Welcome JV Partners!
"Offline Launches Built to Put Easy Commissions In Your Pocket!"
"Life Sales Sticky Leads" is a new launch... made to fill your pockets with easy Commissions AND help consultants on your list stand out with a New Knockout Local Service! Its a Win-Win for everybody!
Launch date is November 11th, 2022 at 11am ET and Ends on November 15th, 2022 at Midnight
There will be a 5-day launch promo then a price bump.
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Must optin to be eligible for the leaderboard
Hello JV friend,
Thanks for checking out my most exciting Launch yet. The details are on this page, but of course, if I missed something, go ahead email me or send a message on Skype anytime.
I'm very excited about this product because our lists are constantly searching for something that will help them Stand Out - and many would agree, to a large extent, you're only as unique as your service is...
This New Angle in Local Marketing Will Have Lucky Consultants a head above the rest!
"Life Sales Sticky Leads" is unique and will command your subscribers' attention from the get-go. They are forever searching for something that pays handsomely with the least amount of maintenance possible in the offline space. SO, This Is It.
The Challenge
Right now, life insurance agents are either buying leads generated from direct mail... or they're buying online leads. And there is no shortage of those leads - that's not where the problem lies.
Here's their deepest pain -
Everyone is doing the same thing!
Meaning, no-one is standing out! Instead, these life insurance agents are shuffling around the same leads and it's finally caught up with them.
Their contact rates have declined, their appointment rates have dropped, and their closing ratios have plummeted!
Along with this, their no-show rates have risen, their cost to get a sale has skyrocketed, and the time it takes to get an appointment or sale has dramatically increased.
And it's all because no-one is standing out anymore...
Here's How It Works...
Selling Life Insurance is very personal. Yet, the methods currently being used are cold, corporate-like, and less than honest. Yes, the leads flow, but getting the sale is an all-out fight that just doesn't make sense.
What your subs will do is work smart on behalf of their future life insurance agent clients by running mail campaigns with the help of machines that simulate handwritten mail pieces... and...
... PROVEN COPY that's guaranteed to set the client up as a star...
And listen to this... any competing mail they get will only sell YOUR CLIENT even more as the best agent!
With just a few clicks of the mouse, your subscriber can create a handwritten mail campaign in minutes and...
... Instantly set the life insurance agent client up as a STAR. Being unique with all the warm & fuzzies that should go along with selling a life insurance policy is what the client will experience, but not only that...
Because they'll, no doubt, STAND OUT FROM THE CROWD (because a smart consultant came to the rescue) - The client will soon...
- Eradicate the competition...
- ...enjoy 100% open rates,
- ...book more appoinments (with practically ZERO no-shows)
- Close More Sales...
- All while spending less time and working less to get the results they want!
Plus, here's exactly why this works
- Handwritten mail (even if it's simulated) gets opened at a 90% + rate!
- Handwritten mail Stands-OUT... and that's what life insurance agents need so desperately!
- Handwritten mail STICKS - Seriously, a handwritten mail-piece will stay around the house for years!
- Handwritten mail is personal, warm, and shows care... something other life insurance agents know nothing about...
- Handwritten notes are rare - no one in business does this anymore!
The last piece of the puzzle is...
**The RIGHT COPY To put on the mail pieces! **
Which is what I give your subs in the training. THIS is what will drive leads out the roof and ensure handsome fees for your subs for years to come 🙂
Thanks so much for your support, and lets ROCK this launch!
[FE & OTO- Products]
Front End: $27 @ 50% Commission (Early Bird first day, then going on dimesale)
OTO (upsell) commission = 50%
OTO (downsell) commission = 50%
[OTO - Upsell]
The first OTO will have consultants ready to attract new clients the easy way. With a proven and tested audio presentation, hard-selling is taken out of the equasion. Also included, is a proven script for those who need it and the best rebutals to get clients signing the dotted line pronto! Priced at $47
[OTO - Downsell]
If your customers opts not to take the upsell, they are then directed to a downsell page with the same product offer minus the top industries list - Priced at $27
[OTO 2 - Upsell]
The Second OTO includes the ULTIMATE BRIBE... one that creates instand obligation with something Life Insurance Agents Highly Need and rarely have. A High converting Landing Page with EZ 10 Minute install instructions. Consultants can use this as a foot-in-the-door! Priced at $57
[OTO 2 - Downsell]
If your customers opts not to take the upsell, they are then directed to a downsell page with the same product offer minus the top industries list - Priced at $37
Affiliate Contest!
$300 first prize, $150 second place, and $75third place.
You must optin to our email list to be eligible for the leaderboard.
*** Must Have at least a Minumum of 30 Total Sales to Qualify for the Contest
*** In the event of a draw, those affiliate will be competing on a value basis instead of number of sales.
The Rundown:
Launch Period
5 Day Launch Pricing (then Price Bump)
50% front, 50% OTO1, 50% OTO2
Launch Date
Launches November 11th at 11am EST and ends on November 15th midnight
Here’s Exactly What To Do...
Your list will love this product, but you might want to prep them the day before and let them know you have a bonus for them...
Considering Sending Multiple emails and hit those unopens at the end of day number one
I suggest you write your own emails. The swipe below will give you a good foundation, but your list wants to hear from you PERSONALLY.

Subject: How To Get $720 For an EZ Batch of Leads?
Weird, but true... This hush-hush niche is your greatest shortcut to getting EZ clients.
Seriously, they're practically already sold on a lead service that you can provide in 10-minutes FLAT.
Here's how I know this.
My buddy, Mike has found the answer to their highest pain.
I won't go into that right now because he lays it all out nicely on the page link you'll see below.
But I will say this...
You'll find, that your future clients on THIS NICHE will be the easiest ones you'll ever sign...
... because of one thing
They're already primed and conditioned to pay a premium for your service.
What's a premium, you ask?
What do you think they're paying now? $200, 400, 700 per month?
Negatory -
RIGHT NOW, they're already paying up to $600 (or more) PER WEEK (Not per month)... for inferior leads.
So, You do the math.
Then check out how you can be the ONLY Consultant helping YOUR FUTURE CLIENTS Stand OUT while collecting your handsome premium fees. [LINK]
[Sign Off]

Subject: The Easiest Client You'll Ever Get...
Wouldn't it be nice to find a niche that is-
*already paying for your service
*but paying for a broken version of it
*and they don't even know that there is a better way
... and once you've "found" them.. the rest of the game is much much easier.
What does this mean to you?
It means that these business men and women would be already Conditioned to your offering.
Meaning - less "convincing", less prospecting, and a much easier sale... For You.
Remember, This previously hidden formula has already been discovered through much testing that you no longer have to do...
And guess what? This local Niche is all around you...
Find out here how to help them... and collect greenbacks in the form of $2400 every single month. [LINK]
[Sign off]

Subject: [NEW $600/Week Service] Engage Machines to Hand-Write Mail Campaigns?
Life Insurance Agents are begging to pay you 600 per WEEK for Stealthy 10-minute campaigns?
See, life insurance agents already know how to get a consistent flow of leads, that's not the issue... here's where the problem lies.
For many years they've been sending out direct mail that looks like stuffy corporate junk...
... and it's worked... up until now.
Undeniably, every Life Agent is sending out the same looking mail pieces!
And it's finally caught up with them.
Since each lead has 10 agents fighting over them... these agents have become a commodity in the customers' eyes.
Their appointments are dwindling, their no-shows are skyrocketing, and their sales rates are plummeting!
This is all good-news for you, the smart consultant
Because you'll soon have a way to make them STAND OUT using machines to simulate handwritten mail... and drive leads, contacts, and sales like they didn't know was possible.
But guess what?
You'll set up an entire campaign in 10-minutes flat.
Follow this direct link to get the full scope of the power of this.
[Sign Off]
And That’s Not All, Because…
I RECIPROCATE For Compatible Offers!

Review Copy...
Review Copy Only given to ESTABLISHED offline affiliates known to us & signed up for our JV email reminders.
Contact Mike Paul with Any Questions
Please contact me via Skype or Email
Skype ID: Mikepaul
Email: Mike@mikepaulonline.com