Is SOO Good... You may want to do nothing else...

Now Command All The Clients You Can Handle With A New And High-Yielding Consulting Agency Fast, Affordably, and Easier Than You Ever Thought Possible…

You’ll INSTANTLY & AUTOMATICALLY Eliminate Your Client’s Biggest Headache, Give Them Back Hours of Precious Time, and Skyrocket Their Profits FAST!

And THAT’S What Will Attract All The Clients You Want.

Now You Can Automate Follow Ups For Local Businesses And Our Ai Does The Heavy Lifting For You.

It’s Hard Not To Succeed When You Have An Edge Like That!

This Simple 3-Step Process Uses Ai To Bring Your Clients More Time To Do What They Do Best… Resulting IN their Cash Flow Climbing Higher Than Anything They’ve Seen Since Before COVID…

The results arrive so fast, and at such a bargain price, Your Future Clients Are Delighted to Pay $500, $700, $900, Even a Thousand Dollars To Set-N-Forget These Tiny Robots Onto Their Sites…

And The Best Part? It's So Much Easier Than What You're Doing Now!

I'm going to disclose how this works right in this letter, but first, you ought to know why this strategy is such a huge improvement for local business offers…

The struggle is real… THAT’S Why This Works So Well…

Businesses haven’t recovered from the Covid fiasco…

-Staffing issues continue…

-Customer service has gone down the tubes…

-They’re working more hours since they can’t keep their employees…

- Add to the mix the fact that their supplies and inventory costs have skyrocketed.

Many have had to make the painful decision to raise their prices or cut their portions delivered to customers…

Some have done the unthinkable by raising prices, cutting portions, and using lower-quality parts and ingredients altogether!

Take these holes per se… and add them to almost every local business niche… because that’s how far this infection has spread…

They’re ALL struggling

Yeah, I know … there are some businesses that have managed to keep their prices, materials, and ingredients at the same level while keeping their prices reasonable, but not many of ‘em…

See, during THESE times… that’s the Holy Grail.

Just surviving by keeping everything the way it was before all the shhhhtufff hit the fan. 

And the small percentage who have managed to find and drink from this holy grail, haven’t done it alone.

They’ve had help.  

Good help - from smart consultants who were ahead of the curve… forward thinkers.  

What gets me though … and it really has me shakin’ my head every time I talk about it… is the fact that tons of these consultants are brand NEW.  They’re total rookies!

I believe the reason is obvious.

New and inexperienced consultants are not contaminated yet.  

What I mean is that they haven’t been in the business long, they haven’t cultivated those bad habits yet, and their thinking is still a blank slate. 

But look - if you are not new to the local marketing game… it’s okay. 

You can still help these desperate business owners and kill it… the way new consultants are…

...if you throw that old way of thinking out the window… and start anew.

Don’t enter this like a fight.  Instead, kinda let it happen.  You don’t have to grind-it-out… just go through the steps, get clients, and get paid fluidly.   

I think this part is so important because you don’t have to do all that anymore. 

Times have changed and I’d say that Time itself is on your side now.

With the state of the economy… the light at the end of the tunnel is finally peeking through for open-minded consultants. 

Yeah, businesses have seen their world transform from easy street to skid row… but LISTEN… THAT right there IS YOUR MAIN ADVANTAGE.


I discovered the answer local businesses want is NOT waiting months to maybe get ranked (not likely) and spending a fortune paying for content producers to flood the internet with your material… 

...All while hoping and praying Google doesn't suddenly change an algorithm and throw your client's site back to the stone age! Don’t get me wrong - that’s needed, but it’s not what they want to ease their most pressing pain.

And it's definitely NOT buying into some dubious Private Link Network or worse, some clearly illegal 'blackhat' scheme.

None of that crap works, you know it and I know it.

It’s not getting their name out there with social media campaigns, networking events, or even lead-gen.  

It's time to strip off the crusty layers of fluff… all the stuff ‘they’ told ya… and get down to the basics of what THEY Want.

Brenda H.

Mike did a great job of communicating and I recommend his service to any... looking for a better way to grow their business! Thanks YOU!

Brenda H.

Think Moms.. and you'll know what businesses CRAVE

See, mothers today have to juggle so many things.

They have their jobs, their home, the meals, the kids, school drop-offs, being mommy nurse when anyone’s sick… and that’s just a sliver of it all..

Ask any mom what would help her most?

And without hesitation… she’d blurt out… “I need help with the mundane things!”

What are businesses lacking these days??

In what crucial area are they drowning?

What’s their ‘mundane’ task??

It’s simply this: FOLLOW UP. 

And just like Moms… their businesses are their children… and they’re ACHING for your help!

Ease Their Pain. Bank BIG…

When I address the “Follow-up” problem that seems ‘too far gone’ for local businesses, I am talking about the first contact all the way to answering the customer’s initial questions. 

That’s the one.  That’s their biggest pain.  

Yeah, businesses are not even following up with new prospects like they know they should be!

And it’s how you’re going to make a huge dent in the local game. 

I remember asking a good friend who held records for insurance sales … she was retired when I asked her this question, but she said that didn’t matter.  

See, she knew that her answer was EVERGREEN, meaning - it stood as the ONLY answer back then, NOW, and for eons to come.  

I asked,  “Judy… How were you able to sell so much insurance and keep those records even after you stopped??”

She simply said, “I found their pain and eased it”!

Judy Knew... You had to go straight to their pain.

See, Judy never sold insurance - she was selling a worry-free life.  She was selling a comfortable legacy. She was selling happiness in the form of the future being taken care of.

She knew her clients' pain.  And she knew how to extinguish it. 

You now know the business owner’s most pressing pain.  What will you do about it?

Follow-Up… Why They Crave Help Reviving It..

Follow up... seems so boring, doesn’t it?

That’s fine, this ‘boring’ is what will save businesses and fatten your wallet FAST.

Let me prove beyond a shadow of a doubt WHY businesses want to fill this gap. 

According to a Jomin Varghese, a Linkedin contributor, if companies salesperson follows up with inquiries within the first 5 minutes, their shot at getting the sale increases by 21X!! Holy crap.

Wouldn't you agree, just that ONE CHANGE alone will multiply sales many times over for any local niche!

I can stop there and we both know that’s enough, but let me share more…

Leandata.com says that 78% of customrs BUY from the first company who responds!  Can you believe it?!

This is what my brain says this means - business owners ONLY need to be FIRST.  That's IT!... Being the first to response is enough to transform their sales 🙂

But that's NOT even the best part... Here's The Kicker...

Carlos Silva with Chilipiper.com says...

Less than 1% of B2B organizations respond to inquiries within 5 minutes!  Are you getting this??

Less than 1% of these businesses will get back to their prospect in 5 minutes.

Do you understand the magnitude of this one stat.

Here's what this means.

The Competition will become irrelevant to businesses who can respond FAST... Totally irrelevant!

(And ya know what?... You won't be handling calls or hiring freelancers to do it... Far from that!  Instead, you will use some stupid-simple Ai Automation to do it FOR THEM... And You, too).

Now IMAGINE how Loved you become when you help businesses respond almost INSTANTLY!

Your value as a marketing consultant just shot through the roof!

Let’s Reverse-Engineer The Process

It’s simpler than you think… First, what do they want.

They want relief. They want more control of their time.

So, you want to free them up from doing what they hate.

Next, you want it to start Fast, not months from now.

In fact, you want to be able to turn it on like a water faucet, better yet a FIRE HOSE... THAT'S what impresses clients.

You want your clients to be so impressed that they don't want it to stop!

So impressed, they are happy to pay us monthly to free them up from their main mundane task (and pay us well). $500 - $600 -$700- or more each month.

And ya know what?...

They'll EAGERLY PAY YOU! They know the service is GOLDEN... and when theey see their sales CLIMB, they'll refer you to their other business owner friends!.

... because you USED Ai And Some DFY TOOLS... you made THEM the FIRST to respond to prospects, customers, and future clients!

This gives you the power to stand out from the crowd and flourish, to shine.

How Will You Do It??

It's really very simple when you look at it.  And much of the work will be done with our systems... leaving you to do what you do best…

... which is MAKE SALES and sign clients.

That way you'll own your time and have a greater opportunity to really ramp up your income!

Here are the simple and fast steps:

The Best Leverage Of Your Time As An Ai FOLOW UP Consultant Are THESE THREE STEPS:

  • First, you'll grab your leads. It's as easy as clicking your mouse, but don't be fooled - these are Top Leads. Think of them as your ready-to-hatch future clients...
  • With the power of our system, you'll quickly have their business gone over with a fine tooth comb (and it's all done online). This is what will set you up for positive responses.
  • To round things up, you'll quicky harness your foot-in-the-door approach, then hit 'em with your main offer to AUTOMATE their follow up using nifty little Ai Follow Up Assistants using our PREINSTALLED & DFY emails!

That's it! You're all set... Oh, I almost forgot one thing - Don't forget to collect your handsome fee UPFRONT... before installing their follow up assistant!

That's how you do it... here's how you will look while you do it...

I believe I know what you're thinking... Things like...

Will I need a website? or... How do I creat a sense of authority? And... How do I look professional??

I gotcha covered there, too!

With your investment in Digi Agency Ai, you're getting your OWN Digi Agency Website - pack full of the best, most professional content and images.

Simply fill out a quick questionnaire and use our system to hand over the deets to Ai to do the heavy lifting and... Voila!...

Your new site posistions you as a bonafide professional consultant...

...and you didn't need any testimonials, no previous clients, and no previous tech-knowledge to have a site that blows the competition out of the water!

The Playing Field Is Level And Open To You, Too…

By the way, I'm making no mention of experience, skill, location, or age...because they do NOT matter!

That’s a good thing, since I'm a normal guy from a quiet, small town…. I wasn’t an “expert” salesman at all. No silver sales spoon in my mouth...and I had no hook or ‘lucky break’ that pushed me forward.

Yet, the freedom I craved happened for me in a big way in a relatively short period of time. This same possibility is open to you, too.

That's why today I'm pledging for all to witness…

Our Pledge

We’ll show you the way to fill the void desperate business owners have through a service that's a godsend to them... without having to go through any rigorous learning curve or crack any code, without any experience, any prior tech knowledge, big budget, or huge time commitment.

You’ll be able to do it for pennies on the dollar and smile all the way to the bank when you see how few and simple the steps really are… even for a brand-spankin’ new consultant!

Having A Service Like THIS With An Offer They Can’t Refuse CHANGES EVERYTHING

Imagine working when you want. Maybe you’re only looking for a part-time side gig while you plan to leave your main job…

You can get started with that using this method as a catalyst out of the chains that are holding you down at your J.O.B.

And with some effort and consistency, it’s totally reasonable to have an aim of just 5-10 clients which can, in many cases, replace a typical income.

And that’s being conservative. Truth is, when you just have a few clients with this method, they’ll need other services, too.

Can you see it? Working part-time on the days you want. Being able to do the things you’ve always wanted to do, but couldn’t … because a boss had control of your time?

Those days can be long gone!

Imagine paying off those pesky bills, traveling to those places you’ve dreamt of…  paid in full thanks to your clients.

This isn’t a pipe dream. It’s happening right now for many smart consultants!

To Achieve Your Goal Of Faster And Easier Client Signups, You’ll do it the DIGI AGENCY Ai Way…

First, why is this FOLLOW-UP Service more profitable Over those ‘Me-Too’ services most of your competiton is offering?

Because of the competition and rising costs of those subpar services and the platforms needed to enable them to happen, that sector has forced "Budget Marketers" to seek out more cost effective ways to increase their business.

And what the insiders have found is this haven of highly targeted prospects who are hungry for help with the ‘mundane’ has less competition… WAY LESS.

Here's the ICING ON TOP for your future elated clients:

Taking Care of Their "Mundane"... Increased their chance of BEING FIRST to respond to prospects which ALSO SPIKES their Profit with More Sales.   

That's the Secretsauce they need!

And it's what will set you up as a highly respected and revered consultant.

Add to this a much more reasonable investment on the owners behalf with a Lower-Cost fulfillment piece fo the consultant… and we have a major WIN-WIN everyone!

Ah… What about prospects for YOUR service?

This method of getting local business owner clients who hate following up can give you a huge payoff. 

It works in a way that enable you to easily cultivate a slew of prospects who need your help with follow up and and other ADD ON services, too!

Now I can't give away the whole store until you're a student, but I do want to wet your appetite since these are fantastic methods everyone is NOT doing.

It’s done with:

  • no one beating you up on your price.
  • no technical skills or paid traffic experience needed.
  • with not an ounce of hard selling
  • with little to no follow up… AND…

You'll do it in a way that will cause your prospects to seek YOU out.  

Because thanks to this Lead development system... YOU are positioned as the ONLY person your best prospects want to work with.

There’s not one single ounce of “theory” in this.  

It's what many of our closest associates are using RIGHT NOW to attract as many clients as they want.

This system works because it was developed, tested and perfected “in the trenches!

You’re getting every ez step with nothing left out!

Here’s the ONE key… Ready?  Get In BEFORE THE RUSH…

We were tempted to keep this on the hush-hush and not share it too much because we didn’t want too many out there doing this.

I've stumbled onto systems before and then a year or two later everyone and their Grandma were doing it!

But that's not how Prady and I got here... I got here by sharing and helping others with my marketing discoveries.

That said, we’ve decided to offer the entire system at an insane price for only a short period of time… probably just a few days.

That way we have a better chance of getting serious consultants who really want to better their life situations. 

So if you want a  service clients will definitely want, and prospects will be impressed by, you should be all over this! Be fast!


You Can Easily Recoup Your Small Investment Many Times Over On Your Very First Client using the Digi Agency Ai system...here's a 'sneak peek' at what you're getting:

  • Why me-too services turns clients off more today than ever before… and why Follow Up Services will position you as smart, unique, and valuable.
  • Your prime targets for getting new clients and how to contact them - no face-to-face required…
  • Why so many consultants and agencies shy away from boring services… this is your upper hand.
  • It may sound odd but whether they are succeeding with their follow-up efforts OR NOT, these are great potential clients!
  • Most Offers To Prospect Clients Stink- Period. Yours Won't since you'll be making them an offer they can NOT refuse
  • The Simple Google step you'll employ to ensure an easy entry into their world…
  • “Will I be taking advantage of the client with such a simple service (and charging those prices?)”
  • The exact words to say to a prospect to reel them in as an eager client.
  • The Simple CLONE step you'll employ to insure an easy setup.
  • Diagnosing Your Prospect Like a Doctor. (and going directly for the pain - it’s push-button easy).
  • The ADDED push-button method to collect TOP-LEADS on autopilot…
  • The ridiculously small number of clients you'll probably need to replace your income!
  • How to actually get the prospect rooting for you to succeed - it's contrarian, but true
  • Demolish The TIME-FACTOR With THIS Tool.
  • How To Beat, "What’s The Catch?" & Their BS Meter.
  • Your prospects have 2 OPTIONS to respond... super powerful without any 'lame' sales tactics.

Our plan and tools flat-out work… they’re now available for you to grab.  Plus, What we teach DEFINITELY isn't theory. 

That’s why we’re so confident, you can duplicate the steps quickly and easily.

Here's more...

  • Why wouldnt the client do this themselves? (the answer applies to 99% of them).
  • The biggest Achilles Heel about Google and how you'll beat it.
  • The EXACT email text you'll need to send out. (its proven to work time and time again).
  • Why you should not care what they say in their initial email reply.
  • Mike reveals his detailed step-by-step process to build the ad campaign.
  • The BEST niches for these campaigns to work in. (dont worry many of these are the biggest, most popular spending niches out there.)
  • No-Nonsense Way To Follow-up with YOUR future clients.

Im really just scratching the surface of whats inside, but I wanted you to get a sense of how valuable this all is.

Why You Need To Get
"Digi Agency Ai" Today

  • Newbie Friendly
  • No Experience Required
  • No Office Needed
  • Proven To Work Strategies
  • Results Start FAST For Your Client (It's why they stick!)
  • NO Fancy Website Needed
  • Email Support
  • All-in-one Solution
  • Unlimited Buyer and Client Traffic
  • Takes just MINUTES to set up.
  • 30 Day "Test-Drive" Money Back Guarantee

This "Digi Agency Ai" Process Makes it SO much EASIER ...

  • To Earn Bigger Fees, More Consistently
  • WITHOUT Creating Content
  • WITHOUT Having Your Own Products
  • WITHOUT An Email List Or Social Audience
  • WITHOUT Building eCom stores
  • WITHOUT Making & Posting Videos
  • WITHOUT Being An Expert
  • WITHOUT Waiting Ages For Results
  • WITHOUT Learning SEO

You Have Limited Time To Claim
Your Early Bird Discount.

Put yourself in the shoes of a successful, in-demand, and highly respected marketing consultant. 

See the picture panning out in your head - you living a new life of more control of your time, finances, and your life.  

If you can see it… and if I’m reading you right, I bet you’re saying:

  • Yes! I’M READY to discover and master Prady & Mike Paul's new Local Digi Agency Ai methods for generating clients and ignore what other consultants are doing.
  • Please give me full access to Digi Agency Ai’s brand-new training and software program immediately…
  • I understand Prady and Mike will walk me through everything I need to know via a series of materials and tools - I’ll get everything I need to see the methods through to fruition.
  • I understand I can use Mike and Prady’s new program to become a highly paid consultant even if I'm brand new.
  • I can also use it if I’m an experienced pro to add thousands to my income.
  • I understand this is not some 'get rich quick' scheme - it will take effort, consistency, and commitment. Being that I have THAT - My shot at raking in client after client just skyrocketed!

PLEASE NOTE: We will shut this offering down VERY SOON.   Sorry, but we can make no promises whether later buyers will get in. Act Today!

We look forward to getting your glowing review... and I'm betting I'm going to hear from you real soon 🙂

All the best,

Prady N., Programming Wizard To Local Consultants

Mike Paul, The Consultant's Consultant

30 Day 'Test-Drive' Guarantee

Take 30 days to really see and live the ingenuity and ease of the method and software – prove to yourself it works!  And if you’re not happy with your outcome, simply let us know about your experience and we’ll refund every penny of your investment.

fade-leftfade-rightThis Price Increases With Each New Sale...

P.S. You've seen what Digi Agency Ai can do for you... so  doesn't getting started NOW just makes sense (it's a complete no-brainer)...

In short, here's a reminder why I feel you have the smarts and vision to see why sleeping in this isn't an option:

  • We’ll show you exactly how to use everything inside Digi Agency Ai to start getting results FAST… and on a shoestring.
  • No technical skills or marketing experience needed. Even if we gave you this training in person, you wouldn’t need it… it’s that braindead simple, our online training is more than enough!
  • Learn from expert programmer and creator Prady N. He has spent years building the best systems that work from the getgo like racing engine.  And when you put him up against all the other mediocre software out there, no one can touch him.
  • Learn from The Consultant's Consultant, Mike Paul.  He's been generating hot leads for clients and for himself and earning top fees since he started. You’ll have his methods for client acquisition the fast and simple way. 

And since this is only available at this price for a very short time, you can rest assured your competition will stay oblivious while they keep running that hamsterwheel. 

And you’ll be laps ahead of them. 

The ball in is your court... your move now.

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Ray A.

Just a note to let you know you are special among the marketer's lists I'm on. You're one of the few who actually read and respond to your emails from customers... your support when needed has been excellent..

Ray A.
Uncle Bruce

Mike didn't ask for this testimonial - I WANTED to do this...

I've worked with Mike for almost 5 years. Honestly I believe he is one of the best local marketers Ive seen. He is definitely NOT a copycat. He comes up with original ideas that can make you money.

In a field crowded with wanna-bees and pretenders, Thankfully, Mike is the real deal."

Uncle Bruce

First, I think you're putting out some good info.  I'm unsubscribing from most marketers, but you're one of the few that I look forward to getting email from because of the quality content.

Christopher G.

...your stuff does stand out and why I'm so high on you. You do things much different than others and why you are having the success you deserve.

Christopher G.

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